"It's so stupid it has to be true"

Author: Analgesic.Spectre


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"Anger after white people and men are banned from 'anti-racism' rally at British university by its own student union DIVERSITY OFFICER"

That's the headline to the most profoundly hypocritical decisions I have ever encountered. I'm not sure a fabricated scenario could be more hypocritical than this. Let's unpack the hypocrisy, and then muse over what it could mean:

1) White people are banned from an anti-racism rally (seems a bit "racist")

2) Men are banned from a rally by a diversity officer (seems anti-diversity)

3) Men are banned for sexism (seems pretty sexist)

4) Rally is actually open only to BME (Black and minority ethnics) women (see all parentheses above)

I can't imagine anyone defending this cataclysmic mess, so lets posit reasons as to how this overt hypocrisy is acceptable in someone's mind.

Firstly, the term "racist" has no concrete meaning, and is essentially a slanderous term used when feelings are hurt. Since young people, at least in the education I've seen, are indoctrinated from an age (5 years of age) that doesn't allow them to think critically, to think that white people have done horrible things in the past, and that this horrible history proves they are racist, it's no wonder the term "racist" isn't consistently applied (https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/174).

Secondly, I think this exposes what racial and gender equality is about: extracting resources from out-groups (i.e. people of different gender and race). Certainly, the underlying principles found here are horribly contradicted, so there must be an alternate train of thought, and a train of thought designed to extract resources, under the false pretence of a higher principle, is the chosen method. This racial zealotry is not surprising, considering that race is the most important factor, in regards to a personal identity (and thus politics, too) (https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/107).

Lastly, this is not the first time I've discovered flagrant racial hatred/exclusionary tactics against white people, particularly white men (https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/915). What does this say of society when such racial hatred seems ignored or even encouraged?