I got to admit this is suspicious

Author: TheUnderdog


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TheUnderdog's avatar
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I want to see what the left says about this.  How could the democrats just spike up like what they did in Wisconsin?  I've heard that mail in ballots went 77% for Biden; that's not 77%; that's 95%.

The media isn't making sense.  If there is no good explanation, then I might have to vote Trump.  I don't want to have to do that, but hey; if they actually rigged an election; drain the swamp!
HistoryBuff's avatar
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What are you talking about? That looks like about 77% to me. Also, Trump and his goons started TONS of lawsuits about this and all were thrown out for having no evidence. Why are you still talking about it like there a question as to whether there was fraud? There has been YEARS of investigations and no one has found anything. 
TheUnderdog's avatar
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That looks like about 77% to me.
It's a near vertical line; 77% is a slope of about 3x higher than the MAGA slope.  This is like 30x.
HistoryBuff's avatar
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It's a near vertical line;
of course it's a vertical line. They got the results of alot of mail in ballots all at once. Why would it not be?

77% is a slope of about 3x higher than the MAGA slope.  This is like 30x.
I don't know what you are talking about. The blue line goes up about 3 times more than the red line does. 30x would be completely off the graph.
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
I see your point and have conceded my original point.
HistoryBuff's avatar
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Cool. But stuff like this is the core of basically all of the election conspiracy nonsense. Someone misreads a graph, or sees a mother hand her daughter a stick of gum in security footage and jumps to incorrect conclusions. You should try to be more careful before jumping to conclusions.
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
You should try to be more careful before jumping to conclusions.
That's why I go to DART and ask people like you for your take.
DavidAZZ's avatar
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of course it's a vertical line. They got the results of a lot of mail in ballots all at once. Why would it not be?
I think that is Underdog's point.  Why did all the mail in ballots turn out so much for Biden when the graph climbs for both candidates at a consistent level?  Then all of a sudden, Biden voters came in like a flood with the mail ins?

There was no "evidence" because they could not get their hands on the ballots.

It does sound fishy to me.

HistoryBuff's avatar
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I think that is Underdog's point.  Why did all the mail in ballots turn out so much for Biden when the graph climbs for both candidates at a consistent level? 
because the republicans, and trump in particular, constantly said that mail in balloting couldn't be trusted. They said it over and over and over during the election. So democrats voted by mail in ballot at much higher numbers because republicans chose to vote in person.

There was no "evidence" because they could not get their hands on the ballots.
what are you talking about? There were tons of recounts all over the country. What does "they could not get their hands on the ballots" even mean?
IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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It does sound fishy to me.
It probably sounds fishy to the village idiot too. Why do you think that is?

DavidAZZ's avatar
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There were tons of recounts all over the country.
If you recount bad ballots, then of course you will get the same result.

It probably sounds fishy to the village idiot too. Why do you think that is?
Why didn't democrats vote for the bill that passed through the house about illegals not able to vote?  Hmmm . .  Sounds fishy again.

IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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Why didn't democrats vote for the bill that passed through the house about illegals not able to vote?  Hmmm . .  Sounds fishy again.
Again, the Village Idiot is saying the same thing.

“The House speaker, Mike Johnson, claimed in a floor speech ahead of the vote that failure to support the bill would “hand over our country to illegal aliens, cartel traffickers, and violent criminals and murderers”.”

Republicans are a bunch of blowhards

IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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Why didn't democrats vote for the bill that passed through the house about illegals not able to vote? 
Tell me everything you know about that bill. Impress me. Show me how well informed you are about that bill.

HistoryBuff's avatar
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If you recount bad ballots, then of course you will get the same result.
Let me get this straight. There is absolutely no evidence of any significant amount of fraud, so you choose to take that as evidence of fraud? You know that's stupid right?

Why didn't democrats vote for the bill that passed through the house about illegals not able to vote?
because it's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. It's already illegal for an illegal to vote. That's like saying "the dem's won't vote for my new bill outlawing murder, they must love murder!!!". 

