this is a land dispute. land disputes go back as long as life came to earth. it's not clear who should have the right to what. but it's generally good to negotiate with each other and live in peace. that's why palestine and israel should live in peace, and a two state solution is ideal.... except to say, israel shouldn't have to deal with terrorists killing them. why are liberals defending hamas? or is it just palestine that they are defending? dems like to call out conservatives for antisemite behavior from conservatives... but it's actually mostly coming from the dem base. even if those libs aren't pro hamas and are only pro palestine... what's up with that? no one is right in a land dispute like this, except it's always fair to defend ourselves like israel is doing.
i dont know much about this dispute... and am open to new persepctives/info, but this is the way i see it from my limited perspective.