And the NYT
And Buzzfeed
And Salon
And the daily beast
So the idea that it isnt being mentioned in “the liberal media”, is largely hilarious.
it was broken by the Liberal media.
If you want democratic outrage, you’ve seen it bein compares negatively to Russia manipulation by Mark Warner, and it was denounced by Doug Jones who asked for an investigation into it.
Now, this is the type of localized dirty tricks you see in almost every campaign in some way. This pretty small single example in one senate race, broken by a liberal media network and being investigated doesn’t yet warrant wider national democratic rebuke. Especially as it’s 8 days old and there are later and more pressing stories.
If it turns out to be a wider used tactic in the midterms, then I’ll be right with you - but at this point I don’t see it as significantly as the voter fraud by a republican in NC - voter suppression in Georgia, and a multitude of other states, the Republican power grab in states where the governerships have been turned over, or the conspiracy theories, or a gubernatorial candidate saying he was going to stamp on his opponents face, or racist or misleading robo calls in multiple different states. I wouldn’t necessarily expect the entire Republican Party to be forced to rebuke all of themz
If it was a very close presidential race, and being conducted by the Russians, and pretty comprehensive, and involved illegal hacking of various people and releasing their data, and the presidential campaign didn’t denounce it, and pretended it didn’t even happen, and then went on to do nothing about it, then you may have cause for comparison.