Field As Horn Torus > Dual Invaginated { Not Yet }

Author: ebuc


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“There may be something woven into the fabric of space that we don’t yet understand,” the astronomers said. "

Patterns of interfering Quantum Space-time Tori

( Gravity ) >< * observed { quantized } time physical reality *  ><  ) Dark Energy  ( (  *  )( *  )space...... <----vertical bisection/cross-section  of quantum space-time torus

....(>   <()>   <).....  horizontal { aka birds-eye-view } bisection/cross-section of a torus showing dual invaginations idea.

When we have many of these quantum space-time tori ---of varied frequency sets--- interfering in many varied ways, we get many possible fields --webs of space and time---


' space 'is ithe nvisible { non-quantized } Gravity and Dark Energy, and,

' time '  is our quantized physical reality.

Both space { G and DE  } and time { PR } have regular sine-wave pattern field, tho created in two differrent ways.

Physical Reality is resultant of invagingations { v } from peak of Gravity geodesic, and,  invaginations { ^ } from peak of Dark Energy geodesic. (> * <)(> * <) ergo the sine-waves are kinda of like this ^v^v^v^v or /\/\/\ tho keyboard charactors straight lines or more of a Euclidean visual.

Gravity and Dark Energy create more curved sine-waves (   )(   )(   )(   )(   )  and more and more, I think when I say Quantum Space-time Tori, I think the radius or overall diamter of these space-time tori can range from smallest observed particles, to ultra-large ergo ultra-long wave patterns of space  { G and DE } and time { physical reality }.

I dont have graphic abilities nor money to pay others with graphic abilities to create these dual invaginated tori { various frequencies } and having their pattern fields interfering so that we may see some of the many possibilities that could occur in Universe.

ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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Like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. ebuc may appear to be an indoctrinated partisan zombie, but eventually something will shift in his 'mind' and we'll be back to esoteric pseudoscience cult crazy.

Cult irrationality in two flavors, enjoy!
ebuc's avatar
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.." constuction of horn torus ---without the diametric dual invaginations of my specical-case Quantum Space-time Tori with 18 nodal events and 153 lines of relationship--. 

..." 1. conventional method: rotate a circle around a tangent full 360° resulting figure is a 'solid of revolution' but here all turns around this symmetry axis
we will consistently denote as 'rotations'! (revolution: swing around the torus bulge)"...> * <)(> * <)space..... = reprsentation of the eternally existent, and truly non-occupied space, that, embraces our finite occupied space Universe.

(> * <)(> * <) = representation  three primary types of occupied space Universe

(  ) as the outer positive curved Gravitation field set of nodal events and their geodesic lines of relationshiip to  the inner,

)( as the inner Dark Energy geodesic set of nodal events and lines of relationship back to the out Gravitation peak of curvature.

> < as the representations of invaginations popping inward from outer surface of Graviational field of nodal events and former inner surface of Dark Energy field of nodal events

*  * represents the physical reality resultant --and sine-wave associated { 0...3p....6.....9....12.. etc}--  physical reality resultant of the invaginations in then back out to outer and inner surface of nodal field events.

Ive added additional lines with invaginations ^v^v^   as and aid to those having  difficulties visualing the invaginations from outer and inner surface set of nodal field events. This below is the minimal set needed for the minimal Quantum Space-time Torus of Unvierse

.......1.....................5p......7p............11p....13p.....................17p.....19p loops around to...1
-----------------------------v--------------------v----------------------------- v-----
0..................................6........................12...................................18......loop back to share zero location { 18/0 }
.................3p...............................9..........................15..........................loops around to ..................3p
............2p........4......................8......9.................14.......16....................loops back around to.......2p

So these above four numerical lines, when looped around form four planes, all four in same planar aligment, each defined by a set of nodal events. Ive placed the two inside the torus tube closer together to help reader make distinction, that, those two inside the toroidal tube are representative of our physical reality

........(   ((   ()   ))   )........

(            ) - outer Gravity field

() = inner surface Dark Energy field

((   ))  = physical reality field of nodal events

And know that this is above does not place into consideration of two or more such dual-invaginated, horn tori overlapping at and interfering at 90 degree axis to each other or other degrees of axis and more great horned tori interfering sharing a common center point or even those that only partially overlap with others sets, so and so on to fill and define, all of our finite, occupied space Universe.

Imgination is a Meta-space tool for humans to use to there benifit in various ways, to grasp the environment the live in, as well as entertainment.

