Anyons { 2D } - Fermions - Bosons

Author: ebuc


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The minimal quantum pulse is a non-isolatable as a particle. Think of it being likened to pulse of blood in our arteries. This pulse is composed of 14 nodal events and 91 lines of relationship, and is within my 3D { not presented } Quantum Space-time Torus

Each set of three outer-inner are nucleated. Do you grasp this? A nucleus within the triangular set.
The nuclear events are our OT { Observed-physical reality-Time }.

The over all most generalizable set is , Cosmic Trinary Set

The primary occupied space trinary set  is: Gravity { attractive/contractive }, OT { attractive-repulsive }, Dark Energy { repulsive }

The trinary subactagory of OT { Observed-physical reality-Time } set is  Fermion, Boson, Anyon,  trinary set.

Anyon is 2D quasi-particle --not sure I get it yet--- tho it kinda goes along with my 2D lattice of and/as, a 3D Quantum Space-time Torus

This link is the visual aid ive found to grasp an anyon { anything between fermion and boson }.

FLRW's avatar
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Solids are made of only three kinds of particles: electrons, protons, and neutrons. None of these are quasiparticles; instead a quasiparticle is an emergent phenomena that occurs inside the solid. Therefore, while it is quite possible to have a single particle (electron, proton, or neutron) floating in space, a quasiparticle can only exist inside interacting many-particle systems such as solids.
ebuc's avatar
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ebuc's avatar
Solids are made of only three kinds of particles: electrons, protons, and neutrons. None of these are quasiparticles; instead a quasiparticle is an emergent phenomena that occurs inside the solid. Therefore, while it is quite possible to have a single particle (electron, proton, or neutron) floating in space, a quasiparticle can only exist inside interacting many-particle systems such as solids.

FLRW, I had read all that earlier today and other stuff also. I still dont grasp anyon as 2D and be and occupied space { 3D volume } at same time.

Particle > quasi-particle < Particle

Makes me think of the two hemi-spheres of brain, with the corpus callosum in between .... *I*..... or as OIO  Ive used that symbolic representation for many years various forums entropic  heat death of Universe's most condensed phase via 4-fold VE and the 5-fold icosahedron { set of 8 combined/congruent via contraction as  4,  icosahedra { spherical if need be } on each side of the flatten VE. See link below

See the flatten triangle in this link, as the collapsed 4-fold VE as the seeming 2D flatten { cosmic corpus callosum }
This first link is the 2nd stage of collaspe/contraction of VE

This 2nd link is the first transformation of the VE and passes through the only partially vectored  5-fold icosahedron.
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Motion in a solid is extremely complicated: Each electron and proton is pushed and pulled (by Coulombs law) by all the other electrons and protons in the solid (which may themselves be in motion). It is these strong interactions that make it very difficult to predict and understand the behavior of solids (see many-body problem). On the other hand, the motion of a non-interacting classical particle is relatively simple; it would move in a straight line at constant velocity. This is the motivation for the concept of quasiparticles: The complicated motion of the real particles in a solid can be mathematically transformed into the much simpler motion of imagined quasiparticles, which behave more like non-interacting particles.
In summary, quasiparticles are a mathematical tool for simplifying the description of solids
ebuc's avatar
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In summary, quasiparticles are a mathematical tool for simplifying the description of solids
Well that is more in line with it being 2D, rather than occupied space with a 3D volume. 

Each electron and proton is pushed and pulled (by Coulombs law) by all the other electrons and protons in the solid (which may themselves be in motion).
That is solid substances and at minimum an atomic chemical element.

I would refer you back to post 1, where I present a similar set of concepts, only at a much more primary and fundamental level of existence involving pulled in from outer, pushed in from inner, and these two both result in our physical reality { OT } of both push { repulsive } and pulled { contractive } phenomena being played out as Observed Time { OT }

Post 1.....The primary occupied space trinary set  is: Gravity { attractive/contractive }, OT { attractive-repulsive }, Dark Energy { repulsive }.

....1.................5p.....7p...............11p......13p....Gravity(   ).....(   ).......(  )
0...........................6...........................12..........OTime /\/\/\/ or as v^v^v^
.............3p.........................9............................OTime \/\/\/ or as ^v^v^v
.......2p........4..................8.....10.......................DEnergy )(......)(..........)(

..........( * ) i ( * )...........



............(3D) >2|D< (3D).........

