Ok, here my little story for the day.
I got home from work. And I decided to go to the Dell, to get a bottle of water and some crackers. I brought them Bec I was going for a walk for some hours.
So, I walk and walk some more until I reach a park. I enter this park and walk by this pond, while it had many ducks in this pond. And I noticed I didn't even touch the crackers that I brought. I intentioned to eat those crackers too. But for some reason I just wasn't hungry. So, I decided to give them to these ducks. I opened up the box, and I was about to feed them these crackers, but then I noticed these two older Korean or Chinese couple just staring at me. So, I stop myself and looked back at them. And then they keeped on staring at me and to make matter worse they started talking in Korean or Chinese. Again I not sure how to tell. Lol. But this was so fucking irritating to me. They staring at me and then taking about me I bet.
Anyways I decided to walk up further up the pond away from them. And then I reach a place where I though no one would be at so I can feed the ducks. Then this fucking guy all buff working out stop what he was doing and just started staring at me I looked at him straight in the eyes multiple of times. “Telling myself why is he looking for Soo long why is he just staring at me. This motherfucker I'm saying in my head.” So, of course I felt even more irritated at this point I only wanted to feed the damn ducks and yet people just can't mind their own fucking business. Why? Like fucking shit. It Soo goddamn annoying. It not like I’ dress up like a clown. I just wearing a normal gray t, and some sweatpants and running shoes. And yet those people just had to keep watching.
Finally, I moved somewhere else and found a spot to feed the ducks where no wondering eyes were watching.
It just so irritating to me that people can't mind their own business…