(> * <)(> * < ) = vertical bisecetion of horn torus with two asterisks representing physical reality inside the tube of Qunatum Space-time Horn Torus

(>   ((   < ()>   ))    <) = horizontal bisection of Quantum Space-time Horn Torus

..' my education has been one of biggest impediements to my learning ' ...A Einstein
WyIted's avatar
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I urge you for the love of God watch some buckminster fuller documentaries. One's that are critical of him because they will be more honest. No doubt the "buc" in ebucs name is about him, but he has taken buckminster fullers esoteric theories and just drove himself crazy with them. Buckminster would also do weird shit like invent new words and concepts to confuse his audience. For example he used the term outstairs instead of upstairs because he considered earth a spaceship and the stairs were heading in an outward direction to the earth. This shit would be no big deal and a fun way to view the world but it was peppered into every phrase he spoke and when your premises to your premises to your premises use this special language than it gets silly, which was his intention because he was a scam artist
FLRW's avatar
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           invagination:  the action or process of being turned inside out or folded back on itself to form a cavity or pouch.
    • a cavity or pouch formed by being turned inside out or folded back.
      plural noun: invaginations

ebuc's avatar
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Thanks FlRW......Invagination > as easy as 1, 2, 3,  ABC, thats how easy invagination can be. Sung to M Jackson and Jackson 5 tune.

Einstein quote {?}  ...' Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. '....

..' my education has been the greatest impediment to my learning '....

Why put out the effort to  imagine, or learn,   when it is so much easier to offer sarcastic insult, that, most often lacks logical common sense critical thinking? Welcome to planet Earth. :--))

Some refuse to think outside the box/square, triangle, pentagon, hexagon, hpeta-gon etc til we get the non-existent, conceptual perfect circle accessible via Meta-space mind/intellect.   
ebuc's avatar
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If Universe is real locally, then, its system of operation should occur at an average of  45 degrees according the Einsteins belief system ---my interjection---   in following video further below

Go too 8:00 to get a little context of Bells theorem was proved in 1972 by Clauser  { 10:00 }, ergo, Universe is not  locally real.

Where it gets interesting most to me, is at 9:20 or so where he states that if the polarizers are at some angle set between i.e other than 90 degrees, we should get this average of 45 degree of incidence. See Feynmans reply shortly after .

Bucky Fullers  statically conceptual Operating System of Universe is 60 degreeness of the statically conceptual 12-around-1 Vector Equilibrium/VE { 24 chords >< 24 radii } aka cubo{6}-octa{8}hedron and when the nuclear 13th sphere{ the one menitoned above } is removed, the VE becomes the jitterbugging transformation in semi-dynamic operation.

So the above video experiment  uses photons to prove Bells theorem.   So now recall above that the average should be seen as 45 degrees of incidence, ergo, 60 degeness is included in the non-90 degree set of by Alice and Bobs polarisers.

The 12-around-1 VE is a 60 degree-ness oriented system, that, in its jitterbugging transformations goes through all angles of orientation, including the the octahedron, that has three axis sets of 90 degee-nesss and I identify with the electron ---electron absorbs and emitts photons---.

My Standard Model would have 5 sets of the VE   --5-fold creation of 4-fold's, four great horn tori }  interfering with each other,  to create a single photon.

My view that the photon { 5 sets/conditions of four great horn  tori }   collapse to the 90 degree state to be integrated into the electron { as the above shown electron/octahedron } and when it is emitted it is maximally dispersed set of inter-transforming states of more dynamic angular orientation .

This I believe is the electro-magnetic field ergo a photonic field.
There is another video by this same person he did this vid at top of this post, and this other vid is about the strong nuclear { 4, great 4-fold horn tori } and strong sub nuclear force { gluons 6, 5-fold great horn tori } and how they discovered the finite limit of the strong force coupling limit. Very interesting indeed. 

ebuc's avatar
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Distance makes the heart grow fonder, yes, but it makes the force grow weaker, that is all except for one. Gluons aka gluonic force

The strong gluonic nuclear and sub-nuclcear force in theory is supposed to be infinite, however, below we find out from experiments it has finite coupling constant.

So the two kinds hadronic player are:

1} the strong nuclear { 4, great 4-fold horn tori } .....i.e. gluons that hold two quarks together and labled as a Meson, and,

2} strong sub nuclear force { gluons 6, 5-fold great horn tori } and hold together three quarks of hadrons like proton and neutron.

This next vid is about how they discovered the  strong force has a finite coupling limit. Very interesting indeed. 

One other detail others should know, going into this topic, is that,  there exist 36 combinations of quark { in twos as mesons or in threes as protons and neutrons } ergo 18 quarks and 18 anti-quarks are possible in our finite Universe.

See 8:50 ...There is a disturbance in the force...... and it makes it appearence at longer distances. See *:9:39 and  Most thought his eperimental data was incorrect or incomplete, until, he meets Stanley Brodsky professor of a the University of the Standford Linear Accelerator  { SLAC }. See 10:50

At 11:10 - 11: 40 enter theoretial data converting our 4D Universe to 5D P Brodsky }and apply it the known data { Deur } stops runaway infinities and exactly matches the data findings being hinted and discovered by Deur and others.

See12: 30 why the anti-quarks play a role in making the gluonic force a finite, not an infinite as most had thought of years. See

WyIted's avatar
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( Gravity ) >< * observed
Explain the above. 

