Emergent Phenomena

Author: ebuc


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Part 3:

This vid talks about ' Emergent Gravity ' --see Eric Verlinde-- and how the key part of black hole { gravity hole/sink } is its surface.  Go to 14:29 to see these surface { (  )(  ) } comments about Gravity, however, to better understand where this pathway of thought is coming from { emergent thermodynamics/temperature } go back to 13:00 or so.  What I dont see so far in this vid, is how spiral torus I present, shows how Gravity (  )  and Dark Energy  )(  are inherently 180 degrree, diametric opposite phenomena.

Part 2: Another thought about the existence of physical reality { charge } between Gravity and Dark Energy as presented in my Quantum Space-time Tori

That, these two primary phenomena are attempting to ground to each other, via the most direct { shortest distance }, at 180 degrees from each other, and for what ever reason, when the invaginate { into the torus volume } they pop back out to their outer or inner surface,

instead of directly { 180 degree line of relationship } meeting each other, as that might mean the annihilation of occupied space Universe ---not that that is ever truly an option--   if Gravity and Dark Energy had head-on collision.

It may be that longer, geodesic curvature (  )(   ) pathway is the easy/safe way for Gravity and Dark Energy to convert into each other gradually. I dunno.

Part 1:
Twist / Torque / Spin  / Precession

Gravity { outer } and Dark Energy { inner } ground themselves as physical reality, inside the torus tube as physical reality of electro-magnetic charge via a 90 degree precession of each other.

My Standard Model states it is the 5-fold 10 great circles or some sub-sets of those 10, that are photons.

Yet, those 10 appear as 5 sets of 60 degree orientation { the four great circles of the Vector Equilibrium aka cubo-octahedron--  to each other, 2D circle planes or 3D tori.

My Standard Model also states that is octahedral set of 3-6 great circles ergo 3D great tori, that, define the electron, and that is  twisting collaspe of the VE 60 degreeness orientation. to 90 degree-ness.

So that leaves the magnetic charge to discover the where-abouts of?

-|-|-|-|-|-|- = 90 degrees to each other as two sine-waves of charge, --see electro-magnetic radiation { photon }---   that, perhaps twist left or right-skew in relation to what exactly in my Quantum Space-time Tori?  The hole in space?  Which hole may be very small with a fat torus aka a Spindle Torus? --see link as follows below This way, any holes between the occupied spaces, may exist, may not exist, because all other tori overlap each other in three primary fields.

Attractive/contractive Gravity > + Reality + < Expansive Dark Energy...I dunno all of tthe answers....and only some of the players.

7 days later

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In my emergent phenomena post { In personal } I think I make it clear, that, the 180 degree { outer >< inner of torus curvature } diametric ---opposites of Gravity and Dark Energy---, do not have a head on collision and resultant as the  annihilation of each other ----aka destruction of occupied space Universe---, rather,  our physical reality energy { /\/\/\/  } is the grounding rod resultant { inside the volume of the torus }, and,

we can say, that, this is what prevents the annihilation of occupied space of Gravity and Dark Energy, is this inbetween these two is the physical reality of energy associated with a sine-wave pattern ex EMRadiation { photon is two such sine-waves at 90 degrees to each other } -|-|-|-|-|, and other fermions and bosons.

Primary Three-ness Set:

1> Gravity (  v  )(  v  )(  v  )(  v  ) positive curvature - outer surface set of nodal events

2> Energy  /\/\/\/\/\/\/\ inside-the-tube volume/body of physical reality as the grounding rod for the diametric opposites { prevents annihilation of Unvierse }

3> Dark Energy  )^( )^( )^) (^(  negative curvature - inner  surface set of nodal events

....1......................5p........7p.....................11p...........13p...... outer set nodal events
0.................................6......................................12................. inside body grounding rod of reality
................3p.................................9........................................ inside body grounding rod of reality
..........2p........4.........................8........10................................. inner set nodal events

0 - 13p is 14 nodal events, and we embolden the nucleated hexagon { 7 events }, and find there at this minimal, quantum graviton-darkEon scale of existence, there is breaking of symmetry ergo asymmetrical { tainted } Universe, via the 0..1...2p on left side, and,

on right-side 10 - 11p -12 .with the 13p ---i.e. a set of 4 vs 3---   being the asymmetrical imbalance at the minimal quantum scale of existence  { graviton-darkEon quantum }.

Take note again, that, there is 14 nodal events and that is symmetrical, but the nucleated hexagonal pattern creates  asymmetry of Universe.

Universe is eternally chasing its imbalanced, nucleated hexagonal pattern,  in order to find balance of 7 >< 7 nodal events, the inside-the-tube physical energy reality keeps this from ever coming to balance as perfect balance would be the end of occupied space Universe.