All they did was write a bill banning something that is already illegal, then whine about how the dems didn't vote for their pointless pandering to idiots. It's no different than all the other bullshit they've been doing for the past few years. It's pointless theater meant to get right wing idiots to think they're doing something. 
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He also claims that rural counties in Arizona are growing significantly. He’s a MAGA MORON detached from reality 
DavidAZZ's avatar
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HB - Let me get this straight. There is absolutely no evidence of any significant amount of fraud, so you choose to take that as evidence of fraud?
I never said the chart was the evidence.  I said that the fact that nearly all of the mail ballots went to Biden was suspicious.  Nobody got the chance to investigate it.  All the recounts came out the same, but if the mail in ballots were fake, how can we find it out if we are not allowed to inspect them?  We can't inspect them if we don't get approval.  Approval can't happen unless we have evidence.  We can't have evidence unless we can inspect them.

See the circular problem here?

IWRA - Impress me.
Not in your dreams.

As for the illegal immigrant voting.  Why is the southern border wide open with MILLIONS of illegals pouring in?  What would be the reason that the current Administration would allow this?  Giving them cash cards, putting them up in hotels, etc.  
HistoryBuff's avatar
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 I said that the fact that nearly all of the mail ballots went to Biden was suspicious.
why? Trump repeatedly told his supporters not to vote by mail. so most of them didn't. Why would it be suspicious that his supporters did what he said?

Nobody got the chance to investigate it.
again, why? It's been years. There's been lots of time to investigate. 

All the recounts came out the same, but if the mail in ballots were fake, how can we find it out if we are not allowed to inspect them?
why would they be fake? Mail in ballots also have security measures to ensure they are not. They don't just accept random mail in ballots. And there would be lots of things you could do to check, comparing who voted and who is registered. You don't need to inspect the physical ballot to check voter rolls and stuff.

See the circular problem here?
no, not really. There are lots of security measures in place. There's no evidence that there is a problem. 

Why is the southern border wide open with MILLIONS of illegals pouring in?
because they want a better life? You know the exact same thing happens under republicans and democrats right?

What would be the reason that the current Administration would allow this?
1) they don't "allow this". It is a complicated and difficult issue
2) both parties to some extent "allow" it because the economy is, in many ways, tied to illegal immigrants. There are entire industries that would collapse without them. Especially in farming and service industries. Not alot of people want to be cleaning toilets and picking fruit in the scorching heat for very little pay. 

but illegal immigration has nothing to do with getting votes. They can't vote. The only way they could is if they were registered to vote, which they can't do if they are an illegal. 

Seriously, how do you think they are voting? How would that work?
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2) both parties to some extent "allow" it because the economy is, in many ways, tied to illegal immigrants. There are entire industries that would collapse without them. Especially in farming and service industries. Not a lot of people want to be cleaning toilets and picking fruit in the scorching heat for very little pay. 
I am aware of this and am involved with the industry that uses the labor, but the amount has been extraordinary in this administration.  Does it justify the amounts that are coming?

Seriously, how do you think they are voting? How would that work?
Well, you do know that a vast, vast majority of illegals do not report that they are illegal right?  They have fake I.D.s and fake SSN's too.  I just looked up the voter registration for AZ and all they need is a SSN or even a driver's license.  So all they have to do is put those onto the form and "viola", registered.  Illegal?  Yes.  Voting? Also yes.  

Here is a excerpt straight from the AZ Secretary of State website:

Arizona Proof of Citizenship Requirement
A person who submits valid proof of citizenship with their voter registration form (and is otherwise an eligible registrant) is entitled to vote in all federal, state, and local elections in which they are eligible. A.R.S. § 16-101.
A registrant who attests to being a citizen but fails to provide proof of citizenship and whose citizenship is not otherwise verified will be eligible to vote only in federal elections (known as being a "federal only" voter).
A "federal only" voter will become eligible to vote a "full ballot" in all federal, state, and local elections if they later provide valid proof of citizenship to the appropriate County Recorder's office.

All they have to do is fill out a voter registration and can vote in federal elections, but not local.  All they have to do is say they are a citizen but don't have to prove it.

So yes, it is already illegal to have non-US citizens to vote, but I just found a loop hole.

IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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As for the illegal immigrant voting.  Why is the southern border wide open with MILLIONS of illegals pouring in?  What would be the reason that the current Administration would allow this?  Giving them cash cards, putting them up in hotels, etc.  
Why did the country let your family in? Who invited them?

HistoryBuff's avatar
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I am aware of this and am involved with the industry that uses the labor, but the amount has been extraordinary in this administration.  Does it justify the amounts that are coming?
your statements presume that Biden is doing something to cause or allow this to happen. But he largely continued most of the trump era border policies. Also, the republicans recently refused to pass a border protection bill because they want the problem to get worse so they can use it as an election issue. So there's no evidence that biden is at fault. 