What does the greater than and less than symbol mean here? 

Why the asterisk?

Why the parenthesis around gravity and how do all these things relate to each other. I think I missed this in English class
ebuc's avatar
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Explain the above. 
First off I see I made and error with only having one asterisk and not two ---my symbolism Ive used here for years as bilateral observation * *  human or other intelligent creature in our physical reality { observed time } is two asterisks and I fixed that error in lower below and reposted for you the whole of #1 post.

What does the greater than and less than symbol mean here?
They are not meant as great than or less than. Those two >< pointing at each can mean differrent things depending on the context of my presentation.
Anyone whose followed some of my presentations in regards to Gravity (  ) and physical reality { observed times } know that  this following is the symbolism for the dual invaginations outer surface as Gravity (>       <)  and inner surface of Dark Energy <)(> and the two put into whole context of a horizonatlally bisected torus looks like this ...(> * <)(> * <).... i.e.  fro the hundreth time here at DArt, that,

Gravity (  ) is the positive curvature surface of a torus and in this thread I specfically state horn torus.

> * < is where the two invainations, over many sequences of dual invagination as the sequence of nodal events ----0,1,2p, 3p, 4, 5p etc--- are a spiral/helix pattern, with dual two dual invaginations on each cycle. Just follow the numbers. This is easy childs play. Like my child Romper Room on tv, follow the boucning ball. Simple

I think you apparenlty have not read any of my presentations in these regards over the years at this DArt and previous, in regards to cosmic topic of

Gravity (  ),

Observed *  * time { physical reality } etc, ergo a sine-wave pattern ^v^v^ or as /\/\/\/ is resulant of the dual invaginations, as the spiraling sequenec of nodal event occur on surface and inside the torus.

Dark Energy )( negative curved space, in the cosmic space-time scenario that becam poplular after Einstein.

“There may be something woven into the fabric of space that we don’t yet understand,” the astronomers said. "

Patterns of interfering Quantum Space-time Tori

( Gravity ) >< * * observed { quantized } time physical reality *  ><  ) Dark Energy  ( (  *  )( *  )space...... <----vertical bisection/cross-section  of quantum space-time torus

....(>   <()>   <).....  horizontal { aka birds-eye-view } bisection/cross-section of a torus showing dual invaginations idea.

When we have many of these quantum space-time tori ---of varied frequency sets--- interfering in many varied ways, we get many possible fields --webs of space and time---


' space 'is ithe nvisible { non-quantized } Gravity and Dark Energy, and,

' time '  is our quantized physical reality.

Both space { G and DE  } and time { PR } have regular sine-wave pattern field, tho created in two differrent ways.

Physical Reality is resultant of invagingations { v } from peak of Gravity geodesic, and,  invaginations { ^ } from peak of Dark Energy geodesic. (> * <)(> * <) ergo the sine-waves are kinda of like this ^v^v^v^v or /\/\/\ tho keyboard charactors straight lines or more of a Euclidean visual.

Gravity and Dark Energy create more curved sine-waves (   )(   )(   )(   )(   )  and more and more, I think when I say Quantum Space-time Tori, I think the radius or overall diamter of these space-time tori can range from smallest observed particles, to ultra-large ergo ultra-long wave patterns of space  { G and DE } and time { physical reality }.

I dont have graphic abilities nor money to pay others with graphic abilities to create these dual invaginated tori { various frequencies } and having their pattern fields interfering so that we may see some of the many possibilities that could occur in Universe.

WyIted's avatar
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First off I see I made and error with only having one asterisk and not two ---my symbolism Ive used here for years as bilateral observation * * human or other intelligent creature in our physical reality { observed time } is two asterisks and I fixed that error in lower below and reposted for you the whole of #1 post
What is bilateral observation?

So physical reality you are referring to as observed time? I GUESS I can see that.

What other intelligent creature is in our physical reality? Is it angels or aliens or just animals?

I think you apparenlty have not read any of my presentations in these regards over the years at this DArt and previous, in regards to cosmic topic of

Gravity ( ),
This is correct and I have to be spoon fed a lot to understand, which is why my questions about this are probably very mundane to you. 

Most of your post I did not understand but I guess if I just understand a bit more each time I interact with one of these posts it will help in the long run
ebuc's avatar
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What is bilateral observation?
Humans are bilateral.  You dont appear to understand that many animals are bilateral creatures. Humans just being the most complex bilateral observers of Universe both macro and micro.

So physical reality you are referring to as observed time? I GUESS I can see that.

Great, you begining to grasp the obvious and simple that Ive been present with various ways of definitive clarity for years at this DArt and the other an other forums over the years
What other intelligent creature is in our physical reality? Is it angels or aliens or just animals?
I dunno.
This is correct and I have to be spoon fed a lot to understand, which is why my questions about this are probably very mundane to you.
To be fair to you, I dont think you, or many others here,  have much significant interest  in my scenarios/ideas etc.   Old news for me and only time will tell where your intentions sincerely reside.

