Let me know what you think.
Can a mathematical function be a work of art?
Sure, here is some art:
A function requires an input variable and an output variable.
I suck at math.
No you don't. You have convinced yourself that you suck at math.
No. I have convinced you that you have convinced me that I have convinced myself that I suck at math.
Let's keep it on topic. You have yet to answer the question.
f(x) = sqrt((-2)^X) is a fun one.
f(x) = ((-2)^X)/X is even better.
f(x) = ((-2)^X)/(X^2)
Don't try to type any of these into a graphing calculator.
Especially not this one:
f(x) = ((-2)^X)/(X^2)
g(x) = ((-2)^f(X))/(f(X)^2)
In fact, maybe there is a way to make it infinitely recursive.
No. I have convinced you that you have convinced me that I have convinced myself that I suck at math.
that legitimately got a chuckle out of me
Are you going to contribute to this thread?
Math illiteracy is truly a terrible thing. Nobody even wants to talk about it.
unrelated topic... but i also like to ponder the mystery, of the question, did humans invent math, or discover it?
like you contributed to quality votes, mafia and debates on this website? Sure.
If you like.
You choose.
Art is rife with input and output variables.
Functions occur.
If not, they don't.
Yes and Ive posted link to such many times around here.
n^2, minus n, divided by 2 = number of lines of relationship, that have many potential artistic ways of being expressed.
Here is one for the Bekensteins Bound
Votes: I am very sorry that I voted for Mharman instead of you.
Mafia: Mafia is supposed to be fun. I don't treat mafia as a puzzle, I treat it as a lighthearted game.
Debates: Keep in mind that I am still learning how to debate. I am trying my best.
Don't let the Ratman hassle you.
He's nothing like his avatar.
He's a squidgy teddy bear.
Your welcome.
Geometry is the science of pattern ergo visual images and a large part of art --over the years--- is about visual images seen with naked eye, or by human instruments in all kinds of EMRadiation frequencies.
Geometry is the science of pattern ergo visual images and a large part of art --over the years--- is about visual images seen with naked eye, or by human instruments in all kinds of EMRadiation frequencies.
Yes, amathematical function can be a work of art. In both mathematics and science, it’s pretty common that acceptance of a theoryis largely dependent on the beauty and elegance of it's mathematical formalism,acceptance isn’t about the facts as much as it is about aesthetic value, it is aboutbeauty and elegance.
And why not?
“Beautyis in the eye of the beholder”, it invokes a strong response, no matter whatart form we are talking about, painting, photography, poetry, music, andintrinsically related to music, mathematics, when people behold beauty, theytend to describe it in terms of patterns, harmony, balance, and symmetry, allfeatures of both music and mathematics.
For mathematicians and others whoappreciate the purity, simplicity, elegance, and orderly structure of abeautiful mathematical formula, it is a work of art.
The problemwith this is that “beauty is only skin-deep”, and as is so common with beauty,science can become fascinated with a model’s aesthetic appearance and develop somethingof a “crush” on a theory. When thathappens, they start to fit the facts to the model to prove the model, and thatisn’t science.
11 days later
Why not. Beauty is subjective, art is subjective. Anyone who finds anything beautiful to them can call it art. Maybe not anything because “art” requires some kind of “expression or application of human creative skill and imagination” by definition but you get my point.