..." Heavy objects like stars and planets distorted spacetime in a way that made objects move toward them, so gravity is simply a result of the geometry of spacetime. As bizarre as this sounds, it has been validated over and over again. "...
As Ive clearly pointed out to many others --to which Ive never get logical, common sense critical thinking response accept those who claim ' aether '--- spacetime has to be an occupied space medium to become/distorted/warped/bent/twisted et,c and to date ---20 years later--- none, accept my self, have offered explanation for defining what this spacetime or space-time or space and time medium is that can be bent/warped/distorted.
1} Occupied space has two primary, geodesically/curvature based fields that share a common quantum particle, the graviton-darkEon --ergo Gravity and Dark Energy connected--- on my logical, common sense critical thinking pathways of thought. I believe Eric Verlinde arrives at similar conclusion, tho from very differrent pathways,
.....1a} this two fields of Gravity { non-quantized } and Dark Energy { non-quantised } have resultant third set of 2ndary fields of physical reality { quantized }. This is where Eric Verlinde and I arrive at different conclusions, as he believes Gravity and Dark Energy are emergent from physical reality. I the other way around.
...1b} ergo when ever people here phrase ' space ' is warped, they should understand that,
.........1c} the medium of space is an occupied space specifically labeled as Gravity { contractive aka mass-attracitive } and Dark Energy { expansive ergo Einsteins ' cosmological constant ' that he later discarded afer initial adding to his original formula },
I make no apologizes for being the only person ---accept for the ' aetherist ' peoples or the Gravity is a pushing force--- who attempts to use logical, common sense critical thinking in regards to what this distorted/wapred/bent ' space ' is in regards to be a specific medium of occupied space, of which, can be distorted.
Any truly non-occupied space is not an occupied space medium, ergo, cannot be distorted/warped/bent/ twisted etc as we've seen written for many years now by many seemingly educated physicists and cosmologist etc.
....space(> * <)(> * <)space.... is the only logical, common sense critical thinking conlusion
* * = physical reality that is sine-wave { ^v^v field ^v^v } associated resultant from invaginations > < from the peak of geodesic curvature of the cojoined{ two sides of the same torus }
( ) = Gravity ( ) as outer surface set of nodal events, and,
)( = Dark Energy as the inner surface set of nodal events,
> < = the invagination, ---to whatever degree-- that rapidly return back out to the respective geodesic surface field pathways.
None have a more logical, common sense critical thinking in regards to definning what is meant by 'distorted spacetime ' or ' warped space ', or ' bends space ' or warps spacetime ' so on and so on non-definitions of what the spacetime is what the space is what the time is that can literraly be be bent/warped/distorted.