Let's look at the facts.
Isn't it more likely the case that I can setup a psuedo opponent and present that individual that is really me as conceding to me multiple occasions?
If you follow many debates I've had with this "other" profile, this has occurred.
When has any other directly admitted a faulty flawed position?
Never happened.
Next, my stances are interchangeable. I can argue from either side of pro and con.
So therefore I offer someone else to pick a topic where I have to argue one side just opposite from another.
I have done this.
Best.Korea has done this.
Is this truly farfetched?
Will you truly ever know?
Being the same individual philosophically would just mean in unison . But unified in what?
Thought, idea, mind, stance or body.
Is it all the above?
"You sound just like " or "you're talking like" or "you're acting the same way as" are phrases I've heard. I trust others have.
Being the same individual is certainly being on one accord.