Society: Ban child porn!
Me: Why?
Society: Because it exploits children!
Me: What do you think about Chocolate Milk? Should it be legal to drink it?
Society: Yea, why not?
Me: Well, Chocolate production uses child slaves, so chocolate production exploits children.
The pedophile exploits children by nutting to naked kids on the internet. I exploit children by drinking chocolate milk frequently with chocolate made with child slavery. I got some questions.
1. Do you think it exploits children more to have them do 5 sex videos in their life in a comfortable temperature room or to have them work for 15 years on farms making chocolate for your lattes and your Hersheys bars whether it's hot, humid, rainy, or other, 16 hours a day, 7 days a week?
2. If you are an adult that is sexually active, can you go longer without masturbation, or without chocolate products?
The pedophile by nutting to kids on the internet (not sex with kids, but by nutting to them on the internet (which could even be animated child porn)) is exploiting kids less for a more essential cause than I am by drinking chocolate almond milk.
"But you were getting angry at someone for saying sexual activities are for children of all ages". There is a difference between masturbation and sex. Masturbation can be done with animated child porn (which should be legal as no kids are effected and it might actually reduce child rape since animated child porn can cause certain things to happen sexually that would never be performed in real life). Legalizing animated child porn production (and adult porn production) would significantly reduce child rape rates I think.
I don't want to be a hypocrite.
But if you want to ban child porn because it exploits children, you would only be logically consistent if you wanted to ban chocolate that even had 1% of it's production made with child slaves(Child Labor and Slavery in the Chocolate Industry - Food Empowerment Project (