....occupied space >) Meta-space (< occupied space........

ebuc's avatar
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Are anyons conceptual math sort of like the only way we observe ' virtual particles ' being that we see results affecting real particles.

So, going back to the link in post 1, They mention ' flow around ' and then  ' looping quasiparticles '. I have to again, suspect my 2D lattice pattern  --3D dual invaginated torus--  is a looping  and direct invagination properties of electronic field, in conjunction with photonic field as well as all other Fermions and Bosons, and Gravity and Dark Energy. See bottom of page.

..." Scientists have long suspected these quasiparticles to be anyons, and braiding two of them would give a phase factor of 1/3.

In the experiment, some quasi particles were directed to flow around the standing quasiparticles in the middle of the experimental device. The looping quasiparticles acquired a phase depending on the number of standing quasiparticles encircled.

Other quasiparticles were sent in a direct route experiencing no phase change. The two currents were made to interfere to yield phase sensitivity. As expected, the interference pattern showed two phase contributions.

The first one is a phase produced by the magnetic field, which changes continuously. The second contribution is the anyonic phase change, resulting from adding or subtracting a single quasiparticle to the interior, and is discrete, causing jumps in the conductance. The measured conductance jumps were consistent with a phase factor of 1/3, providing convincing evidence of anyonic braiding. "...

The primary occupied space trinary set  is: Gravity { attractive/contractive }, OT { attractive-repulsive }, Dark Energy { repulsive }.

What is not shown below are the geodesic lines-of-relationship { looping around } to define the tube of Quantum Space-time torus as field with three primary properties.

....1.................5p.....7p...............11p......13p....Gravity(   ).....(   ).......(  )
0...........................6...........................12..........OTime /\/\/\/ or as v^v^v^
.............3p.........................9............................OTime \/\/\/ or as ^v^v^v
.......2p........4..................8.....10.......................DEnergy )(......)(..........)(

Geodesic Surface Looping:

1 > 2 exists a half of a geodesic surface loop ...(...

4 > 5p exists the other half of a geodesic loop ....)....

7p > 8 is next half geodesic surface loop .....(.......

10 > 11p is the other half of that geodesic surface loop.....)...

Dual invaginations:

2p > 3p > 4  wherein 3p is nucleated, Observed-physical reality-Time { OT } /\/\/\/ 3p..6...9...12..15

5p > 6 > 7p wherein 6 is nucleated, OT ergo sine-wave patterning /\/\/\/ 3p.....6...9.....12...15...18.....

8 > 9 > 10 etc OT is ..3p.....6....9.....12....15.....18.....21.....24.....27......30.....33.....36 { 36 combinatoral quark 18 - anti-quark 18  }

11p > 12 > 13p ergo ..3p.....6....9.....12....15.....18.....21.....24.....27......30.....33.....36 { 36 combinatoral quarks pos. and neg. 18  }

Gluons and Quarks:

Remember that, my Quantum Space-time Torus is the minimal set and seemingly one half ---of two 18/0 Tori---  of a of a short lived meson { boson as two quarks }

2 * 18 { 18/0 } = 36 ...two 18/0 Quantum Space-time Tori interfering/overlapping each other, perhaps sharing common center of gravitational orientation

3 * 12 = 36
.." Each of the six quarks and six antiquarks comes in three colours, to make a total of 36 quarks.".. find in page 36 to find this quote

4 * 9 = 36...gluons mathematically should be 9 of them, yet somehow only 8 are observed to be expressed
..."According to QCD and the standard model of particle physics, quarks carry an SU(3) "color charge" which canbe "red", "blue" or "green".  The strong nuclear force which binds these together inside the nucleons ismediated by gluons which must carry a color-anticolor charge.  This seems to give 9 types of gluon: "

6 * 6 = 36...the symmetry of six.

Ive posted elsewhere the Nobel wining scientists who discovered how the brain { two hemi-spheres and corpus callosum },  ---*I*...OIO..., use hexagonal patterns for location finding. Sure many 5-fold phi and fibonnaci patterns in nature, ---and 5 is less than 6--- however, do find more hexagonal pattern over all? I dunno.

