Well it shouldn't take a continuous supply of rare Earths for lithium batteries, if people would recycle them we would eventually reach a point where there is plenty of lithium in the economy.
There is some reason to believe future very stable charge storage systems (batteries) might supplant lithium as well.
Hydrogen is kept under enormous pressure and I've never really seen advantages that justify that danger all all the corollary engineering challenges. I think if one seriously sat down to look at end-game costs and utility they'd find synthesizing propane from hydrogen in vast facilities would be better in every way.
Propane can be stored as liquid under (by comparison) very little pressure at normal temperatures. Methane (from oil drilling) can also be converted to propane allowing both sources of energy to be used (which greatly reduces engineering complexity on the consumer side).
Hydrogen can replace methane as delivered to static structures by pipe.
In either case this is merely an energy storage mechanism, not an energy source. We need giant nuclear facilities. We shouldn't wait for fusion, we should do fission to give ourselves a century of lee way to develop fusion.