Most of your post I did not understand but I guess if I just understand a bit more each time I interact with one of these posts it will help in the long run
Over the years Ive gone to great pains to in many posts to offer defiinitive clarity.  After hundreds of posts here at DArt and other places, and can get old typing and retyping the presentations with all of the definitive clarithy needed fro people of dffferrent peoples previous readings and little or no understanding of what I present.

For the most part, ive always been open to those who have sincere interest to understand my cosmic scenarios and of course the Universe.   Sorry I dont have math or programming skills to present better graphics to aid others to understand, the basics of what I present, that, are rather simple. Or so I believe.

I would love to see my numerically presented, 2D lattices put in 3D graphic of various great horn tori   intefering pattering  --as based on B Fullers gr2D 73 primary  great circles and my version of the standard model thereof--  and run all kinds of simulations to see the nodal events, and 91 { graviton-darkEon } and 153 { Quantum Space-time torus }  lines of relationship would appear.

Maybe it is all incorrect worthless non-sense, or partly correctly whatever percentage of correct. I dunno and no one else does either. What I do know, is that none here or elsewhere, ever offer any logical common sense critical thinking that invalidates my logical common sense critical thinking scenarios, as presented.

I dare to be naive in my search of cosmic truths, via my understanding of Synergetics, and my extrapolations thereof, as well as the new frontiers of thought patterns ive presented with the 2D lattice and use of imagination for it to become a 3D torus.  best wishes, ebuc

WyIted's avatar
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To be fair to you, I dont think you, or many others here, have much significant interest in my scenarios/ideas etc. Old news for me and only time will tell where your intentions sincerely reside.
That's fair, which makes me wonder why you post it, but I thought. What if this guy is not crazy? What if with some effort I can understand what he is saying, and here we are. 

For me it's whether what I learn can be applicable or not.

Over the years Ive gone to great pains to in many posts to offer defiinitive clarity. After hundreds of posts here at DArt and other places, and can get old typing and retyping the presentations with all of the definitive clarithy needed fro people of dffferrent peoples previous readings and little or no understanding of what I present.
Yeah, I think you have a website there, if you can put it in step by step format it could help, but if your interest is in talking to other experts than it is understandable why you wouldn't care to go through the monotony of dumbing it down.

For the most part, ive always been open to those who have sincere interest to understand my cosmic scenarios and of course the Universe. Sorry I dont have math or programming skills to present better graphics to aid others to understand, the basics of what I present, that, are rather simple. Or so I believe.
I suspect you are a very visual person and you are around a lot of left brain thinkers so the images you attempt to evoke from others go unappreciated or underappreciated. 

I would love to see my numerically presented, 2D lattices put in 3D graphic of various great horn tori intefering pattering --as based on B Fullers gr2D 73 primary great circles and my version of the standard model thereof-- and run all kinds of simulations to see the nodal events, and 91 { graviton-darkEon } and 153 { Quantum Space-time torus } lines of relationship would appear.
You would merely have to make it digestivle for is plebs and one of us would more than likely volunteer to make your models. 

Maybe it is all incorrect worthless non-sense, or partly correctly whatever percentage of correct. I dunno and no one else does either. What I do know, is that none here or elsewhere, ever offer any logical common sense critical thinking that invalidates my logical common sense critical thinking scenarios, as presented.

So you have 3 options from what I can see, and for all I know you have taken them.

1. Talk to experts who have the knowledge base necessary to understand you

2. If no experts like that exist, create a course to make experts you can bounce this off of

3. If neither can be done, consider that you may just be suffering in the same way as Terrence Howard and that until you fix that, your theories will remain too abstract for the real world

I dare to be naive in my search of cosmic truths, via my understanding of Synergetics, and my extrapolations thereof, as well as the new frontiers of thought patterns ive presented with the 2D lattice and use of imagination for it to become a 3D torus. best wishes, ebuc
If you are going down these frontiers, hopefully you pass on the knowledge somehow. If not than hopefully you realize it soon enough so you may better harness your talents. 

WyIted's avatar
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Here is what chat gpt said when I submitted it and asked if it was word salad

Based on this breakdown, the text appears to be an attempt to articulate complex physical concepts using metaphorical language and visual imagery. It may be challenging to understand fully without a background in physics, but it doesn't seem to be random or nonsensical (word salad). Instead, it reflects an attempt to convey sophisticated ideas in a creative and imaginative way.

The issue might be that you are using metaphorical language and visual imagery as opposed to presenting it in a normal way
ebuc's avatar
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For me it's whether what I learn can be applicable or not.

If you find a way to make "applicable" to understsanding of the nature.coordinates of Universe, then my and others hats off to you.

