Depending on the angle you cut, you can have an infinitely large surface area to put your cream cheese on.
Bucky Fuller defined this many years ago via a tetrahedron or any finite, 3D polyhedron as macro-infinite subdivision aka multiplication-by-division. Old news to some of us. The new news is it can occur in special-case manner shown in the utube in message #1 using a via a spiral slicing of a torus to increase the area, --mathematical concept--- tho not in finite, occupied space Universe. Or so I believe.
This is where I differ with Bucky. Not that he states he believes Universe is micro-infinitely subdividing itself --ergo eternally subdividing--, only that in Meta-space mind/intellect we can state this Meta-space concept.
My dual invaginated, Quantum Space-time Tori are also based on spiral, as delineated by a numerical sequence on four lines, in 2D pattern.