The same thing YOU are talking about ?
What are YOU talking about .....nothing....just repetitive nonsense.....Orthodox this..Orthodox that ?
What Orthodox Christianity are YOU drowning in ? Eastern ? Oriental ? both like all things CHRISTIAN
have different interpretations of the Boy Jesus hoax and the Bible versions they attach to him.
The Orthodox is a MINORITY...7 billion humans could care less about any of it...
If this Orthodox whatever works for YOU...great ! go drown in it...
YOU never disclose the ORTHODOX ways....just that your affiliated and worship the "TRUTH"
YOU are vague and incompetent...doing what all Christian parasite vampires do...skirt the debate
with Bible verse VOMIT or vague responses that have ZERO useful content...nothing more than'
your lifestyle choice...without elaborating on what this so called ORTHON CRAP is all about...'s a secret....NO it's all BLLSHT.... the TRUTH is YOU have no TRUTH just excuses
not to elaborate..