Spiral Dynamics

Author: Outplayz


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What do you guys think of it?

Here's a crash course if you haven't heard of it:

Castin's avatar
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Hour and a half. Oof. Can you give me a few bulleted points in summary to start me off/encourage more interest?
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It's a data driven research of society values and worldviews. It talks about how people and/or societies are at different levels of seeing the world. For instance, the middle east is a blue society while the west is a orange society. Blue means that they are black and white thinkers where orange is a little more open minded / scientific society. This can also be applied towards people. The trick is seeing it in the bigger sense of picture. Obviously the middle east has scientific minds too, but as a whole they are at blue level. The higher up you get on the spiral the better you are for the society / world bc the higher up you are the more you realize how everyone is needed and less and less selfish towards one's own gain. 

It's sorta similar to the Briggs myers personality tests. But this looks at peoples level of awareness and values. The interesting part of the test is that wherever you are in the spiral you will likely view the other colors as deluded or shortsighted. Where, it's just a different level of understanding the world around you. For instance, red is a very selfish level. Normally gangs, killers, basically people that don't care who they hurt to get what they want fall under. Where blue is a right and wrong, value justice, a monotheistic god, patriotic, etc. type people fall. In order for red to put its ways behind it, it needs to evolve to blue (which is the next step). It needs to realize its detriment to society and by doing so it evolves as a person / society better for all. Interestingly, orange is after blue. Orange being what they west mainly is. Science driven, ambitious, i need to be number one type mentality. For blue to evolve it needs to wake up that things aren't so black and white making it orange. Then there is green which is best characterized as hippie type mentality. Equality and love. That's higher than orange bc it isn't as selfish as orange and tries to do things for the benefit of all instead of just self. Above those is tier two. Yellow and turquoise. Tier two is people that start to notice the rest of the spiral and are aware of it. It's the intellectuals and systemic type thinkers. 

The important thing is to see this in the bigger picture. Bc obviously the stuff i listed as being characterizations of certain colors other colors can also share. It's seeing it as a level of awareness. I'm likely yellow bc i can clearly see this in people. I can see what stage people / societies are in, but that makes it harder for me to explain it. So, i was hoping someone else look it up and help me out a little in finding strengths and weaknesses.

Castin's avatar
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To be honest that sounds weird as hell. May take me some effort to wrap my head around/conceptualize.
Outplayz's avatar
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Haha all good. I was just wondering if anyone knew it or was interested in such things. Don't do anything tedious... it's not good for your health ;p I can just tell you i think your colors are green / orange. Okay... i did that to get you a little interested, won't lie. 
Castin's avatar
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What does the combo green/orange mean?
Outplayz's avatar
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It doesn't mean any one thing. Green are people that usually want equality, they want people to work together to build a society everyone gets along, etc. Kinda hippie type mentality of equality and love. Orange are people that are driven, more selfish than green in that they would rather succeed over helping other succeed where green would help others before self, are scientifically minded... think of a corporation CEO's type mentality. I think you are more green than orange, but you also have a curious scientific approach type mind that would put you a little in orange. But i think ultimately you have transcended orange into green. At least, the internet version of you. 
Castin's avatar
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I dunno, orange doesn't really sound like me.
Outplayz's avatar
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It doesn't at all actually... only the scientific part. But i don't know. If you think spirituality is a part of lives... but not in a dogmatic way, then you would be fully green. Here, listen to just the first couple minutes. Starting from... 2 minutes

Outplayz's avatar
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I'm sorry i meant start at 3minutes

7 days later

EtrnlVw's avatar
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Okay, so I was going to watch the video later today but last night I couldn't sleep so I got up and gave it a go. I took notes as I watched it and jotted down the colors and descriptions so I could follow along and here is what I got. First of all you're a pretty good judge of character, you got me nailed down just about. Turquoise was the only color I felt most at ease with believe it or not. I don't think there was a single thing said in this color I couldn't relate too. I don't really consider myself some leader nor do I want to be but man, the three major things within this color that scream myself are obviously the elevating the consciousness of mankind to higher levels, offering alternative healing through legit methods holistic based and putting priority on true spirituality in a real way and applicable way. Those seem to be the main theme that runs through.

Definitely I'm some in yellow or have been through it, I couldn't help actually to feel like not only did I feel the most comfortable with turquoise I felt like I coulda pushed the envelop a little further. I went ahead and watched the separate turquoise video and I know he mentioned there in fact may be one more color I believe he called "coral" but I stopped watching after turquoise.

