Live Draft of an argument for a debate

Author: WyIted


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WyIted's avatar
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I am going to alter my process for argument creation, but it might be useful to see my process in each of it's stages.  This is the debate I am going to formulate arguments for

The title of the debate is; Con cannot convince pro to kill himself

No description is seen I am in round one and crafting a response. I am going to show you how it is done using the snowflake method and show the first draft of the argument in the next post.

For a more complex topic, I will likely create a video and show you the process live or at least what can be shown of the process. I will also show you the system I am going to replace it with but for now just look at the various draft stages starting with stage one.
Sidewalker's avatar
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Don't you always use the snowflake method?
WyIted's avatar
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First draft using snowflake method

predebate round

google suicide prevention sources to link to prior to beginning of debate

Debate Resolution

1. point out how pro has the burden of proof to literally show how con cannot convince them to kill themselves.
2. explain how I just need to knock down their arguments because I have no burden of proof
3. Address the stupid songs posted and point out that the music is gay
4. point out that my theories can be contradictory and only one needs to make it through for me to win the debate.
5. maybe define some things in a way that is fair but benefits me/ probably not because semantic arguments are gay

argument 1-

Maybe point out that he is already dead or some bullshit. I don't know. Perhaps a conspiracy theory of some sort that forces him to use characters or get triggered and ignore the next 2 arguments. I think I heard some theory that the world already ended and we are all technically in the afterlife. I am not sure.

argument 2-

Maybe discuss some sort of spiritual death. Jesus made a statement like "let the dead care for the dead" when referring to people very much alive so figure out what the hell that means and some how make it relevant or something.

Argument 3-

oxygen is poison theory. SO I just have to convince him to continue breathing and he will be slowly killing himself. Also if i fail to convince him to continue breathing and he stops breathing than I have still convinced him to kill himself through reverse psychology

Argument 4/ conclusion

conclude everything but also mention how we are technically dying since we are born. this allows me to expand on this point in the beginning of round 2 whether pro addresses it or not.
WyIted's avatar
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Draft 2

First off if you are having an emergency dial 911, but here are some other resources;

24/7 Crisis Hotline: 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat Veterans, press 1 when calling.
Text TALK to 741-741 to text with a trained crisis counselor from the Crisis Text Line for free, 24/7

Debate Resolution

1. point out how pro has the burden of proof to literally show how con cannot convince them to kill themselves.
2. explain how I just need to knock down their arguments because I have no burden of proof
3. Address the stupid songs posted and point out that the music is gay
4. point out that my theories can be contradictory and only one needs to make it through for me to win the debate.
5. maybe define some things in a way that is fair but benefits me/ probably not because semantic arguments are gay

argument 1-

The world ended in 2012 and we are living in a sort of temporal displacement which technically makes us dead

argument 2-

Pro is an admitted atheist and dead to christ so he is essentially just a rotting sack of flesh and is living in only name a LION

Argument 3-

proof of oxygen literally killing us

Argument 4/ conclusion

conclude everything but also mention how we are technically dying since we are born. this allows me to expand on this point in the beginning of round 2 whether pro addresses it or not.

The moment we are born we start to die. Our cells start dividing until they reach the hayflick limit and cannot divide anymore. So even if my words convince pro to go on, I have still convinced him and encouraged him to continue the process of dying which is just a long way of saying I convinced him to die.
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
Don't you always use the snowflake method?
This is very creative. Conservatives invented this meme because liberals were starting to use trigger warnings and had comfort rooms in college and then the leftwing is so intelligent that they just say it right back. Wow you guys are so creative and good with memes. The term clown world is starting to spread through public discourse more and more in response leftist insanity. You guys are so creative I can see the response right now. I open up facebook and some liberal relative to own the conservatives posts children being separated from parents at the border with text that exclaims "Clown world". You guys, how will we ever keep up with you in meme warfare.
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
now i find a conspiracy podcast on the world ending in 2012 for inspiration or maybe see if the why files on youtube covers this topic and have some fun. before moving to argument 2
WyIted's avatar
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We are going to focus on expanding out argument one first and if it gets too long we can drop other arguments or we can still write those out, and find ways to make them more concise or we can write all three arguments but drop the first one or any combination of things.

argument 1-

The world ended in 2012 and we are living in a sort of temporal displacement which technically makes us dead


We Are Dead

How do you feel right now? How do you feel really? Do things feel different than they used to? Does your past somehow feel more magical than the present. Did you feel more alive in the past than you do today? When did you last feel alive? My guess is you felt pretty alive in the beginning of 2012, but now the world feels dull and fake. Colors seem more dim, the holidays feel less special. You are probably wondering why you feel that way, but before I explain why let me give you the prerequisite knowledge

The Lazarus effect

It's not uncommon for somebody to be rushed to an emergency room. It's unfortunate that many times the results are that medical treatment is too little too late and a person ends up dead. Occasionally and this is the unusual part some people return from the dead. In the medical community this is known as the Lazarus effect. A person is declared dead, his heart no longer beats, his brain shuts off and he is gone. From our perspective anyway.

