National Guard hasn't gotten this much of an asskicking since Vietnam...
National Guard-0.... Illegal invaders-1
Well that's what happens when you tell people they aren't allowed to shoot. Kinda like Jan 6 except this time the feds are waiting to help the violent mob breaking down barricades rather than hand out draconian punishments with political confessions being the only escape.
12 days later
Yeah, what a crappy way to show appreciation to your saviors...
Isn't the National Guard still winning? Isn't -0 greater than -1 ?
Winning is actually losing if you are a left cultist. It's like saying communism is winning.
Why do you hate Karl Marx ?
Ask the 100 million dead people in Russia, Cambodia and China.
Well, European settlers killed 56 million indigenous people over about 100 years in South, Central and North America.
Clearly they were Marxists.
Well, European settlers killed 56 million indigenous people over about 100 years in South, Central and North America.
Well, most of these people died of non-endemic diseases.