I just looked up the voter registration for AZ and all they need is a SSN or even a driver's license. 
a VALID SSN. You can't use a fake SSN to register to vote. The government knows which numbers are real. You think a government agency, with databases of all valid driver's licenses and SSNs can't tell a fake one? seriously?

All they have to do is fill out a voter registration and can vote in federal elections, but not local.
I'm not sure you read that very thoroughly. did you miss "(and is otherwise an eligible registrant)"? That means they have to prove they are eligible to vote. The section you are quoting is just about whether they provide proof of citizenship when registering. They still need to prove they are eligible to vote in order to register, which involves providing ID. 

So yes, it is already illegal to have non-US citizens to vote, but I just found a loop hole.
no you didn't. You just read the wrong document and misunderstood it.

ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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a VALID SSN. You can't use a fake SSN to register to vote. The government knows which numbers are real.
So does every electronic credit check.

That's why you can buy as many valid SSNs as you want.
HistoryBuff's avatar
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So does every electronic credit check.

That's why you can buy as many valid SSNs as you want.
There are other security checks too. But if you are able to fake enough ID and get past security checks to register to vote fraudulently, then you could do it in person too. So voting by mail poses no greater threat than regular voting does.
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So does every electronic credit check.

That's why you can buy as many valid SSNs as you want.
There are other security checks too.
You assume, you have no first hand knowledge.

But if you are able to fake enough ID and get past security checks to register to vote fraudulently, then you could do it in person too.
If you weren't afraid of being caught on camera voting twice. Then again there are "polcies" and laws in many places preventing the recording of voting places.

Also if there was no early voting then you would have to generally be in two places at the same time since stealing the identity of people in one small district is infinitely more difficult. Left-tribe loves early voting (or are told to).

Yet another example of the left-tribe coincidentally favoring policies that make cheating easier.
HistoryBuff's avatar
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You assume, you have no first hand knowledge.
the topic has been extensively studied. All studies agree that voter fraud is very rare. Here's a link to a list of studies by people who have extensive 1st hand knowledge.

If you weren't afraid of being caught on camera voting twice. Then again there are "polcies" and laws in many places preventing the recording of voting places.
ok, so you raise a point, then immediately disprove your own point. Why did bother saying it when you already know it's wrong?

Left-tribe loves early voting (or are told to).
two things. 

1) no, the left loves voter turnout. The left wants as many people to vote as possible because the higher the turnout, the less likely the right is to win. This is because right wing ideas are unpopular. If everyone voted, the right would find it extremely difficult to win elections. 

2) Early voting is most heavily used by the elderly. Statistically, the older people get the more right leaning they become. So no, your point is wrong. It has been true in the last few years only because trump keeps lying and telling his followers that early voting can't be trusted. 

Yet another example of the left-tribe coincidentally favoring policies that make cheating easier.
you haven't shown it makes cheating easier. That is a claim people on the right keep making, but fail to actually prove. They "feel" it makes it easier, so things like facts or reality don't matter. 
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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You assume, you have no first hand knowledge.
the topic has been extensively studied.
So has theology, most theologians agree god exists.

All studies agree that voter fraud is very rare.
Rumors of studies which could not possibly have relevant data, how modern.

Here's a link to a list of studies by people who have extensive 1st hand knowledge.
Let's do some spot checking.

The Brennan Center’s seminal report on this issue
Not a study, not peer reviewed (not that that is any guarantee of anything).

Let's look at the first citation for the first so called statistic

Similarly, in New Hampshire, 22 pairs of people who shared the same
first and last names were flagged for possible double-voting; in fact, all of the flagged voters had different
middle names. 28


Dead link, promising

It may seem significantly more suspicious to register twice on the same day but even then, two registrations do not necessarily yield two votes.
In 2004, for example
Benefit of the doubt now expired. Moving on.

Columbia University is in New York...but the document reports contact info for "Project Vote" out of DC and Little Rock (Little Rock AK is the dark tower of dol guldur of the Clintons for those not aware)

Greg K Borowski
Greg K Borowski
Greg K Borowski
Greg K Borowski
Greg K Borowski

All five references are to the same guy, the guy who is clearly basing the claims on newspapers "Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel", also all from 2005 to 2007. Long before there was a danger the deep state. Even if they did make some kind of compelling case giving an upper limit to the amount of fraud (which they most certainly did not) one could simply argue that the fraud was not highly motivated before the deep state propaganda campaign created derangement syndromes. In simpler terms nobody thought Bush or John Kerry were racist nascent Hitlers that need to be strangled in their crib.

