Instigator / Pro

The Bible never says the Earth is flat


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 3 votes and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

BrotherDThomas thinks the earth is flat because Jesus said so, which is WRONG


Vote Reported: K_Michael // Mod Action: Removed

Points awarded: 4 points to pro for arguments and conduct

RFD: Con's argument is self-contradictory, stating both that the earth is a circle and that it has four corners, which is geometrically impossible.
Arguments to Pro
Con uses mere insult as defined in the CoC by describing Pro in terms such as "feeble Satanic brain."
Conduct to Pro.

Reason for mod action: To award argument points, the voter must (1) survey the main arguments and counterarguments in the debate, (2) weigh those arguments and counterarguments against each other, and (3) explain, based on the weighing process, how they reached their decision. To award conduct points, the voter must (1) identify specific instances of misconduct, (2) explain how this misconduct was excessive, unfair, or in breach of the debate's rules, and (3) compare each debater's conduct. 
Since these things are not done, the vote is removed.

The voter should review the COC here:
The voter should also review this:



Vote Reported: TheAtheist // Mod Action: Removed

Points awarded: 7 points to pro

RFD: All of Con's argument was insulting the Pro and saying how he's "lying about Jesus".

Reason for mod action: In order to be eligible to vote, Accounts must have read the site's COC AND completed at least 2 non-troll debates without any forfeits OR posted 100 forum posts

The voter should review the COC here:
The voter should also review this:



No you said" Dr. Franklin, the minion of Satan of DebateArt! We laugh at his expense.". Then if they were laughing at me you would win right, well that's not happeining


YOUR QUOTE: "Next time I have insomnia I'll probably grade this."

In part, I don't understand how my modus operandi that is equal to Jesus violently overturning the tables of the Money Changers in the Temple, and by him using a whip of cords to beat them with in their removal from the grounds of the Temple, could put you to sleep! (John 2: 13-17) I will be in prayer tonight with Jesus to see if I need to up my game with more emotion.

YOUR QUOTE: " ... as I believe this to be at least in part a troll debate."

Agreed, the ever so inept Dr. Franklin is a "Trollster for Satan” as shown though out this debate, spewing forth LIES in behalf of Him! Anyone like Dr. Franklin that is deceivingly anachronistic, and therefore poses the earth is not flat within the bible, even though I have shown that it is within the scriptures, and then having to admit to a Ptolemaic geocentric planetary system in place at the same time within the biblical era, is a blatant fool.

Dr. Franklin is one that wants his cake and eat it too, but he will surely pay upon Judgment Day where Jesus will take out his revenge on him for committing the frightful UNPARDONABLE SIN for calling Him a LIAR in this debate. Praise Jesus’ revenge!



YOUR QUOTE STABILIZING THAT YOU ARE AS DUMBFOUNDED AS DR. FRANKLIN: "you are equal to the comical Satanic Dr. Franklin."
Thanks for the compliment."

This is why Jesus and I are at DebateArt, and that is to expose the fake Christians like you, where you could know more defend your faith than to walk on water in the summertime! When you're proud to be equal to the ever so inept Satanic Dr. Franklin, then you to slap Jesus right in the face relative to his TRUE words within the scriptures.


Your SATANIC RED EYES are apropos with you being a HELL BOUND ATHEIST! I can just visualize your Judgment Day where you are standing over a trap door to Hell, and where Jesus has his twitching hand upon the lever of this door to the sulfur lakes, that when sprung, you will be swimming in said lakes for eternity! Praise our ever loving and forgiving Jesus' revenge!


Satanic Dr. Franklin,

YOUR DEVIL SPEAK QUOTE: "ok, well see who wins!"

It matters not when Jesus and I enter a debate, or comment upon debates, in whether we win or lose, because it is all about spreading the TRUE word of our Lord and Savior to the ignorant fake Christians like you, where you are blatantly guilty of this passage: "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." (2 Timothy 4:3)

All voting systems are biased relative to religion, where birds of a feather will flock together in what they need to hear and believe, regardless of the facts showing your complete ignorance about your faith WHERE YOU INCLUDED ABSOLUTE LIES to try and dig yourself out of the holes that you provided for yourself!

