IQ tests are not a meassure of intelligence.
They are just a meassure of how good you are at solving those tests.
The actual intelligence, which consists of goals, priority of each goal, and ability to achieve them in correct priority, is not something which most people even have.
There is no way for me to explain this in a way anyone can understand except me, but 99% of people dont have a functional brain, which is why the world is a literal shit and no one even cares enough to fix it.
I was born on a planet filled with what I can only describe as zombies who operate under "group mentality". They just think whatever the group leader tells them to think, and group leader just wants to gain more power for himself.
This simple description very much applies to every group in society, since all people except me for some reason dont have ability to reject orders from their leaders.
I dont really know if there is any other person on Earth with a functional brain, but so far I havent met any.
All what I have met are zombies incapable of actual thinking.
Actual thinking would involve weighing the opposites, but no person except me has the ability to actually argue for all sides.
Also, no person except me is aware that logic is flawed because no premise can be proven without some other premise, which means that no premise can actually be proven since you can never reach the last premise.
So basically, I am alone in the world filled with creatures who have almost nothing in common with me.
They live in some delusions of morality, when morality doesnt even exist, especially not in their world.
Also, they are destroying this planet due to their violent nature.
Due to their violent nature, they focus the entire economy to produce weapons for violence, and each side has incentive to produce weapons of greatest destruction possible, which basically guarantees that in an event of any war, great destruction would follow.
Military competition helps no one, since they are using massive amounts of resources to achieve destruction, not creation.
Thus, military competition makes no actual sense, because it achieves practically nothing. It doesnt even make countries stronger, because in the event of war, all sides are facing losses, both military and economical losses. There are no winners, since winner doesnt gain anything in war, because no matter how many wars you win, due to violent nature of humans, new enemies constantly rise to replace old ones.
Thus, people must work twice as much to sustain military competition that helps no one.
As I said, these people are literally brainless.
They have polluted the planet to the point where every person has plastic in his body because plastic is everywhere in environmemt and in food.
There is simply no going around the fact that technology was suppossed to be one of the greatest things humans ever discovered, yet it proved to be one of the worst things which has turned us into a literal cancer of the planet.
From the point of view of the planet, humans are cancer which has cut down forests, polluted all nature and air with many poisons, chemicals, cleaning products, plastics...ect., exterminated many species of animals, created factory systems designed to breed and kill animals on a mass scale just so people can get fat, created junk food which can barely be called food because you are basically eating poisons, pesticides, plastic, and many chemicals which end up in food.
There is much more, but people are brainless to even understand that they are the cause.
Their mentality is to sit down and do nothing and hope that things will get better. It is a brainless mentality.