A 2017 analysis published in The Washington Post
A study? How academic for the the Washington Post.

That's enough spot checking. Your false pretense of academic rigor and eye-witness testimony is wearing thin very quickly. In fact it's totally debunked if the first three examples of a supposedly rigorously researched article fail the test.

This is a thin veneer of scientific labeling over tabloids. The Brennan Center has no more credibility than True The Vote from first principles and the fact that they are deceptively presenting their claims and sources is an instant detriment to that potential credibility.

If you weren't afraid of being caught on camera voting twice. Then again there are "polcies" and laws in many places preventing the recording of voting places.
ok, so you raise a point, then immediately disprove your own point. Why did bother saying it when you already know it's wrong?
I didn't disprove anything. In those places where cameras are illegal and poll watchers are marginalized it is still safer and more practical to commit mail fraud.

The  common denominator is left-tribers following propaganda and making it easy to commit election fraud in more than one way.

The left wants as many people to vote as possible because the higher the turnout, the less likely the right is to win.
The more ballots there are the more likely the left is to win. This is because it's easier to dilute the votes of honest citizens with fraudulent ballots than it is to prevent the honest citizen ballots from being counted.

2) Early voting is most heavily used by the elderly. Statistically, the older people get the more right leaning they become. So no, your point is wrong. It has been true in the last few years only because trump keeps lying and telling his followers that early voting can't be trusted. 
"ok, so you raise a point, then immediately disprove your own point. Why did bother saying it when you already know it's wrong?"

Also that premise is wrong. They don't get right-leaning when they grow old, the cultural revolution leaves them behind.

you haven't shown it makes cheating easier.
You can't tell with your eyes closed like that.

If there were cameras on the polling centers it would be more risky to try and vote twice in person, true or false?
HistoryBuff's avatar
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So has theology, most theologians agree god exists.
theologians don't "study" anything. They read fictional accounts made up by previous theologians. 

Benefit of the doubt now expired. Moving on.
There are reasonable reasons why 2 registrations could happen on the same day. Like a clerical error. So you see them saying something obviously true and decide to check out and not read further. 

Even if they did make some kind of compelling case giving an upper limit to the amount of fraud (which they most certainly did not) one could simply argue that the fraud was not highly motivated before the deep state propaganda campaign created derangement syndromes. In simpler terms nobody thought Bush or John Kerry were racist nascent Hitlers that need to be strangled in their crib.
you're not really making any sense or disputing anything. You're just looking for paper thin reasons to hand wave away studies. "Well that study was done in a specific state!!!" "This study was done by one person!!!!"
That's enough spot checking. Your false pretense of academic rigor and eye-witness testimony is wearing thin very quickly. In fact it's totally debunked if the first three examples of a supposedly rigorously researched article fail the test.
you didn't debunk anything at all. You failed to provide a single valid reason those studies aren't accurate.

I didn't disprove anything. In those places where cameras are illegal and poll watchers are marginalized it is still safer and more practical to commit mail fraud.
prove it. You "feel" like it is safer. I don't care about your feelings. 

The  common denominator is left-tribers following propaganda and making it easy to commit election fraud in more than one way.
there is 0 evidence that election fraud in any meaningful numbers has ever happened. Yet you continue to repeat ad nauseum about how the left is making this fictional event happen. 

If there were cameras on the polling centers it would be more risky to try and vote twice in person, true or false?
why would it? Do you think there are people examining everyone who shows up to vote to make sure they didn't vote twice? There aren't. They check ID's, they aren't memorizing faces. The only reason a camera would do anything is if someone already suspected you were voting twice and reviewed it as evidence later. But for that to happen, you have to already know the fraud took place. 
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
So has theology, most theologians agree god exists.
theologians don't "study" anything. They read fictional accounts made up by previous theologians. 

Consensus in a self-selected group of people combined with their ability to produce extensive dialogue is unrelated to verity.

Benefit of the doubt now expired. Moving on.
There are reasonable reasons why 2 registrations could happen on the same day. Like a clerical error.
Of two different clerics in two different states at on the same day out of 365 possible days?

