The long purported conception of more males falling outside the mean I.Q. has, for me, finally discovered an answer. If you're not acquainted with this conception, this graph should suffice: ( In short, the conception helps to explain why we have fewer outstanding females with tasks associated with super high I.Qs (e.g. notable inventors, decorated politicians etc.), but also why males tend to exhibit more braindead behaviour (e.g. riding a shopping cart down a hill). The implications of the male-female I.Q. distribution conception are numerous and have yet to be properly elaborated upon here, but not the purpose of this thread.
Instead, the purpose of this thread is to purport why there is such a difference in distribution. Strauss and Strauss (2009) discovered that it was largely the X chromosome that was accountable for the difference. To be terse, the X chromosome is largely responsible for brain develop (and also has approximately 1,100 genes. The Y chromosome has only about 50). Females are born with two X chromosomes, but due to the overwhelming difference in genes between X and Y chromosomes, nature has evolved to balance this between males and females, and so female bodies will naturally determine most of those X chromosomal genes to be inactivated (at random).
Hence, whilst males have only one set of X chromosomal genes, females are far more likely to have a set that is nearer the mean, due to exceptional genes having a chance of being inactive.