Some of the descriptions in yellow for sure fit like taking on multiple perspectives, solving complex problems in a systematic way, self-honesty and just being open minded to everyone in general. However it still felt a little snug, turquoise I didn't feel like it was missing something but I did feel like I was interested in the next color because nothing in tier 2 bothered me or seem stupid. I have some shadows in blue and green, orange for some reason irritated me. The funny part is orange PEOPLE I have no problems with but the actual ideology of orange I can't stand maybe because that ideology thinks there is no color above it. I despise pretentious and shallow world views and attitudes. In general though I have no problems with science or promoting a better economy and such...but I know life goes so much further than that level of thinking.

I can tell you right now that I was probably born into the blue color for whatever reason but certainly some green too. I would say I've spent at least half my life in the blue zone because I already had a level of spirituality even as a little kid and so I began to see a very black and white picture of the world and I was very serious and passionate about it, like I am now but man I've come a long way from that point. Over the decade I've probably grown more consciously speaking more than I ever had. So it is possible I soared through those other colors where I am now. Like I said, all the colors for me in tier 1 feel way too snug, so you were right I think I'm in at least 2. Anybody that really knows me and listens to turquoise would probably agree lol, I mean that is all the stuff I talk about all the time...consciousness, spirituality and healing of the body, mind and emotions. When I was a kid and teen my friends would follow me around like I was their leader but I was so charismatic I didn't really care about leading or controlling people. I've always like peoples individuality and I believe that helped me get through the blue barrier and upwards. Right now my passion seems to be mostly interested in raising people awareness and understanding consciousness and what that really means to them. I also love to use holistic and dietary alternative ways for people to self medicate, the sad part is it's not an alternative it's more effective and does not hurt the individual in any ways. Interesting stuff though. 
That's all I got really but it was fun thanks for the read.

EtrnlVw's avatar
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What's strange is that there wasn't really a color I couldn't grasp and even understand, while some irritated me mainly red and orange I never felt like I was capped off. The unity, oneness and embracing the individuality and well being of people in tier 2 resonate most with me like I said above so that is why I might go ahead and watch that last video or color, did you watch passed turquoise? I'll watch and get back to you about it here. The guy hosting the videos is pretty quick guy, maybe I'll check out some of his other vids too.
Outplayz's avatar
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Yeah he is one of my favorite creators bc he makes very insightful videos and i find myself agreeing with him a lot. He also uses philosophies by people i've valued like Sadhguru and other mystics and such. It's rare finding tier 2, especially turquoise, thinkers and i think he's one. 

Yeah, i most def. saw those tier 2 colors in you. A benefit of being in tier 2 is that you can not only be any color on any given moment, you know when you are and you can also see others in what color they are. You become fully conscious of the spiral in tier 2 so you can manipulate it, use it, and see it. What you said is the same i felt, believe it or not lol... i felt most comfortable with yellow and turquoise. And, i was left wanting more bc i also feel like i've transcended turquoise. But understand it is really rare to even get to turquoise, so don't trick yourself... like me you may not be as solid that color as you may think. I feel like i am, but i also feel like i could be a little more yellow since i just don't feel ready to be full turquoise. Things still bother me a little and i haven't let go of the self completely yet to go full guru type mentality. I'm just trying to give myself some give so i can work more, but intuitively i feel beyond turquoise and i might be a little. 

So yes, i did search for some coral traits and they sorta fit... not much. One guy called coral the chaos character. This would be a person that knows exactly what kind of chaos you can enter into a system to fix the system. Bc you would know that creating said chaos will make the system work itself out. For instance protests with riots may get a lot of peoples attention to a particular issue where a small protest people will look over. You know these chaos creations will have this positive affect. In this regard, it's like me bc i've always thought entering chaos is helpful. Ironically, that is my reason for letting lax moderation i just explained on the other thread. 

