Instigator / Pro

Marx's analysis of capitalism was mostly accurate.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
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Better conduct

After 2 votes and with the same amount of points on both sides...

It's a tie!
Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

No information


What about what I said about lucid dreaming?
Was that the second paragraph?
If so I don't really have too much control instead use it to pass time when I am bored. When I link it to a specific song in a video game I create narrative which I would consider an improvement. Sure I become the main character but I do improve character development like with Devil May Cry 5.

Meditation is not going to work for me. I have tried several and almost for a week but hasn't helped. Even when I was calm I hardly got anything from it or didn't feel like it improved my mood long enough to be useful.


"Opposite when I speak about how frustrated about afterwards I just feel worse."

To me it's gospel but an effect can take a month or more. For someone who has difficultly a lot longer. We are all one with nature but that means something very different to zen types apparently. Neo, 'realize there is no you' type thing.

Meditation is some high level mental shite I expect. I'm sure you can get some great use out of it. All I've managed to do is fly which I can barely control and end up plummeting to the ground usually. I get it occasionally and am plagued by sleep paralysis. There are a lot of odd common sleep disorders.


Does lucid dreaming count?
I pretty much do it every single time I am bored or when I am fueled by something else. If I don't know what to do I can lucid dream and if I have music playing I can lucid dream to that. One example would be the trailer of Devil May Cry 5. I lucid dream being apart of the action while still having my eyes open. Don't know if this helps or not or if this is meditation.
The lucid dreaming does not improve me because when I am out of it I realise that wasn't real and I have to restart the music in order to get the lucid dream again in order to finish the story I have created. I think have been lucid dreaming most of my life so I think that is why I have been so accustomed to it and why meditation you are asking about doesn't work. I don't know if lucid dreaming can be considered meditation for me if it does make my mind more stable for the time of lucid dreaming but it tends to wear off really quickly when I am done with.


"I have spent 10 min just frustrated in some aggravating thought I was having but still feel better afterwards."
Opposite when I speak about how frustrated about afterwards I just feel worse.

"If suddenly it becomes a major fad I'd probably guess it was the whole green thing but if it baffled me I definitely would... spend my afternoons gardening."
Can't imagine myself being one with nature. That would be so boring.


Yes, It's very difficult. Luckily prayer is a similar practice. I have spent 10 min just frustrated in some aggravating thought I was having but still feel better afterwards. Currently, I can normally clear my head. I do like mindfulness practice that encourages you to just observe your thought and emotions they arrive like an event in the brain. This form of meta cognition makes it much easier to let the thought or emotion go. Other forms of meditation encourage you to focus on another positive but I that it more difficult as trying not to think a thought does. It's much easier try to focus on a thought like you're observing an event in the brain. It disappears fairly quickly.

I take your point, but I like trying to understand why things have mass appeal. I doubt gardening will suddenly take off but some 'gurus' have tried to market it in retreats and some hippies like it. If suddenly it becomes a major fad I'd probably guess it was the whole green thing but if it baffled me I definitely would... spend my afternoons gardening.


"I practice mindfulness meditation 20min twice a day. I can't recommend it enough to remain clear headed, calm and peaceful. It's how I recaptured they 'spirituality' I lost from my life several years ago. I clearly have a need for it so I highly recommend it."
Tried it several times but failed.

"I'm normally curious why we like what we like or why things sell. If I look at something for a long time it's usually because it puzzles me in some way."
People like it and they sell. It take someone to actually have an interest in what they are buying for it to sell. This can be a video-games which I have been playing for the majority of my life and newer video-games would appeal to me because of my past experiences with them. I am not going to buy gardening equipment because I find no enjoyment or reason doing gardening.


I practice mindfulness meditation 20min twice a day. I can't recommend it enough to remain clear headed, calm and peaceful. It's how I recaptured they 'spirituality' I lost from my life several years ago. I clearly have a need for it so I highly recommend it.

Yes, nice mix. I like to play a few games a year and Nier Automata is on my list. I also like to hit the top, selling movies show genres and music etc. I'm normally curious why we like what we like or why things sell. If I look at something for a long time it's usually because it puzzles me in some way.


Isn't that the same thing you posted on good music?
I did see it.

"When I realize I'm depressing recently I listen to this some. sit back, close your eyes "
I can't really do this. Have tried to relax but can't really. My mind wanders. I think I can only really relax if I am tired but I don't want to exercise.
Reminds me on Nier Automata.
Here is my one that resembles it enjoy. I have a bunch because I really find the one that I am looking for but I can give my favourite one that I remember from Nier Automata.

Found one that closely resembles what you gave me
Should get you to a playlist of all Nier Automata songs. I will also put this in good music.


no proof. It's just something I'd read. I went to wikipedia to confirm it is all. When I realize I'm depressing recently I listen to this some. sit back, close your eyes and try it at 0:50:


"I was not bold describing my error because humans have trouble expressing when they've made mistakes."
I guess it would optimism's faults I guess.

"Pessimism is a philosophy supported more broadly in Europe."
Any proof?
I don't think it is.

"GL in your debate, I'll check it out."
The debate was over a while ago and a pro lifer has voted against me.

I was expressing personal preference. I was not bold describing my error because humans have trouble expressing when they've made mistakes. Nihilism was start of my progress from Christianity and the clip was just my favorite show which it related to our discussion her.. Pessimism is a philosophy supported more broadly in Europe. GL in your debate, I'll check it out.


