This is the etymology in a nutshell:
1) Rednecks dominated the south, and minorities had no choice but to assimilate to the white redneck culture by proximity.
2) A civil war happened. The northern white culture, heavily influenced by intellectual Germans and enlightened protestants clashed with the backwards Redneck culture.
3) Most white Rednecks died in the war as they were a minority culture in America, and the rest were forcefully assimilated under carpetbagging reconstruction policies followed by the elimination of segregation. While white redneck remains and is loud and sensationalized for shock effect and propaganda, they are a very small minority culture today. Less than 1000 KKK members exist in a population of 340 million, and most of those people are ex-convicts.
4) Minorities were allowed to retain their redneck culture as it was deemed too difficult and cruel to force former slaves to assimilate to northern culture. Many of the diaspora self-segregated into ghettos to avoid the pains of assimilation, thus giving rise to the moniker "ghetto culture"
5) Fast forward to today where the surviving black redneck culture is celebrated as being (somehow) a uniquely African American experience, and this culture is a great benefit to society, despite the fact that it is still the polar opposite of the majority Northern culture, which is (somehow) a uniquely White American experience.
6) Northern culture today is an objectively superior culture as evidenced by what culture won the Civil War, proving that a culture based on education, hard work, family, and industrialization trumps a culture based on class, race, subjugation, less intellectual agricultural pursuits, and aggressive belligerence.
7) Today's postmodernists define this cultural discrepancy as "white privilege" and demand equity for generations raised in the remnants of a backwards culture that lost a Civil War.
8) If you challenge any of this view of white privilege, then you are a racist.