Then i also want to say this is a coral trait bc at least to me it felt very transformative when i figured it out. But this is my opinion on a coral trait. Spiritually in turquoise, what makes you this color that i will call teal now tired of writing it lol, what makes you teal is coming to the profound understanding that everything is one. When you are teal you get that "oh, that's what's going on" moment. You just get it. I think what happens in coral is you get this same profound understanding of the self. You get the same "oh shit i get it" moment when it comes to self in regards to: Why you would create yourself here, your purpose here, and knowing almost certainly where you are going next... understanding everything about the self. I literally cured my depression when i got this oh shit moment. It may still be a teal realization, but i feel it would also be an appropriate realization for coral. And if you haven't had this oh moment... i would say to work towards it bc it is quite a profound insight.  
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But understand it is really rare to even get to turquoise, so don't trick yourself... like me you may not be as solid that color as you may think. I feel like i am, but i also feel like i could be a little more yellow since i just don't feel ready to be full turquoise.

Yeah I remember all that and was looking out for it, and that a person could stay in "teal" for a long time just working it out. I can see that I just couldn't help but to still feel curious because all of it made sense. I wouldn't say I have surpassed it just that it is the way the last color left me feeling, like I wanted more. None of the colors other than orange seemed stupid or insane, well except for the lower two of course. I watched out for that because he said that is where your color was probably located.
It's funny, because my mentor falls right into teal as well and more so than me I'm sure. I get the whole head knowledge vs development thing, and I'm looking at that. Like I said I have some shadows too, mainly in blue and green, I get caught up in those sometimes. 

So yes, i did search for some coral traits and they sorta fit... not much. One guy called coral the chaos character. This would be a person that knows exactly what kind of chaos you can enter into a system to fix the system. Bc you would know that creating said chaos will make the system work itself out.

I did a quick search to find coral and realized the same guy didn't do that color, is that correct? the only ones I found I watched for a couple mins and they seemed a bit strange or not to the point. Do you have a link for that color?

 A benefit of being in tier 2 is that you can not only be any color on any given moment, you know when you are and you can also see others in what color they are. You become fully conscious of the spiral in tier 2

I noticed that too, pretty cool. Once you got it you got it, these are just levels and states of consciousness souls get stuck in. 
Outplayz's avatar
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Like I said I have some shadows too, mainly in blue and green, I get caught up in those sometimes. 
That's good you realize it. Many people don't realize when they are getting trapped. Now do you understand why i thinking allowing a little chaos is beneficial? It's a very teal way (well now maybe coral) of looking at it seeing that it is needed to bring things together. I don't think you get stuck in blue too much. I thought sometimes in the past when i thought you were hardcore into your spiritual path is the only. But through talking to you i've realized you understand that there are little nuances that could be different. So i don't think you get stuck in blue too bad, for blue is basically the black and white thinkers. My religion is all there is and i'm right bc a higher power tells me so types. I know you can think of some users here that are really stuck in blue. I don't think of you as one. But in regards to green. There are some green things you do. Moderation and everything being clean is a very green perspective. So is your health advice... but, with that i'm not sure since studies do show a clean health is beneficial. You clearly have a point there. And you aren't someone that has told me i can't eat what i want... so actually i don't think that's very green... it's more yellow. Spiritually you are for sure teal. 

I personally think every color is needed for this world to evolve, so i don't really dislike any color bc i see their benefit to the world. But orange and red are most def. the colors that can trigger me the easiest. I orange is annoying in their materialist world view bc they fail to see they are still infants in the grand scheme of things... but still they assert such absolutes. And i don't like red bc they typically are violent... bullies and criminals. I actually can't stand people in red. I seriously want to help them as fast as i can escape that type of mindset but as soon as i see no hope, i'm gone. I use to have some people in that color around me and they are just too dumb to stimulate any kind of interest from me. So red is probably the color i dislike the most. The lower colors are understandable since they are just very primitive. Like tribes or people with mental disease. I actually am very interested by those types of people. 

Do you have a link for that color?
Yeah it is a bit hard to find but this is the best video i found where the guy sounded like he knows what he is talking about

Other than this some books go into these higher colors. But you have to understand... teal is a present day manifestation. People are just waking up to this color. So to transcend teal is pretty crazy and rare if it's even a thing. I personally think it is, and i don't want to assert i am there bc it sounds arrogant, but i may not be fully teal, but i clearly understand it... and i feel i understand it a little beyond what it is. The thing is yellow is the most important in tier 2. Bc yellow is the color that seeks knowledge of every kind. It is always looking at different things, sorta scatter brained in knowledge. I feel although in certain things i am teal or coral even... i am mainly yellow bc i'm not ready to leave yellow yet. I know i still have a lot of learning to do before i can put yellow behind me. So it's important to pin point which elements you have in you in what colors. Bc different perspectives will be in different colors. You have to try and transcend them all up the latter to be fully enlightened as they say. 

