Yes there is an absolute possibility that smart things can sound stupid to you, however just because a Premise is true doesn't make its conclusion true,
P1 a -> c1 b is possible
alongside others
p2 b -> c2 a
And you can apply that logic to a mendel graph
So yeah x can say a y thing and think they are z thing while other people think that they are actually f thing
A lot of the times I was in conversation with someone, any time I used logic they clearly dont understand, they looked at me as if I was stupid.
Premise from anecdote can't be used to qualify the future conclusion (even if it is correct) without other grounds
Now, obviously, this creates the question:
*Nothing is always obvious
*Therefore I do not have to agree with you question as reasonable yet
Why do smart things sound stupid to stupid people?
I'm definitely grasping at straws here but doesn't your premise beg the question because it had no proof, isn't it ad-hominin becuase it attacks a persons characteristic of stupid rather than their arguements?
And if smart things indeed sound stupid to stupid people,
Definitely begging the question, also anecdote, also a qualitative fallacy
Is it possible that things which sound stupid to me could actually be smart and I just dont understand them?
Yes all things are possible until you define reality.
If you don't have tangible division you can't learn, this accounts for the learning process which is itself tangible division of forms
I think your argument was just a relaxed conversation, so don't take yourself too seriously and relax, they wouldn't be praising you if you weren't doing something right.
Any desire to assert yourself as smart or intellectual should be met with proofs!!!!
Off to go be a redundant pain in the ass somewhere else!