Oh wait, you mean on DART.
Not clear how that's inherently political, since there are left-wing Christians and right-wing atheists.
Which party references the bible more, the democrats or the republicans? The republicans do. Religion is as political as COVID vaccienes; you can find many vaccinated republicans, but being pro vacciene is generally viewed as a left wing thing. If I want to talk about the COVID vaccienes, then I go to the politics section. Right wing atheists are usually a different type of right wing; libertarian. Virtually no atheist agrees with Evangicals on homosexuality legalization.
Maybe you can just break up politics into all of the political issues; it would make sense given that politics has a lot of posts; more than any other category.
Weight correlates with height, but they are two different concepts.
But "Size" can encompass them both.
Supply and demand curves existing, for example, is pretty much agreed on.
If everyone agrees, then there is no debate, meaning it doesn't belong on DebateArt.
The Economics debate is usually socialism/capitalism.