Eternally existent, finite, occupied space of two or three primary kinds { Gr-PR?-DE } >>>
>>> eternal existence = regenerative occupied space >>>
>>> = naught is created nor destroyed = no point or purpose of existence >>>
>>> primary = fundamental = base existence >>>
>>> base = basic = no lesser cause ergo not a resultant of >>>
>>> incomplete { null } geodesics = singularity >>>
>>> is resultant of GR mathematical formula >>>
>>> Meta-space math is discovery of complex biologic life >>>
>>> occupied space exists in complement to Meta-space math >>>
>>> con-sider-ation --sider = latin for star .."Latin sīder- (stem of sīdus) star-group-- >>>
>>> consider the inconsiderate moot point of the eternally existent, macro-infinite and truly non-occupied space >>>
>>> that complements and exists outside of finite, occupied space Universe { @ } >>>
>>> >>>
>>> human focus inward { -->consideration<-- } of the most inconsiderate moot point >>>
>>> .....<--space--->..@..<--space-->.... >>>
>>> i.e eternally existent and truly non-occupied space has two points of human consideration >>>
>>> macro-infinitely outward { <--> }and micro-infinitely inward { -->@<-- } as occupied space Universe { @ } >>>
>>> that begs the question of the existence of a micro-infinite subdivision of occupied space @ >>>
>>> B Fuller considered that via his multiplication-by-division as our observations of a expanding Universe >>>
>>> I disagree with Fullers consideration such micro-infinite subdivision >>>
>>> the minimal Quantum Space-time Torus of 18 nodal events has 153 lines-of-relation = Mess as compared to Mass >>>
>>> and this torus is minimal torus that contains 14 nodal events of Graviton-DarkEon-time quantum pulse { 91 nodal events } >>>
>>> and this torus is always overlapping and interfering with other Quantum Space-time Tori >>>
>>> ergo, the minimal pulse of 14 nodal events { minimal set of nodal events as 3D tube } = singularity? >>>
>>> singularity aka incomplete { null } geodesic of photon in black hole >>>
>>> yet black holes evaporate { via Hawkings math ergo white hole radiation } and that surface event radiation >>
>>> so I say, that, this evaporation of black holes from event horizon carry's with it, the singularity geodesics inside the black holes >>>
>>> so gravitational black holes evaporate via charged EMRadiation and charge, like Gravity has no distance limits to their influence >>>
>>> this latter inherently includes multiverse ideas as the one Unified Universe >>>
>>> multiverse proponents say these individual verses exist outside the speed-of-radiation { ergo outside influence of Gravity } >>>
>>> this begs the question { point } that, if all these individual universes are expanding the eventually would meet the others >>>
>>> ergo, seperate local individual universes is illogical >>>
>>> Unified, Universe, Unity is plural and at minimum two in B Fullers Synergetics involving only occupied space Universe >>>
>>> I posit consideration by all that, eternally existent, macro-infinite and truly non-occupied space and >>>
>>> the eternally existent and finite, occupied space Universe, are the most wholistic consideration of Unity is plural and at minimum two >>
Meta-space in complement too >>>
[email protected]..... <<<
Meta-space in complement too >>>
>>> ergo the most cosmic consideration is a three-ness consideration >>>
>>> and operationally i.e. dynamically is driven by dynamics of occupied space ergo fourness { as operationally } >>>
>>> 3-ness is 2D and 3D structural, yet in 3D we inherently include a four-ness with context of the minimal polyhedral complex of Universe >>>
>>> the tetra{4}hedron, 12 surface angles, 6 chords/edges/ 4 vertexial events, and these four vertexial events >>>
>>> can be seen as 12 nodal events, and compared to the 14 nodal events of minimal space-time pulse existence, we see the tetrahedron fall short >>>
>>> as the minimal, dynamical, operative, 3D, quantum tubular set of Universe as a quantum pulse >>>
>>> the following expression is minimal quantum pulse of Universe composed of 14 nodal events >>>
>>> and never exists in isolation from its great Quantum Space-time Torus of 18 nodal events >>>
It requires 9 nodal events to define a tube, ergo in the above we have 1..2p...4 as one end of 3D quantum tube and 5p...7p....8 as middle of 3D quantum tube and 10....11p.....13p as the other end of the 3D quantum tube, however, since this set is based in within context of the operational 4-ness of those four line/level 2D lattice, then the inside-the-3D tube set we have the nuclear observed time sine-wave reality set of five nodal events of 0...3p....6....9....12 nodal events are inherently included, as numerical consistence of linear cause { purpose/point } to the next nodal event.
1...2p....4 is minimal set for a 2D triangular { /\ } opening
5p....7p....8 is minimal set for the 2D girth and another triangular /\ opening
10....11p....12 is other end of triangular 3D prism { polyhedron } defining tube having three triangular openings and has 8 triangular faces/hedra triangular openings and is known as a truncated on two ends,
di-pryamid { LINK }
It is the truncation of the dipyramid above that leads to 8 triangular faces and happens to be same number of faces as the one of only three regular/symmetrical and convex polyhedra of Universe, medial octahedron {
So 8 faces/openings/portals of quantum pulse { Graviton-DarkEon-Reality } has 91 lines-of-relationship.
14^2 = 196 and 196 minus 14 = 182 and 182 divided by 2 = 91 lines-of-relationship.
Truly non-occupied space has two points of directions and one of which is inwards toward ---> Universe { @ } <----
A mathematical point is no less than where two lines meet /\ and in the Quantum Space-time Torus that is 14 nodal events that are also to be considered as 5 invaginations { creation of reality } and 9 other angles of consideration for surface primary geodesics as outer surface Gravity { contraction toward inner surface } and inner surface Dark Energy { expansion toward outer surface }.
Eternally regenerative, yet finite, occupied space Universe @