Dr. Franklin, don't think that I am not going to let you get by with any further Devil Speak within this forum, because Jesus and I have a mission to expose your kind of ilk that Satanically spin doctors His word into what the Devil wants it to say!



90% of Con's argument is "You're Satan, stop lying about Jesus!"


"you are equal to the comical Satanic Dr. Franklin."
Thanks for the compliment.


ok, well see who wins!

Next time I have insomnia I'll probably grade this.

Given that the name calling started in the debate listing "This guy is a idiot," I'll probably include a grade for comedy, as I believe this to be at least in part a troll debate.


I couldn’t help but notice you disparaging our Jesus the Christ within the scriptures within your voting link! Relative to your notion that I was in contradiction regarding that the bible mentions the 4 corners of the earth, and specifically a round flat circle earth as well, IS THE BIBLE’S CONTRADICTION, NOT MINE. I am only the messenger of Jesus’ TRUE words! GET IT?

I also find it amusing that you questioned my use of words directed at the inept Dr. Franklin, where in fact these words are applicable, but to give a pass to the foul mouthed Dr. Franklin when he used dirty epthetets towards me is ungodly to the core!

I will mark you down as just another fake christian, in name only, and where you are equal to the comical Satanic Dr. Franklin.


Dr. Franklin,

As explicitly shown, it doesn't take any friends for me to show you to be the most blatant biblical fool at DebateArt! It seems that you are always vying to be the most stupid in this respect, over your equally dumbfounded "Our_Boat_is_Right," where don't worry, you are still number one! Seemingly, you have "alleged friends" because they feel sorry for your total and embarrassing ignorance of your Christian faith.

At least you are following our Jesus' inspired word in the following passage: "Surely I am too stupid to be a man. I have not the understanding of a man."(Proverbs 30:2) Jesus and I thank you.



" We laugh at his expense."

NO, we laugh at you you have no friends while I have 12

the last argument. LOL


QuiT HiDing In tHe ComMenT SectIon!!!JKJK!J!OJ!!!KSATANIC



YOUR QUOTE: "The fact that the Bible refers to the Earth as both a circle and a four-cornered shape indicates that one or both are non-literal descriptions."

Hypotheticals are so easy to offer, to be true to form, show me BIBLICALLY where your quote above can be true in both propositions, otherwise, we throw it in the "Wishful Thinking Hypothetical Trash Bin where it belongs! I'll add you to the ever growing list here at DebateArt of Christians that deny Jesus' DIRECT WORDS shown within the Bible.

“EVERY word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.“ (Proverbs 30:5) Every word includes the words as directly given within the scriptures, with no decoder rings or insipid apologetics needed, otherwise, what Jesus said once, He could not mean for his followers to take in many different and contradicting ways! GET IT?! How shameful of you to even proffer such a Satanic quote.



The fact that the Bible refers to the Earth as both a circle and a four-cornered shape indicates that one or both are non-literal descriptions.


Lol right


Yet you never responded back to my comment there. If you have something to say, at least make it inteligent.


Someone doesn't understand the use of metaphor and figurative language.


I didn't know that you were a Christian, nice dude


I have already bible-slapped you silly in the other debate upon this topic, do you need more at your expense once again? Huh? You irony is that you have turned into what you are allegedly against, and that is an OUTRIGHT TROLL by definition!

It would behoove you to sit upon the sidelines where you belong, like a little puppy tethered to a front porch, and watch the big dogs play with the inept pseudo-christians like you, where Jesus' LITERAL word will be handing Dr. Franklin's ass to him shortly, okay? You can thank me later.



Yeah but he gonna get embarrased


lol by now I have realized BrotherDThomas is a troll


I doubt that very much

Dr. Franklin,

When I am done with your ungodly Satanic rhetoric, you will have to start wearing asbestos suits for the obvious reasons!
