What the fuck did I just watch?
Says more about you than youtube.
YouTube recommended.
they recommend stuff based on past. stuff you watched
Yeah, YouTube was like
"Hey this guy watches anime"
"Yeah, lets send him this lmao"
It has a recommendation algorithm based on your past likings. In other words, your taste is so weird they decided to recommend this to you.
Not anyone else's problem.
Its not about my taste.
If you are long enough on YouTube, eventually you will run into some weird video.
If you click on it, then YouTube recommends you even more weird videos.
And you actually cant know which videos are weird until you click on them.
This video looked innocent, but after I clicked on it, it turned out to be probably one of the weirdest videos I ever watched.
YouTube is filled with these weird things and click baits.
I think its the most weird place on Earth.
Hanging on youtube all day long is a problem we both share. It is like indulging in drinking except maybe a tad bit less harmful. I have no remorse in doing that, but that is still a problem.
I focus on YouTube and this site.
There are plenty of other sites like facebook, 4chan, instagram, Quora...ect. but I really cant be on them all in one day.
YouTube alone takes like 3 to 4 hours of my day. This site maybe takes away 4 to 5 hours, and gaming and work take the rest.
Besides, when it comes to trolling and content, its probably YouTube and this site which are the best for it.
YouTube wont ban you if you troll in comments, which I think is fair.
Besides, YouTube has almost every song uploaded to it.
Other sites simply dont offer as much, I think.