The Virtual Continum

Author: ebuc


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...." An antidote to this polarised view of events was advocated by Aristotle, whose moral philosophy argued that the Golden Mean, or golden middle way, is the desirable middle between the extremes of excess and deficiency. For example, while courage is a virtue, in excess it would be considered recklessness, and in deficiency it would be regarded as cowardice. "

This above is from the following link --has graphic of the The Virtue Continum--- and  I just discovered for first time and I have to state this following note prior to posting link to the web sites,  in these regards to Golden Mean/Phi value.

.....Note: 5 is intimate to 5-fold symmetry of the icosa{20}hedron ergo phi/Golden Mean link values and FIbonnacci numbers

In the above link find the below { partial }  Virtual Continum
Deficit..........................................Golden Mean..........................................................Excesss

And it is  along the lines of the 4-line pattern for politics I created regarding fasciam, that I posted to prefix and he did not grasp.

.(  *  )  *  )......... isolated trinary set of politics
.....................Orange.............................v.......................Violet.................. ....more isolated twoness set
Irrelevant.......................................v...........v.............................Irrelevant ...outside the purview of signifcant relevancy { random chaotic mess }
............................................( *.. * ) relevant ( * .. * )................................. ....relevant unification of all sets