Lets say you are a white person protesting police killings of black people because you believe a black life is equal to your own and you want to save their lives. I should get away with calling you a, "Black Rights Activist" if you say, "Black Lives Matter" and I should be able to type in, "#BlackLivesMatter" into YouTube and get a bunch of BLM supporters with their videos. I see these videos of Black Rights Activists and they would be proud to call themselves Black Rights Activists.
Lets say you are a born person protesting abortionists killings of zygote people because you believe a zygote life is equal to your own and you want to save their lives. I should get away with calling you a, "Zygote Rights Activist" if you say, "Protect the Unborn" (aka, "Zygote Lives Matter") and I should be able to type in, "#ZygoteLivesMatter" into YouTube and get a bunch of ZLM supporters with their videos. I do not see videos of Zygote Rights Activists when they protest; I see science videos about zygotes; but never Lila Rose or Classically Abby or Chloe Waked. I can put in #ProLife and find stuff; and everyone is Pro life to an extent (otherwise we would all be suicidal), but those that want to ban abortion are Zygote Rights Activists.
They should start calling themselves ZLM, "Zygote Lives Matter" so they are more honest. They would lose support because the normie thinks of that as silly, but at least it's honest. I mean, they do that with, "Blue Lives Matter" when some number of cops are getting killed by people (although I would prefer the government just fund cops less and if your house gets robbed, then have stand your ground giving you the authority to defend your own home).
Blue Lives Matter has a movement because cops are obviously human beings. Black Lives Matter has a movement because blacks are obviously human beings. Zygote Lives Matter would have a movement if Zygotes were human beings, but no such movement exists. Hell, I can't even find a, "Fetus Lives Matter" movement on YouTube.
People don't believe Zygotes (or even Fetuses) are human beings as much as they say they do. I can find "Youth Lives Matter", but the Youth are pretty safe, so it's not a big concern.