There are reasons, but they are very low probability events. Anyone who doesn't admit this is stupid or deceptive. The example given to supposedly disprove the entire class of red flags is in furtherance of that deception. There are no such things as criminal duplicate registrations for the same state. That is not a crime, it could (to my knowledge) never result in the opportunity to cast two ballots.

Registering as yourself in two different states and the big one: registering as someone else is the problem. Duplicate registrations for the same state are evidence of attempted identity theft and just because there are low probability alternative explanations does not mean the entire statistic may be discarded.

So you see them saying something obviously true
Obviously deceptive.

you're not really making any sense or disputing anything. You're just looking for paper thin reasons to hand wave away studies.
I think "that's not a study" is a pretty thick reason to hand wave away a purported "study".

prove it.
Mail is not traceable, faces can be remembered even if they are not recorded. <- wow so hard

I don't care about your feelings. 
I don't care about your unsupported denials.

If there were cameras on the polling centers it would be more risky to try and vote twice in person, true or false?
why would it?
A review of the footage could show someone casting a ballot twice in the same election.... <- duhhhhh?

Do you think there are people examining everyone who shows up to vote to make sure they didn't vote twice?
rofl, if there aren't I think I found the reason people are concerned.

They check ID's
No, they don't. They check names and if the name was given for in person voting or mail ballot already they are prevented from casting a ballot as normal. If they insist they did not already vote they vote provisionally. At no point is a photo ID checked.

The only reason a camera would do anything is if someone already suspected you were voting twice and reviewed it as evidence later.

But for that to happen, you have to already know the fraud took place. 
No, I think it is possible to review records without knowing fraud (or any other crime) took place. They call this an "audit". It's a term 'experts' use which means investigation done to prove there was no crime, deception, or error. Try google for more.
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Consensus in a self-selected group of people combined with their ability to produce extensive dialogue is unrelated to verity.
the problem is that you are comparing people who actually study data and look for evidence with people who study a fictional book and talk about it. There is no comparison. 

Of two different clerics in two different states at on the same day out of 365 possible days?
I have no idea what you mean. You didn't provide any details beyond the same name being registered twice in the same day. 

There are reasons, but they are very low probability events. Anyone who doesn't admit this is stupid or deceptive. 
Low probability events happen every day. There are hundreds of millions of people in America. That's alot of people registering to vote on any given day. If there had never been a day where the same name was registered twice, that would be extremely unlikely. 

Mail is not traceable, faces can be remembered even if they are not recorded. <- wow so hard
mail is tracible. I don't know why you would think it isn't. Faces can be remembered, but when you are looking at thousands of faces the odds you would remember or even care if you saw the same one twice is pretty low. So no, that is not proving anything. That is you "feeling" like it must be true, so you assume it is without any evidence to support it.

If there were cameras on the polling centers it would be more risky to try and vote twice in person, true or false?
why would it?
A review of the footage could show someone casting a ballot twice in the same election.... <- duhhhhh?
and? 1) the only way it could matter is if someone already suspected their votes were fraudelent and reviewed the tapes, which is highly unlikely to happen.
2) if they used fake IDs, then you wouldn't know who they are anyway. So it still wouldn't be riskier. 

Do you think there are people examining everyone who shows up to vote to make sure they didn't vote twice?
rofl, if there aren't I think I found the reason people are concerned.
so you don't even know how elections work? They check to make sure you are the person on the ID. That's it. They are looking at thousands of faces. The odds they remember someone coming back multiple times is pretty low. 

No, I think it is possible to review records without knowing fraud (or any other crime) took place. They call this an "audit". It's a term 'experts' use which means investigation done to prove there was no crime, deception, or error.

1) the costs with reviewing video footage of every election site to try to spot this would be HUGE. millions of man hours. That's not going to happen. And the odds of it even working if you did do it are negligible. If you don't know exactly who and when you are looking for, it would be pointless.
2) and you think people committing fraud are just going to stare up into the camera, you're an idiot. 
Double_R's avatar
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Why did all the mail in ballots turn out so much for Biden when the graph climbs for both candidates at a consistent level?  Then all of a sudden, Biden voters came in like a flood with the mail ins?
The reason mail in ballots went so heavily for Biden is because as HB already explained, Trump politicized the issue thereby turning his supporters against mail in balloting. But also, remember that we were still going through COVID. So whatever you think about the virus and its risks, you can't argue that anyone who took COVID seriously was far more likely to vote by mail to avoid exposure to the crowds.

