I have been doing lots of research, and I think that I am ready to have an experiment where I live on food from nature for a longer time.
Mainly, I would focus on this food:
1. Dandelion greens and other edible wild greens
2. Tree catkins/pollen
3. Raspberries
4. Dandelion flowers
5. Willow seeds
6. Grass pollen
Including raspberries in this list feels like cheating, but I do like sugar and I am not sure how will I manage to go for months without chocolate if I skip on raspberries as well.
I already ate lots of tree catkins raw.
I know the ones I ate are safe to eat.
They are just harder to chew than regular food.
But they seem to be available in great amount.
Not all are safe to eat.
The only thing which I am curious about is how nutritious are they.
I know squirrels eat catkins, so there probably is some good nutrition in them.
With dandelion greens and any greens, I will make sure to wash them.
I dont want to risk getting sick from unwashed food.
Grass pollen is something I am uncertain about, but I will give it a try.
Edible willow catkins should give me plenty of food, and I want to try those willow seeds as well.
As for nuts and fruit, they become available later in year, and at that point I will already be ending experiment to view results.
I will be taking vitamins, as I am not sure how would I even obtain B12 in nature from plants alone.
I will begin experiment as soon as enough green edible plants appear, because I dont want to start on catkins alone.
I will not be eating dandelion roots, because that kills the plant entirely and its unnecessary with dandelion greens available.