Liberal: Hello HFCSM. Would you blow a man to end world hunger?
HFCSM (honest and blunt): Honestly, I wouldn't end world hunger even if I didn't have to blow a man. Ending world hunger would cost a lot of tax money from the rich globalists. Cutting taxes means some people are going to have to starve, and I'm ok with that. I don't want to pay for other people's kids; that's socialist! God bless Big Tech.
If you disagree with HFCSM, that's fine, but then don't call yourself fiscal conservative; because that's logically what fiscal conservatism means.
Lower taxes means less money for the poor which means poor children starve.
If you're fine with that, alright, but if you're not; don't call yourself fiscally conservative, because you are not. And there is nothing wrong with that. Just come as advertised and if you call yourself fiscally conservative, just make sure you understand what that means.
I don't like it when people write blank checks and falsely advertise their political ideology. Just be honest!