.." “The fact they fired in this precise triangular arrangement was just unprecedented,” said Jim Knierim, a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md. As soon as Knierim read the paper back in 2005, “I knew that it was going to be one of the most important findings in systems neuroscience,” he said. “Once the Mosers discovered grid cells” — the neurons that fired in the grid pattern — “we had a new handle on the GPS part of the [memory] system.” (While GPS is a convenient metaphor, scientists believe that grid cells actually use a dead-reckoning system to calculate location.) "..

My tori are triangulated and nucleated hexagonal grid patterns in 2D ergo > also in as 3D tube, when the geodesic lines-of-relationship are added in.  Which I dont have graphic ability to do. Sad :--(

WyIted's avatar
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Back to the future already proved your theory incorrect, and the flux capacitor is not hard to make in real life ID you use a bombalifier 
ebuc's avatar
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Quantum Pulse = 14 nodal events { 0 - 13p } ergo, 3 triangles = 9 nodal events and the quantum pulse must always be taken within context of the 18/0 Quantum Space-time Torus wherein, the 18 and 0  ---conceptual circle that defines inside Observed Time line 0....>....18 wherein,  18 and 0 meet to share same location ergo, the 18/0 in the four line pattern.

With the four line pattern approach, Ive presumed a sequential spiral surface trajectory, that includes two ever so slightly spiral invaginations { in and out }. So the question becomes , can we explain this pulse idea with three triangles ---ergo, outer set of nodal events /\ --- and,

one or more nodal events inside each of the triangular events, or between the triangular events?   Now that is the real quandary for me to tackle.  Is it possible  if the nodal events are occurring in sequence?

.........1.................5p.....7p...............11p......13p....Gravity(   ).....(   ).......(  )
18/0...........................6...........................12..........Observed Time /\/\/\/ or as v^v^v^
.................3p.........................9............................Observed  Time \/\/\/ or as ^v^v^v
...........2p........4..................8.....10.......................Dark Energy )(......)(..........)(

18/0....1...2p is first triangular set.  3p would be the natural  presumptive candidate of relative consideration to the prior triangular /\ set of nodal events.

First of all, we have to grasp the idea that, the triangle is not a closed triangle, as we presume a triangle to be,  when drawn on any medium.  Ex our     pixelated screen......../\.........the triangle is defined by a spiral trajectory, with context of 14 nodal event quantum pulse and the greater Quantum Space-time Horn Torus.

4...5p....6 with 7p being the presumptive candidate of relative consideration to the prior triangular set.

8....9...10 with 11p being the presumptive candidate of relative consideration to the prior triangular set.

12...13p being the presumptive candidates of relative consideration to the prior triangular set.

If we take the above sequence at face value --as presented--- then, the following set:

3p { Ob-Time  }....7p { Gravity }.....11p { Gravity } ......12 { Ob-Time } and 13p { Gravity }

are to be somehow to be considered by me, as the nuclear set relative to the the three triangles, that, I would like to the think of as --or once did before discovering this four line pattern---     follows:

contracting triangle on one end that then pushes along the  of 4th { nuclear? }  nodal event forward >>>>

>>>causing the expansion of triangle in middle{ mid-girth }, that, and the next 4th nodal event is pushed forward >>>>

to cause the next contracted triangle to expand, and that leaves the next set of two nodal events 12..13p to push forward and cause expansion of the next triangle.

So we then have to follow this sequence around this numerically defined spiraling trajectory defined torus. We may see that that the above numerical set does not occur on as we go around the torus.


14.....15...16 with 17p being pushed forward

18/0.........1......2p and 3p being pushed forward.

Ok, so the same sequence appears if go with my above presentation.  The question in my mind is, should the 12 and 13p be considered as part of  initiating new triangular set,---12...13p...14 or maybe even just 13p being the initiation of a new triangular set....13p....14...15.

12....13p......14 with 15 being pushed forward

16....17p 18/0 with 1 being pushed forward, changes the numerically defined dynamics of where the pulse is occurring on each go around the torus.

So start with 13p, instead of the 12 and the numerically defined dynamics of the pulse sequence is changed.

Something to think about. The human begins somewhere as a fertilized egg and ends with death.

All particles have a pulse, when defined by my interfering and overlapping Quantum Space-time Tori, and all particles are believe to decay and die, however, we dont know the natural decay life-span of a proton { a Fermion }.

..." No low-energy light seems to be missing, indicating that very few photons, if any, have decayed since the big bang some 13.7 billion years ago. This analysis enabled Heeck to calculate that the minimum lifetime of a photon is 1018, or one billion billion, years. "...