Fiscal conservative: I want low taxes.
Me: So you want to cut government spending?
Fiscal conservative (FC): Yes.
Me: On what; exactly?
FC: Bureaucratic waste.
Me: Is it social security? Do you want elderly people to suffer more?
FC: No.
Me: Is it the military?
FC: No.
Me: What about Medicaid or Medicare? Do you want poor and old people to suffer more?
FC: No
Me: What about unemployment benefits? If a dad is unemployed, then should his kids suffer from lack of unemployment benefits?
FC: No
Me: Do you want to stop paying interest on the debt? Do you want the debt to get bigger?
FC: No
Me: Well, that's 82% of the budget (2021 Budget). What do you want to cut?
FC: Something else (and this something else may be important or not important, but I won't do my research on it because I'm going to assume it's unimportant even though it easily could be).
Me: Yeah; I think I'm going to side with the left on this one.