This was plainly obvious heading into the election, so it isn't suspicious in the slightest. We all knew those votes were going to swing heavily towards Biden, that's why republicans in key battleground states made sure that mail in ballots were not allowed to be touched until election night.

Think about how ridiculous that position is. Mail in ballots take very long to process, they need to verify the envelopes to registration data before they can even get to the ballot itself, the manual labor involved in that not to mention just opening thousands of mailed in ballots takes days. Anyone who is interested in having the results in a timely manner would want that process started as soon as possible, but that's not what republicans wanted. They wanted this to look suspicious. They wanted to discredit the votes they knew were going to swing towards Biden. This was planned because they knew people like yourself could be manipulated into thinking exactly what they wanted you to think.

Contrast those states with Florida, who has more mail in ballots than most states in the country. They did the common sense thing and had those ballots ready to go so on election night as soon as the polls closed it showed Biden with a big lead, and then all of a sudden you started to see Trump catch up and then pull ahead as same day votes were counted. Did anyone think that was suspicious? Of course not.

John Oliver among many others explained this on his show weeks before the election. Everyone knew to expect this, except those listening to Trump.
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Consensus in a self-selected group of people combined with their ability to produce extensive dialogue is unrelated to verity.
the problem is that you are comparing people who actually study data and look for evidence with people who study a fictional book and talk about it. There is no comparison. 
I am comparing appeals to authority. Whether or not there is real evidence does not depend on who claims to study and who agrees with who.

You claimed there were studies. The only thing there is any indication of anyone studying is news articles. I also 'study' the news. Recall my claim is that you have no first hand knowledge, you said there were people who did have first hand knowledge. If reading news is firsthand knowledge then we both have it, but it is not.

You didn't provide any details beyond the same name being registered twice in the same day. 
The treatment of the subject is enough detail to show the asserting entity is clueless or malicious.

There are hundreds of millions of people in America. That's alot of people registering to vote on any given day. If there had never been a day where the same name was registered twice, that would be extremely unlikely. 
When unlikely events happen often that is circumstantial evidence of hidden mechanics.

If the events are rare they are easily audited. If they aren't, democracy requires an audit all the more. There is no escape.

Mail is not traceable, faces can be remembered even if they are not recorded. <- wow so hard
mail is tracible.
lol, then release the data. Find where the data is released.

I don't know why you would think it isn't.
Just living in the country while not being an idiot I guess.

Faces can be remembered, but when you are looking at thousands of faces the odds you would remember or even care if you saw the same one twice is pretty low.
Low is more than zero.

so you assume it is without any evidence to support it.
I don't need evidence when the opposition concedes the premise. You have already conceded that faces can be recognized. If you didn't I wouldn't waste my time responding.

1) the only way it could matter is if someone already suspected their votes were fraudelent and reviewed the tapes, which is highly unlikely to happen.
It would be much more likely to happen if people who cared about democracy ran elections in swing states.

2) if they used fake IDs, then you wouldn't know who they are anyway. So it still wouldn't be riskier. 
Using someone else's SSN is a hell of a lot easier than replacing their image with yours in a photo ID database.

There are no photo ID checks at polling booths. The assumption is that if you are registered you are eligible and that anyone who gives the right name and address combination is the person in question.

Other than signatures, which we have learned are not truly checked, there is no further safeguard around mail-in-ballots. The main difference is that someone can produce fraudulent ballots and get them into the ballot box without exposing themselves to any risk which is not true for in-person voting.

so you don't even know how elections work?
I do, you don't; and you don't know how mail works either.

They check to make sure you are the person on the ID.
There is no ID checking going on in left-tribe influenced areas including swing states.

All you need is a name and an address and democracy betraying left-tribers went so far as to send ballots do addresses different from the registered address upon request.

1) the costs with reviewing video footage of every election site to try to spot this would be HUGE. millions of man hours.
You don't need to check every hour and every face to have a chance of catching a cheater. That is what "risk" means, something that could happen.

Since mail is untraceable there is no risk. No risk of your car being photographed going to different polling places. No need to go to different polling places. No one sees your face. No one knows your real address.

Confession or equivalent mistake is the only way to catch a mail-cheater and that is the problem.