It From No Bit

Author: ebuc


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It refers to something-ness and no bit refers to nothing-ness. Joscha Bach epitome of logical, common sense critical thinking.

39:16.."  it is still interesting to speculate " about the brain as non-deterministic turing machine.

40:03 .." neurons basically antenna " or act as antenna to detect superpositon states of open collective patterns/states of brain

41:00 he ends brain section with superpostional states that collapse then at 41:28 he makes analogy to Universe doing a similar non-defined superpostional state ---no "it" i.e no something--  that collapses from non-defined state to "it" somthing-ness i.e. defined Big Bang state of existence

42:20.." and that leads to the big question of why is there something instead of nothing"...  I like Joscha's approach as he appears to me to recognize the finite-ness of occupied space Universe and its eternal existence, whether superpostional { multiple-states-of-existence }.

43:14..." this is bullshit" responding to a specific definition of zero { 0 }. Ha love this dude!

43:45.." you have to have a number system "... and that is what Ive been presenting as the primary field of Universe, in the 2D sequential numerical lattice pattern that begins with numerical zero/0 and that zero exists as intilizing of a starting point for this that or the other in our consideration of finite, occupied space Universe,
or any of its constituent parts. I love this dudes logical, common sense critical thinking approach.

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Hi Zed, I know you speak about the evolutionary aspects of humans as we go forward into the future. I never think that evolution would have any greater access to general intelligence aspects of Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts, however, if you go to 1:04:00 and shortly thereafter, Joscha gets a question about whats the next best step in creating  a being with access to general intelligence or Artificial GI.

So Joscha's answer is that evolution of humans is probably the best way to get to the next new being having more access to Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts. 

Also I want to take this space/gap to re-introduce the defintions of two complementary definitions of what exists, as Sadolite and Sidewalker dont seem to fully grasp these two in context of there co-existent relationship to each other, and, Ive expressed this over the last year or more, in a way that is likened to AI >< human.

Two primary kinds of Bit:

1} information as Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts that, ---ergo, not an occupied space---   exists as a complementary to the following,

-------- conceptual line-of-demarcation -----------

2} information as occupied space quantum bits and that is more complex when considered as the 0 1 bits used in computers that become bytes, etc of on - off functions withing a chip of data flow.

3} Ive also for even more years tried to show the differrence in these two ---and Joscha sort of touches on pattern in the vid of this thread topic--- in the following explanation, once again.  None ever touch it because, it is close to absolute truth, as are many of the examples I attempt to express clearly and definitely.

...3a} take any word, and we find it has two primary aspects:

.........3a1} a Meta-space pattern of associated letters, and,

..........3a2} letters that exist as an occupied space medium ergo, as visible bits on a screen, or ink or lead on paper, etc

.....ex with the following set of letters,  metaphysical and  slmaepaicaty,   we find that, even those both sets of letters exist with exactly the same amount quantum bits of occupied space, if sent to someone the 2nd one { the latter }  will have no Meta-space informational meaning to them, because of its Meta-space pattern of letters carries no defining meaning to them.

Of course given the task of decyphering a meaning from the scrambled pattern of letters we can discern the word metaphysical.
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Busy few days ahead, so I will get back to Joscha.

And yes I have come to the quite simple conclusion that the development of matter and the proliferation of data is what it's all about.

But of course it might all be about nothing other than the re-initiation of a recurring sequence of events. Which would seem to have no greater purpose or meaning other than itself.

Sort of an ego trip.

Have a good weekend.

I will be back Wednesday. 
ebuc's avatar
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But of course it might all be about nothing other than the re-initiation of a recurring sequence of events.

I think your getting close to the truth here.  Tho the " nothing " is of course eternally existent, finite, occupied space Universe, that, is embraced/surrounded by the truly non-occupied space ergo a true "nothing", that only serves as a space, that allows for expansion-contraction of an occupied space Universe.

And of course your above "nothing " was most likely just a metaphor meaning nothing of relevant significance ergo no cause > effect > resultant consequences.

And as always, tho your considerations most often are regards to occupied space matter, I continually remind you that you never consider bosonic forces, that, always exchange between Fermionic particles

Those the only two sets of particles in Universe. Yes there is third set, however, it is just a hybrid of those two.  Not some foreign set beyond or not inclusive of those two. I hope you will come to understand this someday.

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Hybrid particles.

Good reference.
ebuc's avatar
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Hybrid particles.

Thats correct, and is a trinary subcatatgory of my Cosmic Trinary Set/Outline

3} Spirit-2, occupied space of  physical reality aka observed { quantized } time and any aggregate collection thereof via the following 3a trinary set,

... 3a} Spirit-2, Fermionic Matter, Bosonic Forces and third catagory of particles that are hybrid of those two,

...3b} Spirit-3,  Meta-physical because ultra-micro, non-quantized,  occupied space Gravity { positive geodesic of space }, --contractive inward space ---><--- aka mysterious force/phenomena mass-attraction space---,

...3c} Spirit-4, Meta-physical, ultra-micro, and non-quantized, occupied space Dark Energy { negative geodesic space }, --expansive space <---> aka cosmological constant and accelerating expanding space---.

Here is link to Bucky Fullers Euclidean version of Gravity inward --><--- and EMRadiation <---> outward.  This was before he or most cosmologist new of Dark Energy.    My above version is similar to Fullers, however, differrent in that I stumbled onto my Quantum Space-time Tori scenarios.