1} go to this vid of Roy Kerr ---in 1963 developer of rotating black holes---- time stamp 9:20 for the origin of black hole or Universe or as some prefer to label it, The ' God ' Principle. -----neutron star is the singular ring at core/origin of black holes----.
2} to have more comprehension of the God Principle, it is better to at least go back to time stamp 8:00 and his 2nd reference to Schwartzchild ---person who while on the front lines of WW 1, solved equations Einstein said no one would ever figure out cause so many calculations to do---,
3} Roy Kerr is may be in his mid 80's in this vid, and he is one of those difficult math types, so you have to bear with his awkward way of describing and awkard use of a computer system control of to various points of reference,
4} Ive run out of time and if you make it too 15:40-15:45 --as I did-- then you will see begin to understand Roy Kerrs solution to why centrifugal spin forces overcome the gravitational { Newtonian forces }, ergo no singularity ever occurs.
5} Kerrs use of term stationary = no time, or as Fuller ergo I label as static model coordinate or polyhedron etc. Fuller says time is spin --see Kerrs rotational black holes not stationary/static black holes. In fact, no black hole is stationary, they all have some spin is what Roy thinks.
6} the other thing Kerr likes to point out, is that there is two primary parts to math of black holes and why the cult of the singularity arose:
.....6a} the easy parts,
......6} the hard parts, and with these hard parts, Einsteing, Penrose, Hawking etc and that what they all do, is make an assumption about where the mathematical hard parts lead to, and that is of course these incomplete, null geodesics { light rays } aka singularity.