Reality is the nucleation { inside-the-tube } body of grounding outer and inner with those two annihilating each other in head-on-collision.  Think about it.

Our finite Universe exists, because of its tainted-ness, i.e. its refusal to ever be in perfect symmetrical balance.  It is eternally off-center from perfect symmetry.

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Revised clarification:

1} the minimal quanta as graviton.darkEon, is 14 { 7><7 }nodal events { 0-13p }, not the nucleated 7 nodal event hexagon,

2} In post #2, I isolated out the nucleated hexagon, because, in Fullers Synergetics, his Operating System of Universe ---and the " closet we will ever come to knowing God "--- is the Vector Equlibrium { VE } i.e. 12-around-one nucleated equal-radius spheres i.e. four nucleated hexagons, sharing the same nuclear sphere.

3} what emerges from Fullers VE, is accomplished only by the nuclear sphere being removed, then the VE becomes the exotic transforming jitterbug { Fullers label for it }. He only shows the contraction to the 12-around-none icosahedron, the octahedron, the tetrahedron and flatten subdivided triangle and other more exotics like a Euclidean version of the double, 90 degree precessed set of two sine-waves { same as EMRadition/photon },

4} my quantum graviton-darkEon, ---in of itself only--  has only 3 potential nucleated hexagons, i.e. 3p - 6 - 9 is the obvious set of these three nucleated hexagons. It does not matter which of those three we choose to isolate out, we still arrive at a breaking of the 7><7 symmetry of the 14 nodal events ex




5} The VE four-ness { operational integrity } exists as Operating System of Universe { Fullers conclusion }

...5a} the three-ness of nucleated hexagons in the graviton-darkEon, represents the structural integrity of Universe, as it is the minimal quanta of Universe.

Why have I chose the 14 nodal event pattern  { 0 - 13p } as the minimal quanta of Universe.  I will have to go back over my previous writings, to find that answer for my conclusion.

Ok, I found it.  This goes back ---early 2000's--- to Jim Lehman, and his discovery of a 0.5 frequency VE, as sub-set of Fullers 0-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 freq. expansions of the. VE Jims finds led to an 3D expansion of each of the VE's 6 radii and 24 chords, both as Euclidean and cuved version he labeled as PODs. At the time, I felt he had discovered geometry of the graviton.

Fast forward, my inside-outed 2D, four line sequence asymmetrical patterning of the symmertrical four lines sequence, and connecting the nodes as a torus. And to make long story short, to make Jims PODs function I felt they needed to be truncated at each, ergo, more like a tube, i.e. is taking the 2D, Synegetic's great circles, and treating them as 3D tubes, which tubes were comosed of Jims PODS.

For Jims PODs to become tublar, they had to become truncated at two ends, and this makes them a truncated, triangular based, dipyramid, composed of 14 nodal events ergo the minimal POD, is truncated to opening on each end, as a tube. And it was much later on, my asymmetrical pattern led to torus tube, and above, we see { not shown } that within the mininal, Quantum Space-time torus, there exists the 14 nodal event graviton-darkEon.

I.e. once again, that it takes 14 vertexes or nodal events to have a truncated on two ends,  triangular, di-pyramid., that, after truncation makes it and octahedron.
These two links are not of truncated triangular di-pyramid. Ive never found one on internet

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What Roy Kerr ---rotational black hole fame--- provides us with is that;

1} all black holes are rotational,

2} all black holes have two event horizons,

3} rotational black holes spin result in a torus pattern of the particles outside of the black hole.

..." Roy Patrick Kerr CNZM FRS FRSNZ (/kɜːr/; born 16 May 1934) is a New Zealand mathematician who discovered the Kerr geometry, an exact solution to the Einstein field equation of general relativity. His solution models the gravitational field outside an uncharged rotating massive object, including a rotating black hole.[1][2] His solution to Einstein's equations predicted spinning black holes before they were discovered. "

7 days later

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Yeah mathematical architectural construction --Penrose comments  is one thing---, nature of reality or Universe is another.  Nice, tho Einstein operated on the following ideas Mikoski,  and tho B Fuller asked to meet Einstein and got that meeting with him, and saying that, Einstein told Fuller he was only a handful of people who understood E=Mc2 --1920's-- 

I dont ever  recall Fuller reference too regarding negative aspects of the pythagorean theorem or Lorentz.

..." And thus the speed of light: calculated by space / time, is constant from any observer.

You're probably still left pretty confused after this wall of text, so I recommend this video that visualizes what Minkowski space looks like. It demonstrates how the change of "direction", or your velocity, affects things. "...

This vid is the best and easy Ive seen to explaining spacetime specifics without the complex equations.