TW: I just forgot I had to do something (anything) else today (and for the rest of my life).
For your next attempt how about this one:
Knock knock
Who is there?
"The continual movement in circuits of the two antithetical metamorphoses of commodities, or thenever ceasing alternation of sale and purchase, is reflected in the restless currency of money, or inthe function that money performs of a perpetuum mobile of circulation. But so soon as the seriesof metamorphoses is interrupted, so soon as sales are not supplemented by subsequent purchases,money ceases to be mobilised; it is transformed, as Boisguillebert says, from “meuble” into“immeuble,” from movable into immovable, from coin into money.With the very earliest development of the circulation of commodities, there is also developed thenecessity, and the passionate desire, to hold fast the product of the first metamorphosis. Thisproduct is the transformed shape of the commodity, or its gold-chrysalis.39 Commodities are thussold not for the purpose of buying others, but in order to replace their commodity-form by theirmoney-form. From being the mere means of effecting the circulation of commodities, this changeof form becomes the end and aim. The changed form of the commodity is thus prevented fromfunctioning as its unconditionally alienable form, or as its merely transient money-form. Themoney becomes petrified into a hoard, and the seller becomes a hoarder of money."