Consciuosness, is the ability to respond to incoming signals.
I think you're describing a computer, Victor
Conciousness is awareness of being alive. Computers can't do that.
I prefer to think from all what I've read that consciouness is pure mind and the rest is the creation of such consciouness. It sounds very philosophical but it resonates with me a lot because it makes sense.
But on the other hand, we might be one of millions of species for absolutely no reason.
Contrary to what religions claim, I think the purpose of this fucking life is just to experience what we create as consciousness and evolve or make improvements according to what we experience. It's what we do in this life if you didn't note it.
I like to think of it as a game devoloper that develops a game from scratch and his game evolves gaining speed, quality and realism to the point that the game doesn't need any more improvements because it attained the perfection, it became a God game.
The consciousness just want to create and experience what it creates. This is its nature, our nature. Don't you think it makes sense?