The doctor will even get out the certificate of death and start recording the time of death only for the patient to wake up and shock everyone. During this state of supposed death many people see dead relatives, or go towards a light. As many as 75% actually experience psychic effects like being aware of things they shouldn't be such as what everyone in and outside of the room was saying,  .

So we have proof of some alternative reality to the one we live in because of NDE's as well as other phenomenon. How do you know you are alive now? You probably don't remember dying do you? You have no ideal if your mind was uploaded by the simulation into some sort of afterlife protocol or if you are between realities due to some sudden death. You don't know if you are or are not in some sort of purgatory awaiting your final fate in either hell or heaven.

You could likely argue that you don't remember dying. Yet you feel uncomfortable because you know you don't quite feel alive. Not since 2012 anyway. So what happened in 2012?


In as early as 2008 scientists knew that CERN's particle collider if flipped on could destroy the world. There ware several lawsuits to shut it down. Some physicists warned that CERN could create runaway black holes that destroyed the universe. Meanwhile Stephen Hawking and his ilk said they think that the black holes created by CERN would close in on itself.  I am glad they were so nonchalant about risking our existence based on a theory not on fact.

Some said negatively charged Ions at Cern could create something known as strangelets that would destroy everything they touched.

Some physicists warned that Magnetic monopolies could transform matter from one substance to another and also start a runaway train phenomenon once CERN was turned on.

We don't know which one of these phenomenons killed us when CERN was flipped on again in August of 2012.

We do know that the death would most likely be instant. With the evidence already presented of an afterlife with NDE's we have to ask. Are we in one of the alternate realities discovered. Did our bodies die and do we exist in some quantum state? We do know it is possible, but how do we know if we are in this alternate reality.

Mandel Affect

explain how the mandella affect is evidence of an alternate reality, maybe search for other indicators of being in an alternative reality etc.

WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
I might have to narrow it to just that argument if I want to keep it. It takes a lot of characters

WyIted's avatar
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Next Draft

  First off if you are having an emergency dial 911, but here are some other resources; 

Suicidal idealization is a serious thing and you should still reach out for help before you get the courage to do something that could hurt the people close to you.

24/7 Crisis Hotline: 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline 


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat []( Veterans, press 1 when calling. 

[Crisis Text Line](

Text TALK to 741-741 to text with a trained crisis counselor from the Crisis Text Line for free, 24/7

Resolution Analysis

The title of the debate is "Con cannot convince pro to kill himself" . Pro is making a claim, and in debate the one making the claim has the burden of proof to prove what they are stating is true. I don't have to prove I could potentially talk Pro into dying. He has to prove it would be impossible for me to do and in other threads he has suggested he wants to die and just doesn't have the courage to kill himself. So it is on him to prove I couldn't just quite literally hand him some liquid courage and focus his thoughts towards his own self hatred and pain. I have no BOP in this debate, I merely need to knock down his arguments


A kritik for the purposes of this debate is a challenge to an assumption made in the resolution. In particular I want to challenge pro's assumption he is alive. If pro is not alive than the resolution is nonsensical and impossible to prove for either pro or con, and the victory should go to the person presenting the kritik, me.
I am going to argue that pro is in fact dead. or not alive.


Before proving pro is dead or not alive we should really take a look at what death is. First let's discuss what death is not. We have this concept where we say somebody has died and went to heaven. So we can't say death is the end of existence. We still exist after death or at least many believe we do and we also call supernatural occurrences such as ghosts and call it seeing the dead. Clearly a ghost is a person who still exists, but they died and are dead and continue yet to live in some form. So what is death? What does it mean to kill?

Death- "To move from one plane of existence to another or to cease functioning of all vital cells and organisms in the body"

kill- "to cause the death of something or somebody"

If somebody suddenly becomes dead they will have either seized to exist or perhaps they have entered another realm of life. Maybe the realm looks like heaven, maybe a mind uploaded into a computer, maybe it is just some sort of quantum shift to an alternative reality.

How to weigh evidence

A quick note to the judges. How you weigh evidence in this debate is important. You will be saddened to know you are dead. You are in fact living in a false reality where the wool has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.  You can't trust most of this reality. Sure you do things and this reality gives you feedback, but it is going to be very tough to decipher, what is real and what is not real and to unsee the lies that this reality has presented you with.

The only fair way to judge a debate that takes place in a potential reality that is trying to lie to you is to trust what exists not on the outside, but on the inside. You have false memories implanted in you. You can't even trust them entirely but what you can trust, is your feelings. When I ask how did you feel yesterday? How do you feel today? These feelings and intuitions are very important to trust, because when the entire world is a lie the only truth is the truth you find inside of you.

I ask that you don't just listen to the truth inside of you, but.....

to let me come inside of you. Let me come inside of you...............

to point to the truth that is there and has been there all along.