I noticed that too, pretty cool. Once you got it you got it, these are just levels and states of consciousness souls get stuck in. 
That's an interesting point of view and actually what i was most curious about when i made this thread... can people transcend their color? Me personally, i have been climbing the latter bc that's just who i am. I have always been this way... a person with the capacity to get to teal or beyond. I remember every moment of my life and what color i was in but i moved up the spiral naturally. So, i wonder if everyone can do this. I know some people are taught and they can do it that way... but i wonder if someone that is stuck in blue or orange... if they can ever escape it. Bc they are positive they are right. That's the tricky thing of each level. Each color thinks the other color is deluded or crazy. It's something else to drop that and join their perspective. I think some just aren't capable no matter what you say. They are naturally born with the capacity to only reach their level. 

EtrnlVw's avatar
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That's good you realize it. Many people don't realize when they are getting trapped. Now do you understand why i thinking allowing a little chaos is beneficial? It's a very teal way (well now maybe coral) of looking at it seeing that it is needed to bring things together.
Haha sure why not.
 I don't think you get stuck in blue too much. I thought sometimes in the past when i thought you were hardcore into your spiritual path is the only. But through talking to you i've realized you understand that there are little nuances that could be different. So i don't think you get stuck in blue too bad, for blue is basically the black and white thinkers. My religion is all there is and i'm right bc a higher power tells me so types. I know you can think of some users here that are really stuck in blue. I don't think of you as one.
Okay I'll consider that.
 But in regards to green. There are some green things you do.
I would agree with that.

I personally think every color is needed for this world to evolve, so i don't really dislike any color bc i see their benefit to the world.

I kind of like that sentiment. I think I could definitely get with that for sure.

Other than this some books go into these higher colors. But you have to understand... teal is a present day manifestation. People are just waking up to this color. So to transcend teal is pretty crazy and rare if it's even a thing.

That is most likely correct. 

I personally think it is, and i don't want to assert i am there bc it sounds arrogant, but i may not be fully teal, but i clearly understand it... and i feel i understand it a little beyond what it is. The thing is yellow is the most important in tier 2. Bc yellow is the color that seeks knowledge of every kind. It is always looking at different things, sorta scatter brained in knowledge.

Yeah I like a lot of things in yellow, I really liked the systematic complexity, understanding, multiple perspectives, open mindedness and really I like personal development. I think I could flesh that out some more for sure. Actually maybe sense orange irritates me I could embody it a little more. Red though, that is like the opposite of what I am, I just flat out don't like it lol. I ain't goin anywhere near that one.

I feel although in certain things i am teal or coral even... i am mainly yellow bc i'm not ready to leave yellow yet. I know i still have a lot of learning to do before i can put yellow behind me. So it's important to pin point which elements you have in you in what colors. Bc different perspectives will be in different colors. You have to try and transcend them all up the latter to be fully enlightened as they say.

I agree. But I'll skip red :p sorry 

That's an interesting point of view and actually what i was most curious about when i made this thread... can people transcend their color? Me personally, i have been climbing the latter bc that's just who i am. I have always been this way... a person with the capacity to get to teal or beyond. I remember every moment of my life and what color i was in but i moved up the spiral naturally. So, i wonder if everyone can do this. I know some people are taught and they can do it that way... but i wonder if someone that is stuck in blue or orange... if they can ever escape it. Bc they are positive they are right. That's the tricky thing of each level.

Well remember reincarnation is a reality to consider here. No one really has any time limit to get it right. However they do stifle their progress and potential as the magnificent spiritual beings they are.

 Each color thinks the other color is deluded or crazy.

Lol I know, just like we see here in the forums.

EtrnlVw's avatar
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Yeah it is a bit hard to find but this is the best video i found where the guy sounded like he knows what he is talking about

Okay thanks. 