Yeah, I think you have a website there, if you can put it in step by step format it could help, but if your interest is in talking to other experts than it is understandable why you wouldn't care to go through the monotony of dumbing it down.

I think I have a free old website at wordssmith or something like that. I forgot I had for years.  However, even if I have a link, it is older stuff, not much stuff, and no graphic.  However, I have little basis to believe most ---not all tho--- even take interest in grasping the  simple 2D lattice pattern Ive presented countless times here, that is the primary field of space and time.

.......1.....................5p......7p............11p....13p.....................17p.....19p loops around to...1
-----------------------------v--------------------v----------------------------- v-----
0..................................6........................12...................................18......loop back to share zero location { 18/0 }
.................3p...............................9..........................15..........................loops around to ..................3p
............2p........4......................8......9.................14.......16....................loops back around to.......2p

Space = Gravity (  ) and Dark Energy )( ergo the 2ndarey symbolism ....(  )(   ).....without the internal observed { quantised by humans * * } time of physical  reality ^v^v^v or as /\/\/\/ and and the following the number sequence shows the sine-wave { at least partiallly } 0...3p.....6......9....12.....15....18.......21....etc
Triangular and hexagonal patterns of the assymetrical pattern, as shown in this thread. Not the symmetrical pattern that preceded the asymmetrical pattern.. { my original discovery } that I sen to three science like magazines and 6 months later I get a letter from Oxford University, in Oxford Great Britain.  Im like looking at this letter having no idea who I know in England. Nobody.

Then once I read the letter from professor of math Ian Stewart{?} I remmber my sending the letters and he must have seen my three patterns and my conjecture about prime numbers. He validated my conjecture was correct, as it had been discovered 200 years ago algebraically, where I was doing it with geometric patterns that he ha not seen done before.

One of the key things about the assymetrical pattern in this thread, is that it is easy to forget, that, the top line ---outer positive curvature surface of torus field of Gravity is not seen by humans. Not observed *  *  i.e. not quantiseed by humans * *. Same goes for the inner negative curvature surface field of Dark Energy that is Gravities diametric opposite is Dark Energy.

Gravity is contractive space >>> * *<<<< Dark Energy is expansive space and phyiscally observe time of reality is in between Understand, Wylted????

So I believe why EMRadiation { photon } is constant to all observer, irrespetive of their speed, is because EMRadiation { photons } are manifest at nealy 90 degrees { latteral to our observed physical reality } to our interal observed realty going forward ----> with its sine-wave patterning at micro-scales of existence, and that is most Fermionic matter particles if not also most bosonic force partilce.

Think of it this way...a way ive not presented befrore

.....( v )......( v  )......(  v  )......outer Gravity dropping into{ invagination { inside the horn tube } to create the sine-wave of reality via 5p..7p.....11p...13p

--->>>>v....^.....v.....^......v  ---->>>>>>> observed sine-wave of micro reality^

..........^)......(^........^)....(^...............inner Dark Energy space field dropping in laterally to the internal sine-wave of reality as the sine-wave field
IVe run out of time. Gotta run

MarkWebberFan2's avatar
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To be fair to you, I dont think you, or many others here, have much significant interest in my scenarios/ideas etc. Old news for me and only time will tell where your intentions sincerely reside.
That's fair, which makes me wonder why you post it, but I thought. What if this guy is not crazy? What if with some effort I can understand what he is saying, and here we are. 
ebuc's avatar
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A clarfication in regards to my four line systemic basis and four circular planes of a horn torus ...1(   2((3   4()4   3))2   )1....., and,

My Cosmic Trinary Outline/Set of Universe is not meant as a structure, only the primary list of what exists  ...1} Meta-space, 2} truly non-occupied space, 3} occupied space { with its trinary subset }.

3 = structural ...see three chords/diagonals of a triangle.... /\ .., ergo 3-fold planar triangle....

4 = systemic ...see four bisecting planes of 4-fold cubo-octahedron aka vector equilibrium...ergo, 4-fold 12-around-1 perfect sphere's ..

1}.......1.....................5p......7p............11p....13p.....................17p.....19p loops around to...1
-------------------------------v--------------------v----------------------------- v-----
2}0..................................6........................12...................................18......loop back to share zero location { 18/0 }
3}.................3p...............................9..........................15..........................loops around to ..................3p
4}............2p........4......................8......9.................14.......16....................loops back around to.......2p

So if Cosmic Trinary Set/outline is trinary, then why is torus concept as 4-fold systemic or more?

Because, minimal system fourness, contains minimal structural three-ness.

Next comes systemic 6-ness and 7-ness that,  constains fourness and three-ness.

I skip over 5-ness { icosahedron } because it follows a more phi-oriented Golden Mean set of pathways, that, overlap with primary three-ness and four-ness.  Five-ness is in some ways its own systemic system, yet it can be found in the primary four-ness set of the 4-fold jitter-bugging Vector Equilibrium { 4-foldnes } and vice versa.   These two have intimate tho tensionally { if not numerically/geometrically } strained relationship.

