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Pro believes that free speech does include hate speech while con doesn't. Also just because pro believes that free speech does include hate speech, doesn't mean they support it. This is not a debate about whether hate speech is ok or not, it is about whether free speech INCLUDES hate speech or not.
just a friendly debate
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An open debate on whether or not orphanages are superior to the foster system for the child and the nation.
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Saw another debate with this topic, such a shame the other debater didnt show up. I hope the instigator may debate me again, I do want to try to answer your questions. Go ahead and copy paste if you want to. You wrote a lot.
Is living forever desirable?
I know some of yall are raising your eyebrows because neither religion appear to be feminist at all, but nonetheless lets hope an actual Muslim is willing to debate me and have their side heard.
who is exactly behind the terrorism
I hope 30,000 characters will be enough to present my arguments. I dont expect my opponent to be able to defeat me, but at least put up some fight.
Note-We shall assume There is no afterlife, heaven or hell. Every human in the world can be immortal and not just a particular individual.
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