USA did a backflip into a 3rd world Putin style dictatorship with fake elections.
8 days later
Extrapolation is an inevitable consequence of overthink.
But I don't see things regressing any time soon...Do you?
179 days later
Ok so now we have quadra-ped --not a bi-ped yet--- robot that can do front flip.Or is there? Yes tho not independent from its cable, and it is only half a robot.
Shila, will you do me a favor and not reply to any of my individual posts in any threads ive started.
USA did a backflip into a 3rd world Putin style dictatorship with fake elections.
No more backflips with Trump an eighty year old president in office.
Shila, please do me a favor and please do not post in any threads ive started and please start by not replying to this specific post/message by me #45, or anyone in this thread. Back off/take a hike pleaseMost advanced Robot is about Robots perception of environment using GPT-4 { a drawback to inventers of the robot }
83 days later
So let me get this straight, you watched a video of a robot doing a back flip and the very first thing that came to your mind was Trump?
So let me get this straight, you watched a video of a robot doing a back flip and the very first thing that came to your mind was Trump?lol
Well, Trump does do Flip-Flops !
Yes, the USA will be his next flop.