Outplayz's avatar
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Yeah I like a lot of things in yellow, I really liked the systematic complexity, understanding, multiple perspectives, open mindedness and really I like personal development. I think I could flesh that out some more for sure. Actually maybe sense orange irritates me I could embody it a little more. Red though, that is like the opposite of what I am, I just flat out don't like it lol. I ain't goin anywhere near that one.
I think i remember you saying you're around the same age, if that's the case, both of us could use this stage a little longer. Of course this doesn't mean in certain perspectives we can't transcend it, but it would be good to keep growing more before putting this stage behind us. But of course never completely bc we will always be growing... i think the key is when we have enough information that we can comfortably say we understand all the systematic levels of it. Really, just learning there is this spiral dynamics, although i intuitively knew something is up, has helped me personally grow a lot. I hope it helps you the same in that regard; i'm happy you looked into it. 

I agree. But I'll skip red :p sorry 
At some point you were red, even if it was just a thought or a day. But i think you quickly grew out of it realizing selfish desire doesn't get you what you truly want. I remember when i was red. It was around young ages. 7 years old or something. But i grew away from it quick bc i realized causing pain to another really hurts. It's actually a crazy story i think i've told you. I stole a girls pen her dead grandparent gave her and they announced it over the speakers of the school. She was in my class crying... i slowly walked up and put it on her desk when no one was looking. After that i realized taking selfishly hurts others. It's sad some adults are stuck in this color... i can actually think of some members here i suspect could be stuck in red. 

Well remember reincarnation is a reality to consider here. No one really has any time limit to get it right. However they their do stifle their progress and potential as the magnificent spiritual beings they are.
It's sad more don't see it... but i fear bc they don't see it they are doomed to live unfulfilling lives (or a good chance to) since they won't have any control at all over their awareness which would give you enough to reincarnated as whatever you can imagine. Reincarnation actually is really complex in that there are so many levels to it in what you can come back as... i think coming back to this world is one of the lowest levels although some might think it's the highest that are even aware enough to control... they aren't aware enough that they can be gods.   

Lol I know, just like we see here in the forums.
Although you can never pin point someones exact color, you can see what they are likely. It's funny... i wish i didn't learn this bc now it's all i see. Like all of moderation is pretty green. Once you see this you see which colors are attacking them and which colors are in support. It's pretty funny. The red members are on the fence / sometimes in attack sometimes in support, the blue members are also either or, but the orange or orange/blue members come at them the hardest. Lol. 

EtrnlVw's avatar
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EtrnlVw's avatar
I learned things from this post, cool mon thanks. 
EtrnlVw's avatar
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EtrnlVw's avatar
Although you can never pin point someones exact color, you can see what they are likely. It's funny... i wish i didn't learn this bc now it's all i see. Like all of moderation is pretty green. Once you see this you see which colors are attacking them and which colors are in support. It's pretty funny. The red members are on the fence / sometimes in attack sometimes in support, the blue members are also either or, but the orange or orange/blue members come at them the hardest. Lol. 

I was thinking the same darn thing! we should probably play this game in PM's though LMBO. You've ruined us...
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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So an atheist comes up with a scale of color that makes the atheist top of the scale. LOL. 

EtrnlVw's avatar
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EtrnlVw's avatar
So an atheist comes up with a scale that makes the atheist top of the scale. LOL. 

They already have, you never noticed? LOL, we're the "idiots and deluded" ones and they ae the "critical thinkers and smart ones"...yeah that would be first tier. 
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You gonna hang around for awhile this time?
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Don't know. If I get banned I get banned. I am not changing for fag hag and her boyfriend. 
EtrnlVw's avatar
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Yeah but can't you just ignore them all so we can hang out and discuss stuff? at least we have a place to gather...
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I'll see.  She invades the religion forum and backstabs everywhere else. 
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Lol, thanks.
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It's not an atheist scale by any means. The spiritual people are at the top... turquoise. Science is at orange which is still in tier 1 of the scale and not even that high up. It's higher than blue, the fundamentalist religions, which makes sense. But something like polytheism would be higher... but that depends how systematic the polytheistic belief is. If it's black and white thinking it will be at blue. Less dogmatic it will be at green. Systematic thinking it will be at yellow. However, the highest spiritual belief is a oneness type platform. But the implications of such a platform could have polytheistic elements. The thing is however, it doesn't make anyone better than anyone wherever they are at the platform... that isn't the point. The point is how aware you are and how many layers you can see in people, and in my opinion, the higher up the platform you are the better person you will be towards humanity. But not only that, you will be better to yourself too.    

You still have me blocked and i tend to not talk to anyone that does this, but i will try... If you are going to ask me more questions unblock me so i don't have to keep tagging you. It's awkward. 
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No one was actually talking to you or asking questions.