Quora is the most toxic environment you can be a part of
I wouldnt call it toxic.
I could call it lame and boring, but not toxic.
If you want toxic, try playing Smite. People there literally tell you to kill yourself and how they hope you get cancer, and that type of chat happens daily.
People also have a habbit of writing some insult, then blocking you.
Now, Quora, sure I can troll Quora all day, but I dont get much fun out of it.
People on Quora mostly try to "look smart" by posting shit and then never responding to comments.
Also, Quora is very "territorial".
Like, if you become member of certain group, you have to blend in so they dont ban you from group.
People are just not interested in any logical discussion or trolling. They just want to shitpost.
Quora is their "shitpost" place.
Whats sad is that google and AI chat both take answers from Quora as a source.
Even some people here used Quora as a source.
People really cant tell difference between facts and opinions.
Its sad, but its possible. There is definitely some organization working to make masses stupid.
Stupid masses are easier to control, so it seems logical to make masses stupid.
Now, anyone wishing to be in power would obviously profit from stupid masses.
So media, government, rich people... would all profit from stupid masses.
With such strong incentive to make masses stupid, it makes sense that government would put something in food to lower intelligence.
And they do it in plain sight. Its called fast food.
Food from factory, unhealthy food, which was proven to lower intelligence, is now everywhere.
Even vegetables and fruit are no longer organic.
In fact, the school system itself is producing idiots.
When you look at 90% of people in school, you see that the only thing they learned in school is to repeat what they are told. How good for the government.
Really, I am one of few people who can see through the scam.
Most others are just parrots who repeat master's words.
I am actually smart enough to know that morality is arbitrary.
90% of people mistakenly believe that morality is objective.
And do you know how many people believe in God?
If you are born in Christian family, you will probably believe in Jesus. If you are born in muslim family, you will probably believe in Allah.
And almost no one sees this obvious proof of indoctrination and repetition of what you are told.
Well, when you reach a certain level in life where you become far above others in thinking. I think I reached that level somewhere at age 6, but I cant say its a good thing. In fact, its preferable to be part of the herd. Sadly, I am just not stupid enough to be a sheep.