And tori and in whole other geometric classification. So it appears as tho I had jumped teh Synergetic ship, however, all I did was expand the 2D great circle system, into each great circle being a 3-D torus, with and internal body { phyisical reality }, although,

that was never my intention.  I was only exploring prime numbers, and stumbled upon the symmetrical, four line pattern, that, conincidentally placed all prime numbers ...except 2p and 3p... on the same line.

The torus scenario/concept did not come into existence with me, until I turned the symmetrical four line pattern, inside-out, and arrived at an asymmetrical four line pattern.  Ahh, I have found toroidal quantum paradise, once I used a little imagination for the geodesic curvatures of a torus i.e. 1 > 2p....4 > 5p.....7p > 8.....10 > 11p etc

MarkWebberFan2's avatar
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MarkWebberFan2's avatar
I live in a world where unique arts are studied at their own pace. There's common information scattered around the internet, but it only repeats itself. But there's new and fresh knowledge.

People use unethical dark web apps to ban these things from circulating. Not me, I'd rather read them for the remainder of my life.
ebuc's avatar
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I live in a world where unique arts are studied at their own pace. There's common information scattered around the internet, but it only repeats itself. But there's new and fresh knowledge.
1} Ian Stewart a professor of mathematics at Oxford Universit, tol me in his letter, he had never seen my prime number  discovery expressed in the geometrical symmetry, that,  I sent to the magazines.

2] And that pattern was before I discovered the inside-outed, asymmetrical pattern, that, Ive never shared with any mathematics professor. At least to my knowledge

3} Mexican Architecture Art { Unique? }

4} Want to try out some Soviet Era Hydro-foils designed by the father{?} of hydro-foils? Check these River Rockets in Russia and Ukraine. Thousands were built an used.

5} Piano Dance takes you up, it brings you down, it plants you feet back firmly on the ground.  Or not

6} The more historical side of Gravity, Light and Dark Soul/Biologics, ---via Nina Paley---  this harkens back to days old monty python and the holy grail type of animation presentation

14 days later

ebuc's avatar
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Mark, you may have missed my Pi powering posts were I used a form of numerical  ' re-mormalization ' process.

Recently my new numerical  explorations encountered infinite resultants ergo, I may need to find a another ' re-normalization technique, however, take note in the following, that, when dividing 10 by 2.5  --instead of 3--- I get and irrational and not an infinite resultant.

I used 2.5 because, in Synergetics, Fuller envisions the Vector Equiliibrium --12-around-1 spheres--- as two halves of 2.5.  I wont go into that part deeply only that, 10 is key to frequency of 12-around-one sphere accounting { 10^2 } and that when the VE ---as jitterbug contraction transformations---   we get left-skew Icosahedron { 5-ness } - VE - right -skew Icosahedron { 5-ness }. See 527.24 >< 527.27 for more info on that, or just move on to my recent explorations below.
Oops fixing my prior error, A nucleated hexagon --in 2D quantum pattern---  minus is nuclear  vertex is 6 vertexia, not 5.  See bottom of post for 2D pattern.

Two on top/outer line Gravity,... ( 2 )....
Two in middle two lines Physical --Observed Time-- Reality.....v 2 ^....

Two bottom/inner line Dark Energy.....) 2 (.....

A 7th { nuclear vertex } makes for three { 0..3p..6 }. in Physical ---Observed Time--- Reality


I take note of the infinite resultants below. Feynman and/or others invented ' re-normalization ' in order to deal with their infinite resultants.

  Physical reality is only associated with the 5 nuclei in the Quantums space-time pattern 18/0. And we only see/observe the the 5 nuclei of physical reality, not the outer Gravity and inner Dark Energy directly

5^2 = 25, minus 5 = 20 and divided by 2 = 10 Lines of Relationship { LoR }  .

10 / 3 = 3.333333....etc...

....triple this number if three or even six tori as an electron, yet they still reduce to same infinite resultant below...

3.3333.... / 3 = 1.11111....etc.....


10 / 2.5 = 4

4 / 2.5 = 1.6

..note: this 2.5 process does not produce and infinite resultant rather just an irrational resultant 1.6 

A nucleated hexa-gon minus its nucleus = 6 vertexia. Not the 5 I previously posted. My bad. The following 153 is the LoR for the 18/0, Quantum Space-time Torus set of nodal events and it reduces to 5.666....etc.......ergo and infinite

153 { LoR } > 51 > 17 > 5.666666.....

