How Jack Frost was defeated. A COC(k) story

Author: WyIted


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For some background into the world of COC and my personal clan, see this thread which features the Greatest Chinese Warrior 

Everyone knows clash of clans right? Well I had a strategy to improve my clan. I would often leave my clan for a week at a time or so and leave the Greatest Chinese warrior in charge. 

A lot of clans had what are called feeder clans, which are basically the minor leagues where the clans raise up new talent. 

I developed a strategy to turn the world into my feeder clan. 

I was high ranked and I would join a tribe as a normal member and my effort was entirely around building the highest ranked troops possible and donating them, but I would also make comments like "yeah I just started this base 3 days ago" and then people would be like

"WtF are you gemming"

Which means am I buying gems to level up fast. I would tell them "kinda, but I am not allowed to talk about it" and be vague

After some nudging I would explain the following

"Well don't tell anyone but my dad is a developer for the game and he showed me this hack where if I am made leader I can do it and give everybody millions of gems and I did that for myself"

They would then beg me to become their leader and do the hack and immediately step down. 

So naturally when I became leader I systematically kicked everybody from the clan and informed the highest ranked members we were reorganizing into my other clan, and send out invites.  

So basically one day I get into this one clan that is basically the clan of a church group, led by somebody they called Jack Frost. 

Jack Frost happened to be in the hospital when I joined so the church group could not made me leader but I assured them I could pull off the hack as co leader. All the mods were arguing about whether to allow me to do the hack or not and all were afraid of missing off Jack Frost. They voted me into a coleader position and then I waited until they stopped responding to me in chat and I started kicking everyone and inviting them to my clan. 

A lot of the top ranked were joining my clan as I anticipated but since I was not leader I could not kick the mods so the clan stayed somewhat in tact.

Anyway fast forward a week and Jack Frost was out of the hospital. He joins my clan and tells them they can come back he fixed the clan. The 5 people I watched told Jack Frost they liked my clan better and told him to actually go fuck himself. 

The greatest Chinese warrior told him to never disrespect me again and booted him. For 3 months he would join or have somebody join and they would fuck with me by donating wall breakers and goblins to my people. 

In the end, I defeated Jack Frost, turned his IRL friends against him and made my clan stronger.

Later down the road we have the greatest hostile takeover of all time involving my feeder clans that I set up after this debacle and an organized assault on Australians. 
Best.Korea's avatar
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I never played that.

I guess I am too busy with 20 games I play every day to keep my brain focused on lots of things. 

But usually, my strategy in clan games is to join some peaceful clan and just play campaign story if there is any.

I am really not interested in fighting against clans who payed money and have basically unbreakable defense. 

Like, when I play Nations of Darkness, I can protect all my resources for free in just 8 days of playing. So someone who pays money can likely do the same, which makes any attack on them pointless and all you can do is kill their units and lose some of yours while you get no resources what so ever, and they can only do the same to you.
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Wylted the Ruthless. He is the man to leave a babe in a forest and boldly declare "Have at it yourself". Why? Because he is his own man.