For those thinking that the world will improve, I present 4 arguments:
1. Argument of history
2. Argument of success
3. Argument of bad people
1. Lets start from history. Human history is filled with violence. In fact, we are seeing lots of violence right now in the world.
It would be silly to assume that world will be fixed in your lifetime, when it wasnt fixed for 10,000 years of known history, your lifetime being less than 1% of that.
2. Now, argument of success is probably the most obvious reason why world will always be shit.
Historically, violent people were the ones who conquered, reproduced and succeeded. So most of the people of today are offsprings of violence and of violent people.
Even today, violence is rewarded. Just observe dictators who use violence to get what they want, or people who use force to get what they want.
3. Argument of bad people should be common sense. Most of the people in the world are bad. They mock others, insult others and humiliate others. A typical YouTube comment section is enough to prove this, but it doesnt stop there. In real life, people also attack others all the time, endanger others, cause pain to others...ect.
So there is no possible way you can make good society out of these people. Its a contradiction as much as it is to say that bad people will mostly do good deeds. It wont happen.
People will use almost every opportunity to benefit themselves over others, and in such a competition, not all can even be winners since some are more skilled than others.