5.66666.... minus 4 = 1.666666

See original below

153 / 3 = 51 { a whole rational }
Ok, so that was the new tantalizing numerical find for 153 lines-of-relationship in the minimal, 18/0,  Quantum Space-time Torus
18/0 torus divided by 3 = 6 i.e. 3 * 6 = 18.  ---of course 36 combinatorial presentations of quarks in Universe---old news
6 / 3 = 2 and I arrive at a numerical twoness, similar to Fullers arriving at fundamental 2-ness of Universe, via Universe always being off-center/tainted by either one negative or positive tetrahedron. If I recall from Synegetics correctly. Yeah good luck with that  ole memory eh?
Ive not had time or initiative { yet } to further investigate numerical 51 in a cosmic sense.
51 / 3 = 17.  I recall mathematical find by some historical mathematician { Hilbert or Gilbert } of signififcance, tho I cant recall the specific find of his in regards to 17 unique-ness.
17 / 3 = 5.666666666....etc and that ends the the prior two subdivisions of 153 > 51 > 17 > 5.666666.....
Below is the first nucleated hexagonal set of nodal events in the 3D, 18/0, Quantum Space-time Torus tho here is only the more simple to observe pattern in a 2D format

..1..................5.....................Gravity is not not quantized/observed directly by humans
0.........................6...............Physical Reality aka Observed { quantzsed }  Time
.............3p...........................Physical Reality aka Observe { quantized } Time
.......2p........4......................Dark Energy is not quantized/observed directly  by humans

MarkWebberFan2's avatar
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MarkWebberFan2's avatar
I have not missed it; I just didn't understand it. To be honeest, i only fully read your post because it reminded me to read the incredibly dense work of Anselm. Your post also encourages me to abandon worthless things, like contemporary stuff about travel, food and tradition. Not exactly what you expect, but I'll take whatever encouragement i get to read abandoned treatises.

Cheers to you and your work.
ebuc's avatar
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Cheers to you and your work.

Yeah, deeply geometric and numerical patterns,  hard to follow for most. .....Best yours......

I like to think I'm following a pathway to some root core of Universe's coordinates. Outer most, inner most and our inbetween { inside-quantum tube } observed time physical reality. :--)) o ((--:
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So lets say --- for static/motion-less simplicity sake--- the minimal atomic particle ---ex the ultra-short-lived meson--- is composed of only two Quantum Tori { 3D Great Circles } so that is 10 nodal events of physical reality,  inside-the-toroidal-tube and not the outer or inner set of surface nodal events.

10^2, minus 10 = 90 divided by 2 = 45 { a whole rational number } and 45 lines-of-relationship, rationally ---{ no irrational or infiinties if we nature stops there}---  reduces to 5 that we addressed previously as the 5 nodal events inside-the-tube as physical reality, and here above we say two of those = 10 nodal events of physical reality sharing a --lets say at 90 degree orientation yet sharing a common center of Gravity and that central location { * } is outside of the tori and,

between the Dark Energy negative geodesic curvature )*( of the two Horn tori.

This below pattern is not correct, it is just what comes to mind first when trying to envision these two 3D patterns of numerical tori intefering.


Well thats weird. I dont logically see the 9 and 12 appearing in my above numerically interfering pattern, so I went back and attempted to place them in the pattern.

Without a true graphic animation, I will never know what patterned lines-of-relationship and locations of nodal events would be.
We only know that there is 45 lines-of-relationship and perhaps we say those 45 LoR are the field of physical  reality, of which, we humans may only isolate some lesser number.

Again, this above 45 is used for simplicity sake i.e. the true Quantum Space-time particle, may have a much higher frequency of nodal events, not just the minimal set of 18/0 that is the root core of possibility.

What higher frequency might that be?  I have no idea. Those who discover it ---because the match it current physics mass values----, would be the dream of Meta-space minds/intellect through out Universe. Ha ha!

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Lets Review The trinary occupied apsects of the dual invaginated,  Quantum Spacetime, Torus, and it quantum pulse of Gravity (  )  > Observed Time Physical Reality ^v^v  < Dark Energy )(

1} 18/0 nodal events has 153 lines-of-relationship { LoR } aka the sub-atomic Field of Universe  link and those 153 via 3, reduce  as two rationals and infinite resultant 153  > 51 > 17 > 5.66666.....etc.....

...1a}  6 Gravity nodal events, 6 physical reality nodal events and 6 Dark Energy nodal events ergo 6 - 6 - 6....

...1b} 18/0..1..2p..3p...4....5p...6..7p...8...9.....10....11p...12...13p...14....15...16...17p = 18 nodal events Quantum Space-time Torus and has complementary, 7 prime numbers

2} 14 nodal events ' quantum pulse ' ---Gravity > Physical Reality < Dark Energy--- that exists within the above 18/0 set,  has 91 LoRelationship,  and via 3, reduces as an infinite resultant  > 30.3333333......etc......

