More fearmongering from radicals

Author: TheUnderdog


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This transwoman (whom apparently is loved by white supremacists) is somehow worried that some mobsters are going to destroy her property due to her beliefs and kill her family members.

1st off; they don't even know where you live.  2nd off; if they did, then they wouldn't have the ability or the will to actually commit murder like that.  Richard Spencer is a white supremist as well; he didn't get lynched; he didn't even get his ass whopped until he decided to go to Seattle and start talking about his ideas.  It doesn't make assaulting powerless people ok, but imagine I go into Dearborn flying an Israeli flag (or Morningstar heights flying a Palestine flag).  Only an idiot does something like that.  Richard Spencer wouldn't be attacked if he stayed in rural white MAGA America and neither would this paranoid person.  Just like black people from Harlem are going to be scared of attacking someone from rural white Trump country.