A. Theisim is not nonsensical . Its more musical.
A. theists coming together to join in a good old ( sing song sing along )
Aint dumb
Its just singing songs together right?
at the god thing.
Thats Not at all nonsense icle.
I mean.
Its not nonsensical to gather up with a bunch of random guys / gals / family's and kids and shit from around your neighborhood.
Meeting up in a clubhouse and just sing songs together is FINEEEEE.
To the god thing .
At the god thing
It aint nonsense icle.
GOD must fucking loveeee it when you guys sing songs together to him.
Again. It aint dumb
It just.
Well .
Its normal.
Totally fucking normal.
So ummmm. Yeah .
' kicks dirt "
Picture what ya God thing is doing when you theists are in top note just singing ya little hearts out together for him.
It aint dumb to think the god guy wants us to sing at him or to him either.
Its straight up commen sense.
Dont bother with this post , i aint asking nothing.
But Just know that.
We don't think you guys are dumb dumbs .
If you guys wanna sing songs together and stuff .
Im cool with that.
No No.
I said Its not dumb .
Its not.
I know.
Carry on.