Particle and Cosmological Anomalies

Author: ebuc


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I watched most of this one also.  I need to  put into cagatories to simplify for myself and other these cosmic and particle anamolies. Go to time stamp  44: to 44:50 or so, to see the huge cosmological anomaly in the above with Harry Cliff regarding how fast galaxies are moving away from each other, and this also determines size of known Universe

1} Hubble { visible radiation } telescope  final analysis is 73.8 

..anomaly created Hubble tension between these two measurements, that both checked and rechecked...

2} Planck { infra-red radiation }  telescope final analysis is 67.3

Tension differrence between the two is value 6.5 in the equations for kilometers^-1 and mega-parsecs ^-1

To understand better others have to of course go back further and further forward. A little more forward 49:30  is worth it for sure to grasp these checked and rechecked comparsions of Hubble and Planck telescope values

So this person has a book of Five major anomalies in science today.  The first part of vid is in regards to particle anomaly --deals with  17 quantum fields of standard model--, and potential for some unknown other quantum field causing the particle anomaly{s}.

The second part is this one cosmological anomaly.  Ive heard and read about them before, so this just is better understanding thanks to Harry Cliffs knowledge and ability to explain. Of course if you watch the whole thing you get the most out of it.  I watched it all.