Hole in Math > Alan Turing <

Author: ebuc


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This vid says it all regarding math.  Or does it?  It is a great teaching aid for those not familiar with principles of math.

However, I dont see Alan Turings hole, affecting the principle that states, there can only exist five, regular/symmetrical and convex polyhedra of Universe, and only three of those have all equilateral triangular surfaces.

Hope others will find time to watch this vid, as I did. Best wishes, as is very informative, with clarity.

Sidewalker's avatar
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Sidewalker's avatar
This vid says it all regarding math.  Or does it?  It is a great teaching aid for those not familiar with principles of math.

However, I dont see Alan Turings hole, affecting the principle that states, there can only exist five, regular/symmetrical and convex polyhedra of Universe, and only three of those have all equilateral triangular surfaces.

Hope others will find time to watch this vid, as I did. Best wishes, as is very informative, with clarity.

I watched it, it's OK at best, but the problem being discussed is fascinating.  

First, it's not a hole in math so much as it is the case that math doesn't have a logical foundation to rest upon.  The big unresolved question in mathematics is this: just what is the connection between mathematical truth and physical reality, do mathematical objects exist independently of the human mind or not?   

There were really only three approaches to the Philosophical Foundations of Mathematics, Hilbert's Formalism, Frege's Logicism, and Brouwer's Intuitionism. Hilbertand Brouwer said mathematical objects are created by the mind, but on the otherside of this, you have Eugene Wigner writing “The Unreasonable Effectiveness ofMathematics in the Natural Sciences” which tells us that there’s got to be moreto mathematics than that. 

In the end, and as the video shows, Hilbert’s Formalism fell to Godel’s proof that Formalism isn’t possible by showing that it is provable that you cannot prove the truth of all arithmetic statement within arithmetic, and Turing’s demonstration that you can’t have an effective decision procedure.  Gottlob Frege’s Logicism fell to the self-referential paradox, even after Russell tweaked it with the Principia, the attempt to reduce mathematics to logic failed.   And we were left dangling with Intuitionism which we intuitively feel cannot be true because the challenge to the law of contradiction left us with nothing to logically work with, and it’s foundational postulate that the truth of a mathematical statement is a subjective claim leaves us with an unacceptable vagueness of the intuitionistic notion of truth. It became clear that Brouwer's Intuitionism has no hope of explaining “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Physical Sciences”.

Godel showed us that the Formalist interpretation of mathematics is not possible, as the Logicist wasn’t, and Intuitionism didn’t stand up to scrutiny.  There were only really three horses in the race and none of them won. 

In the end we just have to accept that the greatest mathematical minds ever produced have pretty much collectively concluded that we do not understand the connection between mathematics and reality. 

ebuc's avatar
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SW..." ...do mathematical objects exist independently of the human mind or not?"   ...

Of course they do.  Not knowing all of the maths or any uncertainty about the maths, does not disavow Meta { beyond }-space mind/intellect/concepts complement occupied space ---and that includes physical reality....

Its obvious math complements occupied space. Plenty of evidence for this.
Sidewalker's avatar
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SW..." ...do mathematical objects exist independently of the human mind or not?"   ...

Of course they do. 
Where do they exist outside of the mind?  Do they exist in some kind of platonic dimension of pure forms and abstract objects as Plato thought?  If so, then how do we find out about them.  We can’t have learned it empirically; mathematical objects don’t exist in the real world. Are we born knowing these innate things as Descartes believed?  Are they “revealed” to us by God as Augustine believed?  In the end, the problem of the philosophical foundation is an unresolved problem in Mathematics. 

Not knowing all of the maths or any uncertainty about the maths, does not disavow Meta { beyond }-space mind/intellect/concepts complement occupied space ---and that includes physical reality....
No, it does not. A mathematical theorythat works, that makes predictions about reality, certainly implies that thereis a connection between mathematics and reality.  But nobody seems to know what it is.  

In the end, mathematicians just learnto live with this peculiar problem, the stereotypical response when it’sbrought up is “Shut up and calculate”.  And despite this unresolved aspect, it hasn’t done anything to slow downmathematics, it has progressed at an accelerating pace despite the lack offoundational understanding.

Its obvious math complements occupied space. Plenty of evidence for this.
Eugene Wigner made it clear with “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences” that there’s some kind of connection between mathematical truth and realty, but despite some of the greatest minds ever produced trying to do so for thousands of years, that connection still has not been adequately defined.  Wigner presented plenty of evidence, made it obvious, but mathematicians still must live with the fact that the philosophical foundations of mathematics is unresolved. 
ebuc's avatar
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Where do they exist outside of the mind?

I spoke mistakenly. Your correct. My bad i.e  if its mathematical it is of course  Meta { beyond }-space mind/intellect/concepts.

They exist as occupied space objects, of course, and complemented by math is what I should have said if I didnt state the previously or clearly in other posts in this thread.  Thank you Sidewalker for the  correction.

Math includes geometry ergo pattern/shape, and all occupied space parts have complementary shape/pattern associated with geometry.

regarding Wigner..." ....despite some of the greatest minds ever produced trying to do so for thousands of years, that connection still has not been adequately defined."....

Penrose drew semi-peridoic quasi-crystal-like rhombic  patterns before the discovered quasi-crystals.

Planets have shape. Chairs have shape. All occupied space has shape, tho of course all is dynamically changing to whatever degree of decay.