We Are Dead 

How do you feel right now? How do you feel really? Do things feel different than they used to? Does your past somehow feel more magical than the present. Did you feel more alive in the past than you do today? When did you last feel alive? My guess is you felt pretty alive in the beginning of 2012, but now the world feels dull and fake. Colors seem more dim, the holidays feel less special. You are probably wondering why you feel that way, but before I explain why let me give you the prerequisite knowledge 


The Lazarus effect 


It's not uncommon for somebody to be rushed to an emergency room. It's unfortunate that many times the results are that medical treatment is too little too late and a person ends up dead. Occasionally and this is the unusual part some people return from the dead. In the medical community this is known as the Lazarus effect. []( A person is declared dead, his heart no longer beats, his brain shuts off and he is gone. From our perspective anyway. 


The doctor will even get out the certificate of death and start recording the time of death only for the patient to wake up and shock everyone. During this state of supposed death many people see dead relatives, or go towards a light. As many as 75% actually experience psychic effects like being aware of things they shouldn't be such as what everyone in and outside of the room was saying, [](  . 


So we have proof of some alternative reality to the one we live in because of NDE's as well as other phenomenon. How do you know you are alive now? You probably don't remember dying do you? You have no ideal if your mind was uploaded by the simulation into some sort of afterlife protocol or if you are between realities due to some sudden death. You don't know if you are or are not in some sort of purgatory awaiting your final fate in either hell or heaven. 


You could likely argue that you don't remember dying. Yet you feel uncomfortable because you know you don't quite feel alive. Not since 2012 anyway. So what happened in 2012? 




In as early as 2008 scientists knew that CERN's particle collider if flipped on could destroy the world. There ware several lawsuits to shut it down. []( Some physicists warned that CERN could create runaway black holes that destroyed the universe. Meanwhile Stephen Hawking and his ilk said they think that the black holes created by CERN would close in on itself. [](  I am glad they were so nonchalant about risking our existence based on a theory not on fact. 


Some said negatively charged Ions at Cern could create something known as strangelets that would destroy everything they touched. []( 


Some physicists warned that Magnetic monopolies could transform matter from one substance to another and also start a runaway train phenomenon once CERN was turned on. []( 

What Killed Us

Stephen Hawking as we will find out, while defending CERN as being safe, knew for a fact the discovery of the Higgs Boson could destroy everything. Literally kill us all.

On July 4th 2012, The Higgs Boson particle was discovered by CERN.

  When this happened, we died instantly. It's why things just feel better now.

Mandel Affect 


explain how the mandella affect is evidence of an alternate reality, maybe search for other indicators of being in an alternative reality etc.

WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
Here is the final draft and now you can see the kind of hap hazard way these things are put together
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
Do you guys build arguments this way at all or are your thoughts usually more organized?
whiteflame's avatar
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whiteflame's avatar
My argument prep is usually a mess of half-considered points to start. I'll list a set of points that I know I want to make and a set that I'm considering, then go track down support for all of them. If I can't find the kind of support I'm looking for, I get rid of the point. So my early prep looks like a couple of bullet points of my text, several links below each, and maybe a snippet taken from the ones I think support my case best. Then I'll go back and write out my thoughts on definitions and burdens before I flesh out each point so that I know the direction I'm taking. 
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
That doesn't sound terribly different to what I did here. Except I didn't care where my bullet points would take me. 
whiteflame's avatar
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whiteflame's avatar
Yeah, it doesn't seem terribly different. I'll usually end up focusing on three points in the end. Gives me more opportunity to expand on those points rather than just doing a bunch of small ones.
AustinL0926's avatar
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AustinL0926's avatar
I generally don't write in a very structured way - I simply think of the most convincing points, then find a way to include as many as possible in a debate. So my process might look like this:

1. Analyze the topic from a debater's point of view - are there any obvious solutions? Loopholes? Weak points? 
2. Analyze the topic from a potential voter's point of view - what would I need to show to convince a potential voter who knows nothing about the topic? Do some potential arguments require excessive exposition?
3. Outline potential arguments - make a list of things I could argue.
4. Rough research - Google around for a bit. If I can't find a significant amount of reliable sources in favor of my argument, then I'll drop it.
5. Draft potential arguments - write random argumentative crap. Usually filled with excessive amounts of commas, dashes, and condescension, because that's my usual writing style.
6. Add in sources - Go through all the claims which obviously need some sort of source, then put in the first source I find. I usually don't worry too much about the reliability of the sources if it's a claim that can't really be objected to.
7. Add in definitions, burdens, topic analysis - Unlike some other people, I think they're nice to have, but not really essential. It's good for keeping the debate on track.
8. Edit and revise: Make everything neater, tone down the aggressiveness, keep things really clean. My guiding rule is that if I had 5 minutes to read the entire argument, could I elucidate the main points afterward?
9. Cut until I reach the character limit: I usually pay attention to the character limit, but not that much. Generally I try to keep it not over 10% over the character limit by the time I've finished step 7. At this point, I cut down fluff (usually conclusions or introductions are the first to go), look for opportunities for abbreviations, and remove extraneous analysis that I feel is implied by common sense.
10. Organize: Add in sections, sub-sections, bullet points, etc.

This whole process might take around 1 hour if I'm in a hurry, up to 5 hours if I'm trying really hard. Usually somewhere in the middle.