Welcome to UPick Mafia! Have fun!
Savant – you are the Joker! You win with the town.
Smooth Criminal (Active, x1 per game) – Despite various attempts by Batman to bring you to justice, you always seem to get away with it. As such, one night per game, you may choose to become bulletproof.
Agent of Chaos (Active, x1 per game) - You love nothing more than to watch the world burn. One day per game, you may choose to steal a player’s vote, allowing you to use it for yourself. You may not use this ability at MYLO or LYLO.
Living Players:
1. Wylted
2. Barney
3. Pie
4. Joebob
5. Casey
6. Moozer
7. Lunatic
8. Earth
The DP ends 72 hours from the first player post in this thread.
Additional Info:
Lunatic may not be voted today.