Some rules I like to live by

Author: TheUnderdog


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TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
If you hate public school (not just think it can be improved, but if you hate public school), then don't become a leader for a public school.

If you hate charter school (not just think it can be improved, but if you hate charter school), then don't become a leader for a charter school.

If you hate government (not just think it can be improved, but if you hate government), then don't become a leader for government.

Any politician that says, "Government is bad, now vote for me for government", I'm not voting for them.  If they alternatively say, "Improve government" or, "My opponent's government is bad", then I'll hear them out.  But politicians should cater to the high IQ; not the low IQ.

There are 3 voters; one of an IQ of 140; another of 120; and another with an IQ of 100.  The first wants a plan to get us out of debt (something that benefits everyone).  The 2nd cares about abortion (something that could directly impact them or someone else significantly, but it's not as big of an issue as the US debt).  The 3rd voter wants to know a politician's take on some stranger trans woman competing with cisgender women in a sport that does not directly effect them or too many other people to nearly as a significant degree (compared to abortion and the US debt).  The 3rd voter probably doesn't have any kids that are good enough at sports to in theory lose their spot to a transwoman or is in that position themselves; it doesn't matter.  They have very strong opinions about Israel/Palestine when the news was preaching about it (and will lose interest the moment the current thing switches enough).  They don't offer any solutions to help both sides be happy; nor do they understand things from the other side (an example would be to let Israelis and Gazans move to the US to escape bombings from their governments).

The IQ=100 group make up probably 90% or so of the voters in this country.  For this group, if they love Trump, then nothing Biden can do will get them to switch their vote to Biden.  If they hate Trump, then nothing will get them to switch their vote.  Like for me, if Trump never did Jan 6, then I would legitimately consider him a good alternative to Biden.  I may not vote for him, but I would at least consider it.

Most people that hate Trump, Trump could have never did Jan 6; they would want to impeach him.  He could have advocated for abolishing ICE and most people who hate him would hate him for it.  Trump could be pro choice and most people that hate him would still hate him.  Why?  Vibes.  Trump gives off vibes that a large part of the country clicks with and a large part of the country hates.  Same with Obama.  There are few willing to admit voting for him because he's black; but most Obama voters like Obama's vibes.  Obama could bomb a place; kill a bunch of innocent civilians; and most Obama voters wouldn't care.

Most Trump voters will be anti war only if Trump is anti-war.  Trump said he would bomb the shit out of ISIS (which would have killed a lot of innocent civilians) and then the anti-war pro-Trump crowd doesn't change their vote based on it.

The low IQ majority only care about vibes.  I can literally say this to one of these low IQ people, they say, "Your right man" and they will assume I'm talking about someone else.

This country is filled with sheep.  Asking them to be their own Shepard is an impossible request because their IQs just aren't high enough for that.  Most Trump supporters would vote for Jessie Ventura over Biden if the coverage was the same (Ventura has very Trumpian vibes).  Only policy should matter (and the rare instance of character flaw, like raping a child).
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
For sure, the low IQ majority have ovine tendencies.

Woof Woof.

WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
Some rules I like to live by

1. If an institution is harmful and so ingrained into society that it cannot be removed and you could improve that organization so it improves society or atleast is less harmful. Don't do anything to improve society, because fuckem.
Discipulus_Didicit's avatar
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Discipulus_Didicit's avatar
Most people that hate Trump, Trump could have never did Jan 6; they would want to impeach him.  He could have advocated for abolishing ICE and most people who hate him would hate him for it. 
What are you basing this on (besides vibes)?