I am currently watching it and realising yeah this is how I think as well, Thank you for reminding me how depressed I am.


No you weren't you were saying Mark Twain was better without saying you got it wrong.
"I saw it was a Nietzsche quote base on my first google search."
Shame that you forgot about it when you typed in Mark Twain.

"He was a philosopher that heavily infuluenced my life so it's sad that I'd confuse a quote like that. Still"
I like him too. Not really influenced by him too much (because I hardly knowing anything about philosophy) but he is a philosopher that I relatively know. Guess it must be because of nihilism.

I can't believe you have a link about pessimism. I am losing a debate because I am getting voted against by pro-lifers on DDO. Thank you for reminding me.


I wan acknowledging a mistake. I saw it was a Nietzsche quote base on my first google search. He was a philosopher that heavily infuluenced my life so it's sad that I'd confuse a quote like that. Still, modern media wins:


"Mark Twain was far superior to Nietzsche so it just stands to reason the he made the quote. These are just facts bro."
Mark Twain did not say that. I typed in what you quoted from Mark Twain and it found Friedrich Nietzsche said it. If Mark Twain did say it it would be on the site. Mine are actual facts sis.


Mark Twain was far superior to Nietzsche so it just stands to reason the he made the quote. These are just facts bro.


It was Friedrich Nietzsche who said it dumb dumb.


How did you know?

Who is Mark Twain?


It was Mark Twain I think but I did steal it from you to make a point here.


"Hey cliche: 'he who fights with monster's should take care.'"
Hey that is my quote. Who is using it?
Not really mine but I do use it.


"Marx was literally wrong about everything."
Spoken like a true intellectually dishonest conservative. Do you want me to show how you are wrong?


Hey cliche: 'he who fights with monster's should take care.' I stumbled on this guy because I thought I could win this debate but I would not talk to him on the regular.

Marx was literally wrong about everything. He said crap like "the price of an object is determined by how much labor goes into it". That's inherently wrong. I could spend all day making mudcakes, but nobody will buy them.

Why the fuck are you so hostile to Titanium Type1
All this for a shitty Marxism debate


Piscia fuori pezzo di merda di rinoceronte


Don't speak that way to other users of this website. This isn't createdebate.

You can spend your pitiful existence focusing on whatever you want and you may even be voted the winner of this little farce but at the end of the day I am a border-line genius and your existence is inconsequential.


I see. I'll spend a brief time thinking about how to destroy your arguments and then spare no thought for you. While I have you here, what other insults did you come up with. It seems like the one thing you do have a talent for like a Koala eats poison plant leaves or a spider catches insects.


Trust me, I can think of far more inflammatory insults. Keep up the good work and you may get to read them.


I did not find your argument at all informative, even being interested in the topic, so I encouraged you to offer before so I did not Have to take up my own time building some kind of discussion here. given that you're Pro, have the burden and appear more interested in the topic I thought this was entirely fair. Given all this you choose the most inflammatory insult you can think of to antagonize me.

Is that all fair or did you have more to contribute to this comment debate?


I am the one who constantly defends unpopular positions at the expense of debate wins, yet I am pandering just because I am pointing out that you are a stupid, lazy cunt?


Cunt? That's really a bold use of language particularly when pandering to voters just for conduct points having not explained all the ways Marx is productive in his crusade against capitalism.

You're a funny little spitfuck. Your conspiratorial bet is evidenced in your profile photo. That's all I was saying.


My cousin died from diabetes you piece of shit.

lol JK it's fine.


F*ck now I feel bad. Sorry.


You are in fact the first. This is the only site where I go by Type1 and no one has used that joke yet.

Type1 diabetes strikes again.
Please tell me someone has already said that to you.
I don't want to be the first.


You cannot be correct if you don't even know what you're talking about.


ahh, I was correct.


Yes because everyone knows conspiracies don't exist, and no secret society ever used a pyramid/eye symbol before.


Thanks, I'll Try it. Your conspiracy eye pyramid suits you.


Konan is not very fitting for you, try cone-head instead.

Still refusing to elaborate eh? All right, I guess I'll build a case in the negative but you really haven't established your own.


Jesus has nothing to do with your personally and unprovoked combative discussion that you are thoroughly enjoying. While I love to have a new hole torn, particularly in the brain, I'm certain you're not a guy that is capable of this in any arena.

I'll get to it when I get to it.


Jesus Christ your mentality is sickening. Just post a fucking argument so I can tear you a new brain hole.


Hmm, hilarious but you really have a terrible thing going here. My personal position is that capitalism is as old as humans, vital, intrinsic and it is not going anywhere. That people morally object to basic facts about us is a rejection of what it is to be human which is a sad expression of self loathing. Capitalism is a description of reality not an ideology.


The average capitalist woman:


When planning to be constantly insulting, without real provocation, and spending the few short seconds it takes me to type thinking of the nature, veracity and appeal of said insults I have a great appreciation that my skull is, in fact, titanium and my heart is as well. It's an aluminum alloy.


Is your name Titanium because that is the material that was used to construct your immensely thick skull?


I am retarded but I'm more concerned as to why you would fear this. That I'm mentally incapable of accepting Marx's childish black and white, self exculpatory visions of the market due to my disabilities is just a fact of life. You have no tangible reasons to be afraid.


Okay so you're just as retarded as I feared, let's get this over with then.