...2a} ' quantum pulse ' 14 nodal events, has,  5-outer  Gravity nodal events, > 5-inside physical reality nodal events < 4-inner Dark Energy nodal events as the minimal field ' quantum pulse ' of Universe.  Think blood pulse of animal >>>>( ......)>>>>>>(......)>>>>>(.......)>>>>>>>>

...2c} 0...1...2p...3p...4...5p...6...7p....8....9.....11p.....12.....13p and has complementary 5 prime numbers

....2d} 5 is intimate to 5-fold symmetry of the icosa{20}hedron ergo phi/Golden Mean link values and FIbonnacci numbers
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o clarify, I was in error with the the prior vertical pattern ---not in this thread---  attempt to present only two --of a total six--- nucleated hexagons, of the  inside-the-tube, Observed time/physical Reality, in two, 3D Quantum Space-time Tori.   Duhh, my bad

Of course the VE has only has four nucleated hexagons, sharing only one common nuclear energy center event and only 66 lines-of-relationship { LoR }, when including the outer and inside vertexial energy events.

18/0.......3p........6.......9.......12.......15 is the correct set, that,  has no nuclear{ centered } event, in of its linear self alone.

Here below is another poor attempt to place two of the Quantum Horned Tori, at 90 degrees to each other, with only the six nuclear events ergo, six nodal events of reality tori each, totals 12 nodal events and that is  66 lines-of-relationship.


Wow, that is totally differrent pattern, --now with 12 nodal events--   even tho it is only a rough approximation of some pattern I cannot truly present with good graphic Horn Tori.

With 66 LoR, we can now divide that value in half to get 33 LoR.

66 / 3 = 22

22 / 3 = 7.33333.....etc........

The VE has 7 axi relating to its 14 surface openings.

There is total of 7 great circles sets, ---3..4..6..12 and 6...10...15--   ergo 7 primary sets of the Quantum Space-time Horn Tori.

Since left and right-skew set ---because of VE torque transformation---of 6..10...15, we add in three more ergo 10 primary axial sets, ergo, 10 { not 7 } primary Quantum Space-time Horn Tori.

So we know the total great circles is 87 minus redundant 14 = 73p-rime

438 = 73p * 6 nodal events of one quantum horn tori --438 Observed time/physical Reality.

438^2 = 191,844....minus 438 = 191,406...divided by 2 = 95,703 Lines-of-Relationship

95,703 / 3 = 31.903 .... fractionated irrational

31,903 / 3 = 10,633.66666666....etc...... fractionated infinite irrational

Wow!  31 stands out, however it closely rounds to 32. Interesting Fullers total powering set ended at 32.

I recall some person Kirby did stuff with and he came to Synergeo for short period.  The one thing he and I shared a common agreement on ---at the time---, was that each qunatume particle was likely to be some combination pattern of all 73 great circles ---now 3D Quantum Horn Tori of unknown frequency--, other than the primary minimal 18/0 set and that is 18 nodal events.

And again, there is 18 combinatoral expressions of quark and 18 anti-quark expressions. Total 36 of Universe. I think it was Jim Lehmans Pandora Spherical that had either 36 openings or 36 vertexia, 36 chords. 

Wish I had a list of the polyhedra with some 36 in them.  I use to know a few of them.

Truncated octahedron has 36 openings

Isosdodecahedron has 36 openings

Isotetrahedron had 36 chords/ is is precessed polyhedron, but of course, ha ha...

Octahex Ring  { a Euclidean torus } Hole New Polyhedra – National Museum of Mathematics

..." Hole New Polyhedra – National Museum of Mathematics
National Museum of Mathematics: Inspiring math exploration and discovery
... It takes a bit of counting, but if you are careful you can work out that this polyhedron has 36 vertices (every vertex is part of one of the six green units, each of which is an octahedron with six vertices) and 108 edges (six times twelve from the six green units, and six more that are not part of any green unit from each of the six yellow units) and 72 faces (six from each of the twelve units, yellow and green). And doing the arithmetic, 36 – 108 + 72 = 0, not 2. What’s going on? It turns out that Euler’s formula, VE+F, is more powerful than it seems at first glance. There’s clearly something a little unusual about the octahex ring: it’s shaped kind of like a doughnut; it has a “hole” going through its middle. And that’s exactly what this simple formula can detect, and even count: for any polyhedron at all, VE+F tells you the number of holes.

If this quantity comes out to 2, there are no holes; if it comes out to 0, there is one hole; -2 means two holes; -4 means three holes; and so on, decreasing by 2 with each additional hole. How such a basic formula based on the elementary parts of the shape can tell you about the complicated overall property of having holes or not is a beautiful story unfortunately too long to tell here, bringing together ideas from many different branches of mathematics. "...

24 days later

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Found new link to a horn torus.  No dual invagination, still nice have this animated horn torus as aid to  grasp Quantum Space-time Torus.

...." The matter is intended to be an exciting game, to exercise imaginative power, to improve abstract thinking and to generate lots of aha moments. It has no esoteric connection! It's just based on mathematics, complex numbers and their arithmetic, associated geometry and a unique code "...

All tori have a hole defined by inner negative curvature.  LINK  See bottom of this page link