I have been thinking about what system is the best, and I am certain its anarchy.
From basics, doing whatever you want with your body is the most desirable state of things you can possibly have while not attacking others.
You dont want the government to be vaccinating you against your will, or telling you what you are allowed to say.
Basically, almost everyone wants to own their own body.
The only difference between an anarch and someone else is that anarch only claims ownership of his own body, where others feel the need to own other people as well.
Thus, government in its current form violates person's body in several ways:
1. Through laws which force vaccinations and circumcision, as well as forced education, and other forms of body violation, as well as limiting free speech and limiting what person can do with their own property, buisness and body.
2. Through taxes which forcefully take from those who work and gives it to those who dont, thus diminishing wealth of those who are taxed.
3. Through copyright - person cannot use some idea or make a copy of a product simply because someone claims "intellectual ownership".
4. Through element of force - government can use force against you if you do anything government claims to be illegal, and government determines what is illegal.
5. Through teaching of force - government sets the example that force is okay, thus it openly says "force is okay", therefore educating people to use even more force.
6. Through intervention in personal life - government does many interventions in people's personal lives, thus controlling personal lives, but government also teaches that its okay to control other people's lives and sets an example for violators to follow.
All governments are failures simply because they start from a false premise.
Each government starts from the premise that it can own other people's bodies. That is the premise of every government. Thus, every government is essentially slavery.
Yet for person to live a life as he wants, he must own his own body.
So government's premise is in complete contradiction with the condition for person to live a life as he wants.
Clearly, government cannot exist without violating people's bodies and claiming ownership of other person's body.
Every anarch can exist without claiming ownership of someone else's body.
In fact, people dont become anarchs because of selfish purposes, but rather the very basis of anarchy is built on refusing to own other people's bodies.
Anarch merely respects that which government doesnt: your absolute ownership of your own body.
Anarch can exist without violating other person's body, since that is the premise of anarchy.
Government cannot exist without violating other person's body, since its very premise claims right to do so.