Apparently, meat and animal products are much more likely to contain harmful viruses and bacteries.
We now know why bad stuff happens and so now we can be scientific about the safety of eating raw animal meat. In most cases it's fine, most doesn't cut it. That is why almost all cultures got tired of seeing people bleed out the back door and die so they boiled, fried, and baked meat to the point of taboo (and in the case of some religions doctrine).
Here is one thing I learned the hard way:
Just because you kill the bacteria, doesn't mean they didn't leave toxins behind. You can't always taste or smell the poison. You can't cook something into safety, don't buy meat you aren't going to cook or freeze within two days. Especially true of fish.
Up to you what you eat and how you prepare it, but plants aren't always safe. You can get food poisoning from plants and I have (stupid salad kit).
If you didn't do something stupid like leave it in the fridge for a month I would consider avoiding whatever grocery or restaurant provided you with the food.