The problem with all these counter movements like the men’s rights movement is that straight white males are still born much better off than other minorities.
Straight White males are better off than straight males, or males, from other races. Gender experience is too multifaceted to have a narrow set of metrics by which one sex is clearly doing better than the other. One can try, but this is called cherrypicking. Men's rights activists could just as readily pick another dataset that "proves" men have it worse. Neither they nor feminists are wrong per se, but both have incomplete perspectives on this.
Even with the above, I'd add *most* other races. Asian-Americans and Jewish-Americans, and even a handful of Black immigrant populations, are statistically wealthier than the average White person. Sure, every now and then they'll be subjected to a hate crime (which isn't intrinsically worse than being the victim of other types of violent crime), but intergenerational wealth is hugely decisive in determining quality of life.
Furthermore there are subgroups within White America who are as poor as Black America. For example, I would presume a deep Appalachian White man and an inner city Detroit Black man have both lived through poverty about the same way. One gets support and recognition for their ongoing hardships while the other basically doesn't.
I’m not really against a white history month or whatever but the reason we have black history month, and AAPI month and all the other ones is to celebrate people who are born without privilege
Wylted's answer to this is pretty solid, I think.
The idea of a White history month insofar as it's used as a bludgeon to make other racial history months not be celebrated may be problematic. But it does deserve to be celebrated in its own right, or at least specific European ethnicity heritage months, because a society where only some people are allowed to celebrate where they came from is fundamentally unjust.
How about we honor the history of white people by going and commits some good old fashioned genocide. Because that’s what most of that history is.
The "true" sin of White people, if you would, is having a far better documented history than the rest of the world, so that none of their historic crimes are simply forgotten and just assumed to have never happened. North Africans, many of whom were Black, participated in slave raids on Europe for over a thousand years during the Islamic period. But all that's remembered today is the 400 year span when Europeans were doing it to them.